[ebook] The Obedient Alice - Adriana Arden (Alice Series Book #1)
"e;The Obedient Alice"e;
Adriana Arden
Restless eighteen-year-old Alice Brown discovers to her amazement that the world of Wonderland (renamed Underland, and definitely no place for children) has begun to take young women - or 'girlings' - from our dimension as its sex slaves. In a quest to liberate them, she encounters the perverse wiles of the White Rabbit, Hatter and Hare, and a less than regal Duchess and Queen of Hearts. And it's not only the Cheshire cat's smile, Alice finds, that lingers once the rest has vanished...A highly original and downright filthy re-imagining of Alice in Wonderland.
Uploader note: this is one of the most imaginative erotica I've read
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Alice was woken by the morning light shining in around the curtains.
She lay on the covers at the foot of the bed with her back to the bed-frame. Her wrists and ankles
were locked together and they in turn were chained to the brasswork. It was how Rabbit had
secured her after finally having his fill of her bottom in the early hours.
The Rabbit himself was sitting on the side of the bed, clutching his head and groaning. It seemed
that the wine and his exertions of the previous night had finally caught up with him.
Alice thought it best to lie quiet as he dragged himself along to the bathroom and then, a little while
later, descended the stairs. For half an hour she heard sounds from the kitchen which suggested a
meal was being made in a haphazard fashion. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she had
not eaten since breakfast yesterday. Would he remember to get her some food?
Eventually he came back upstairs, still undressed but looking a little stronger, and carrying a glass of
wine. Presumably he was trying the old 'hair of the dog' cure, or whatever they called it here. He sat
down on the bed and regarded Alice with bloodshot eyes.
Not wanting to talk out of turn but feeling she must maintain her submissive demeanour, she said
meekly, "e;I hope I was pleasing to you last night, Master."e;
He glowered at her for a dangerous moment, then said, "e;You were all right, girl."e;
"e;I would never have believed you could do it so many times, Master."e;
"e;Really?"e; he grumbled. "e;But isn't that what my kind are proverbially good at?"e;
"e;Pardon, Master?"e;
"e;Rabbits, girl. Haven't you ever heard them say lovers were 'at it like rabbits' in your world? Isn't that
what you expected from me: a multiple coupling?"e;
She caught the whiff of self-pity in his words. His confidence had obviously bombed again. She said
hastily, "e;No, Master, of course not. I don't mean I didn't expect anything. I was sure you could do it
… and you did. My bottom feels so well used, but in a nice way, of course."e;
To her dismay this compliment only seemed to infuriate him further.
"e;Oh yes, I'm a maestro at bottoms. That's all humans think we're good for – girling bottoms.
Arseholes for the animals and cunt holes for humans. Is that fair?"e;
Alice, desperately trying to strike a reasonable balance, said, "e;Well, you're smaller, Master, so a
bottom is a better fit. I don't mean you're too small. I'm sure you're just the right size for a …"e; She
trailed off hopelessly.
"e;For a rabbit,"e; he sneered. "e;A silly, nervous rabbit who's always running late. Good for nothing but
sniffing out girlings for training. Then if he's lucky, getting the use of their rear ends for a few days
before they're sold to the richer animals or the gentry to enjoy. All those lovely, succulent pussies I
never knew!"e;
This mixture of maudlin pity and anger was beginning to frighten Alice. "e;But you've got me now,
Master,"e; she said, squirming about and trying to open her legs to him. "e;Use my cunt. I'm really
tight. I know you can enjoy me as well as any man."e;
A new light had come into his eyes. He tossed back the rest of the wine and fixed her with a wild
stare. "e;Oh, I can and I will, girl. We can be as good as anybody!"e;
Rising unsteadily to his feet he made for a small bureau standing in the corner. He pulled down the
front flap and rummaged inside. Alice heard something click and saw the Rabbit draw out a couple
of small brown glass bottles and a medicine measure, which he put down on the bedside table. They
were labelled very simply: 'big' and 'small'. He looked down at Alice as though momentarily
uncertain of his actions. Appearing to marshal his resolve, he pulled off the silver ring he wore on
his left hand and laid it on the table, unstoppered the bottle marked 'big', poured out a small
quantity of pink liquid into the measure and drank it down.
