The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1974 REPACK2 2160p UHD BluRay REMUX DV HDR HEVC TrueHD 7 1 Atmos-STiNG
Five friends visiting their grandpa's old house are hunted down and terrorized by a chainsaw wielding killer and his family of grave-robbing cannibals.
Year: 1974
Duration: 83 min
Release date: Tuesday 1st October 1974
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
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Marilyn Burns, Edwin Neal, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partain
TL;DR REPACK2 REASON: Added two unique main audio tracks, removed Auro-3D track, added isolated music and effects track, and iTunes subtitles.
The new SS GBR has more vibrant colours and better clarity than the GER/MPI USA UHD blu-rays. GBR has a new Dolby Vision master of 77 kbps MEL compared to the 68 kbps MEL on GER/USA. Video demuxed with MakeMKV 1.17.3 and the rest with eac3to. No syncing was involved because the FRA, 40th USA, and AUS discs fluctuated between 0-2 frames difference compared to the GBR UHD which was already in sync with the GER/USA UHDs.
DoVi_Tool L1 Plot Comparisons:
After completing an in-depth comparison of the two competing Atmos tracks (many thanks to my detectives), I decided to include both the MPI USA UHD (identical to GER UHD) and SS GBR UHD. The former is set as default due to improved foley, less abrasive high frequencies (screams), realistic channel placement/atmosphere, and a better chainsaw (much lower pitched on the GBR). Even though USA has two less objects, the panning is superior in some scenes. However, this does not disqualify GBR, as it has clearer dialogue and at times uses the surround channels far more (except when the gravel below the camera is placed in the ceiling). It&s also quite a bit louder, but it&s not apparent from the stats. The best Atmos pretty much comes down to personal taste, and I will be including both for you to decide which you prefer.
TrueHD Spectrograms:
TrueHD Waveform and Stats:
I decided to remove the Auro-3D 13.1 Upmix (sourced from the GER UHD) to reduce bloat. More people have an Atmos system, and if someone does have the Auro system, please just listen to the Atmos instead. My testing and analysis demonstrated the Auro track as being inferior, similar to the AUS Atmos (but without the scream flaw). If you disagree, please comment back with an explanation as to why and I may consider adding it. Also included the lossless Isolated Music and Effects from the 2016 GER UHD.
I first chose the AUS Original Mono because technically it was superior (higher bit-depth, higher dynamic range) but I found it had a major flaw. At 1:21:21, Sally&s first scream is used twice in sequence, the second copy being out of sync with her mouth movement. This issue is also present on the AUS 7.1 Atmos, and both 40th USA and FRA disc mono tracks. Differences in the mono tracks are detailed in the links below. No monos are a downmix as people suggested, as seen by the mono phase cancellations. There is no way 3 different distributors used the exact same downmix since the 7.1 mixes aren&t identical. I could not sync/phase cancel the Second Sight GBR UHD and the USA UHD because they are too different, due to the “restoration” of the former. I am including both the USA UHD as an original mono, and the SS GBR UHD as a restored original mono (PCM converted to DTS-HD, thanks milk), both having their advantages and disadvantages. One final note, the SS GBR UHD mono is missing Sally&s grunts as she struggles with the branches (53:47 to 53:51). Many thanks to the community for this mono discussion. I didn&t include a stereo mix because TrueHD has a stereo presentation.
Original Mono Comparisons:
Original Mono Waveform and Stats:
Original Mono Phase Cancellations:
Original Mono Difference Descriptions:
Original Mono Double Scream Proof:
The FRA disc contains two superior DTS commentaries over the DD alternatives. The 40th USA disc has a slightly higher bitrate (224 kbps vs 192 kbps) for the other two commentaries. The GBR UHD contains a fifth commentary. ESP has lossless commentaries but it&s dead.
Oh boy, this one was a doozy. The only good (could&ve been better, what the hell is Duke&s? It&s supposed to be Newt – 01:05:03) image-based regular subs were from the USA UHD. The 40th USA disc only had English SDH subs, but in general they are much better than any other disc (including the AUS SDH, although they are similar). Included OCR&d SDH and removed SDH portions for the ultimate regular subtitle. I highly recommend using either the SDH OCR or the regular OCR if you are using English subtitles. It contains more complete dialogue and highly accurate timings at the cost of minimal dual-speaker lines. I increased too-short timing lengths, fixed line breaks, spellchecked and other small tweaks. I also borrowed some better auditory descriptions from the GBR UHD, as well as some of my own.
Moving on from English, I included French regular (OCR&d by me, left out SDH as it is a dub sub) with two commentary subtitles, German regular and SDH with four commentary subtitles, Castilian Spanish with two commentary subtitles, and finally SDH Latin American Spanish. All gathered from the discs except for Castilian Spanish. Tonemapped (58%) where required. Synced iTunes subs.
At first, I used the GBR UHD chapter timings and combined them with the 40th USA disc&s chapter titles. There were three remaining unnamed chapters which I found later on the older GBR disc. I replaced my custom titles (“Bones and Feathers” and “Family Reunion”) with the retail titles (“Getting Hooked” and “Dinner Party”) and chose the best retail titles from the two sources. Synced to proper i-frames.