Tantalizing Tentacle Trio by X. Terrestre [eBook]
Title: Tantalizing Tentacle Trio
Author: X. Terrestre
This collection features three stories centered around tentacled aliens engaging in sexual encounters with humans.
Tammy Saves Krelgot: Tammy, frustrated with unresponsive men, finds herself unexpectedly taken by Yrruz, an alien prince. He intends to use her to bear future heirs for his kingdom, employing his ovipositor. Despite the circumstances, Tammy discovers pleasure and overwhelming sensations through this experience..
Slezlon Gets Lucky: Slezlon, an alien with a spaceship capable of landing on Earth discreetly, aims to fulfill his fantasy of intimate relations with three human females simultaneously. To achieve this, he uses a substance to temporarily adopt a mostly human form. The narrative explores the challenges he faces in attracting and engaging three women at once..
Rose’s Rowdy Ranch: Set in a legal brothel in Nevada, this story features Madam Rose, an alien shapeshifter who caters to clients' sexual fantasies while secretly feeding off their energy. With the ability to read minds, she easily meets clients' desires and replicates herself every six months to create new versions for the brothel, aiming to gain power and influence on Earth.
Content Warning: Intended for adult readers, this collection contains explicit themes including tentacle sex, ovipositors, and other unusual sexual elements.