"e;Now I'll have you like a man,"e; he growled, his voice deepening as he loomed over her.
The breath caught in Alice's throat. The Rabbit was growing bigger before her eyes.
He swelled like an inflating balloon, keeping the same proportions as he expanded in every
direction. His ears brushed the ceiling and bent over, then he had to duck his head and hunch his
shoulders to avoid striking his head.
In seconds the impossible change was complete. No longer a figure of fun or pity, he now bulked
almost as large as Topper and appeared far more menacing. He clenched what had become broad
and powerful hands and from out of his great furry head dark bulging eyes glittered in manic
triumph. As he stood over the bed and looked down at Alice's naked and chained form, his pizzle
twitched with renewed potency, swelling into a carrot-like rod of pulsing red flesh.
Alice found her voice, which sounded like a squeak in comparison with his. "e;Oh … you're so big …
so magnificent, Master!"e;
She had not intended to voice such a compliment, but now she had it seemed the right thing to say.
Letting instinct guide her tongue she continued brightly, "e;This is going to be so special, Master. Do
you want to take me from behind or have me on my back? I can be more open for you then. It's how
a man would have me and you said that's what you wanted, Master."e;
They were slavish, submissive words perhaps driven by fear, but they came with surprising ease.
Why not? It was the natural thing for a girling to say before her master. Of course, she told herself,
she had no choice anyway so it made sense to co-operate and keep him happy.
"e;I'll have you on your back, girl,"e; he rumbled.
He unchained her from the bed-frame, leaving her wrists cuffed together but freeing her ankles, then
casually picked her up and threw her lengthwise on the bed. She shivered at this demonstration of
strength. It was exciting to be handled like that. Almost eagerly she splayed her legs wide as he
chained her ankles to the corners of the bed-frame. As he did so she became aware of the wetness at
the top of her thighs and the tingle in her vulva. Despite the exertions of the previous night her
body was readying itself for sex again.
Smiling, she put her cuffed hands above her head for the Rabbit to secure, but he ignored them.
There was no possibility of her overpowering him now.
Impatiently he climbed onto the bed, making the frame creak. Alice gulped as she thought of his
weight bearing down on her. His face was almost nose to nose with hers – an intimidating thing to
see so close when grown to such proportions. She could smell the wine on his breath. He sank down,
pressing her into the mattress with its furry bulk. His pizzle probed her wet slit and found her
entrance. With a cackle of triumph he moved up into her. Alice gasped as he stretched her passage
to its limits. He was almost as big as Topper.
He began pistoning in and out of her, almost driving the breath from her body. She had to grasp the
bars of the bed-frame to brace herself, her knuckles turning white. He rested on his elbows so he
could watch her face contort with each thrust, hearing her grunt and yelp and groan in testament to
his absolute mastery of her, enjoying the sight and sound and feel of his human slave bucking under
Alice came with a shriek, even as she felt him discharge his sperm into her in fitful spurts. His furry
body shuddered with each ejaculation, filling her already tightly plugged passage. Then with a final
gasp of satisfaction he collapsed, his chest flattening her breasts so she had to turn her head to one
side to breathe, his head resting on the pillows above her.
Slowly, what Alice hoped was common sense returned to her. The Rabbit was lying very still with
his eyes closed. For a horrifying moment she thought he was dead, then she realised he was
breathing, though his breaths were very shallow. A snore suddenly reverberated round the room. He
was asleep! The change of size on top of the drink must have knocked him out.
She tried to rationalise the apparently impossible thing she had just witnessed. It seemed beyond
anything she had so far encountered in Underland. A distorted view of her own world she had come
to terms with, but this seemed to break fundamental laws of nature.
