Annabel’s Schooldays by Jetstream (eBook) (MOBI EPUB)
Annabel&s Schooldays by Jetstream
Included are epub and mobi.
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All in one story then read on…
Excerpt from the story:
"e;All right,"e; said Annabel, and shrugged her nightie over her head. It was summer and there was no need for it really - just school regulations. They were regulation white cotton panties that she wore underneath it too - tight, scanty little schoolgirl knickers such as cupped the pussies and bottoms of every one of the seven hundred young teenage girls here - from the tight, slit-like, peachy little mounds of the younger girls, to the thick, bulging wrinkled fuck-flaps of the senior girls, dense with wiry pubic hair, pungent with the scent of their rushing hormones, lips kissing little ellipses of desire into the warm gauze of their gussets, the regulation knickers hugged them all adoringly. What she didn't wear (somewhat naughtily, for this too, was a rule) was a bra, and her apple-sized, thick-nippled breasts wobbled cheekily into view, causing a fresh seepage of juice into the watchers' panties. Except for Damaerys, who was all double-D cup tits with digestive sized nipples, not to mention an arse of perfect curve, all the girls were envious of Annabel's tits. It wasn't all they were envious of. Charlie was slowly tugging Annabel's panties down, and as she pulled them away from her pubes, they saw that a thick rope of white cream attached the inside of the gusset to Annabel's vagina.
"e;Oh my God, she's come already!"e; said Helen, with a randy smile. "e;You're so fucking creamy, Annabel, aren't you."e; Annabel grinned.
"e;You ain't seen nothin' yet!"e; and stepped out of her knickers to stand nude before them. The other girls gazed slightly self-consciously at the huge trembling mass of female fuck-flesh which bulged forth from the centre of Annabel's gold-flecked, nut-brown pubes. It was a sight that they were well-used to in the changing rooms or the showers (when all the frothy foamy water would course over Annabel's gorgeous teenage body and collect between her legs, to dribble endlessly from her dangling pudenda as if she were pissing sperm), but they never got the opportunity to gawp as they did now. Annabel's pussy was famous throughout the school for the sheer size and complexity of her genital flesh. Girls always hoped that they would be in her dormitory, or be on her Lacrosse option, just so that they could see this, almost freakish, spectacle. Even the female PE mistresses talked to each other about it:
"e;Have you seen Annabel Charisse?"e; they would say and nod knowingly. "e;Poor girl. What will her future husband think?”
Then, lesbians as they were, they would return to their bedrooms and frig themselves furiously whilst imagining Annabel generously spreading her marvellous juice-dripping flaps across their mouths, maybe pissing down their throats for good measure. Annabel, for her part, was fascinated by all this attention, and loved it. She felt far less self-conscious than the friends watching her, as she felt their gaze burning her long, wrinkled clitoral foreskin and her soggy, dangling, spume-glistening labia. Her panties, as usual had squashed all her marvellous genital flesh up together, forcing her purple-brown pussy lips to wrap back and forth over each other.
(Whenever she went to the toilet, even for a wee, she always had to peel apart these enormous pissflaps, so that her stream could spurt forth into the air. If she left them closed, the labyrinth of her piss-flesh meant that she ended up pissing all over her own bottom or thighs.)
Only now, with the knicker support gone, were they beginning to straighten under their own weight, and to dangle down from her pussy hair in their full flaccid form. When she walked naked in her bedroom at home, she was aware of her labia and clit dangling beneath her pussy and bottom, left and right, back and forth with her movements, rather as she imagined a man must feel his cock and balls. It usually made her randy, and almost always culminated in a slippery, cunty wank. Charlie's face was no more than six inches from Annabel's monstrous clitoris, and she gazed at it approvingly.
"e;Good, you're not hard yet. I love watching you get hard. Sit down."e; Annabel sat, open-thighed, on the bed and her labia, once more subject to the force of gravity, flopped over each other, whilst underneath her, the delayed cream that she had oozed while looking at the spunking cocks in the magazine finally dribbled onto the sheet, leaving a syrupy stain of teenage arousal. Annabel gazed at where the fat flaccid shaft of her precocious womanhood reared out of her blonde-brown pubic curls, and as she watched, she felt herself beginning to stiffen.
"e;Hey everyone! Annabel's getting an erection!"e; declared Charlie, but no-one needed telling. The others were watching carefully. And the fact that they were, hastened Annabel's arousal. Her labia thickened and parted slightly, as if thirsty. Thick, creamy juice oozed from between them. Her already huge clitoris lengthened and thickened, until it lifted up, twitching and beating like a cock, a tube of teenage fuck-meat the size of a man's thumb. And then her girl's foreskin rolled back from the knob of her clit, leaving her achingly sensitive, cherry-sized helmet exposed to the world.
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