[AUDIO] Some binaural beats, and a mashup with HFO hypnosis audio clip
The text describes an experimental audio mashup consisting of several components. The first part is a sound clip titled "HFO" by gutetuten2, featuring a female narrator who guides listeners into relaxation and hypnosis. As listeners become relaxed, she describes intimate scenarios, including oral sex and intercourse, encouraging the use of imagination to reach an intended heightened state of arousal. Additionally, the mashup includes binaural beats designed to facilitate a hypnotic and sexual brain state, with specific audio files referenced:"daHnY6rw8Swr.128.mp3" and "orgasm. mp3." The final components of the mashup are the resulting files that combine the HFO sound clip with one of the binaural beats, named "result.m4a" and "result. mp3."The author invites feedback on the mashup in the comments section and includes a reference to a user's avatar as a tribute.