A dose of 'magic potion', for want of a better description, couldn't add a hundred kilos to a body.
Where did the extra mass come from, and how could a body rearrange itself to accommodate it so
quickly? She recalled Simon Gately going on about an old black and white science fiction film that
was one of his favourites, telling the story of a man who began shrinking down to the size of a
mouse. He liked it artistically but not for its science. As he explained, it could not happen like that.
Somehow removing selected atoms while keeping the same proportions would not work because a
man reduced to the size of a mouse while still made of the same body cells would only have room
for the brain power of a mouse. And even if you could change the size and mass of atoms in a body
it could not absorb oxygen from normal air. Alice supposed growing in size raised the same
objections. It was not possible.
Except she had seen it happen before her very eyes!
If she had not been weighed down by the Rabbit's all too real bulk she would have shrugged wryly.
There was nothing for it but to accept that the laws of nature she was familiar with did not apply in
Underland. Should she have been surprised? In the original Alice story the heroine changed size
and shape several times under the influence of magic potions, cakes and mushrooms. And to think
she had asked about just this sort of thing half jokingly at the tea party when she first arrived.
Perhaps there were common things or processes in her world which would not work here. Maybe
that struck a sort of balance.
Alice tried to shift herself into a better position while not disturbing the Rabbit, but apparently he
was dead to the world. His pizzle had softened and retracted but his spent sperm continued to ooze
out of her, making a wet patch on the sheets under her bottom and adding to her discomfort. She
turned her thoughts to more practical matters. If only she could slide out from under him she could
get the keys to her chains from his jacket which lay across the arm of a chair. But it was too far away.
Her wandering eyes passed over the bedside table, then swung back to the brown glass bottles
labelled 'BIG' and 'SMALL' as a daring thought struck her. Cautiously she moved her arms, which
had been folded over her head, towards the table, edging herself a little further out from under the
Rabbit. Her cuffed wrists made it awkward but she could just reach the bottles. She hesitated.
Would it work on her? There was only one way to find out.
Her hands closed around the 'BIG' bottle. If she grew larger than the Rabbit nobody could stop her.
She had actually pulled out the cork when she realised one unavoidable consequence. With a
shudder she replaced it and put the bottle down. She had almost made a lethal mistake! The Rabbit
had removed his ring before he took the potion. Unlike the storybook version it obviously did not
affect inanimate objects. If she had grown bigger she would have strangled herself with her own
Her hand moved to the other bottle. Presumably it was the counter-agent to the growth formula, but
would it also reduce somebody down from their original size? If it did then she could shrink out of
her collar and cuffs in one go, and there would be no need to sneak back to Topper's house for the
keys. She tried to think the idea through, aware that the Rabbit might wake up at any time. The
storybook Alice had got into all sorts of trouble getting stuck at the wrong size, and while that was
not a sound guide to her current circumstances, it did remind her to stay in reach of the antidote.
She took a deep breath, popped the cork off the bottle and brought it to her lips, aware of the risks
she was taking. She had no idea of the correct dosage, or if the result was in exact proportion to the
amount drunk. She would need to be about half her size to slip out of her collar. Perhaps she should
try the equivalent of a teaspoonful first.
Cautiously she took a small mouthful and swallowed it. It tasted slightly of peppermint. If the
Rabbit's change was any guide it should take effect almost …
The bottle was growing and getting too heavy to hold and it slipped from her hand. The sheets were
crawling under her as the walls of the room fell away. Her collar rose up in front of her even as it
dug into the back of her neck and then flopped over her head. Pain stabbed at her chest as air
rushed out of her lungs in a belch. Her ankle cuffs were dragging her downwards as they spread her
legs even wider. She vanished under a mass of coarse fur. The cuffs slipped from her feet. Her
stomach bloated and something viscous began squirting out of her vagina and down her legs. She
shrieked in terror. She was being crushed, suffocated! The Rabbit's body was like the roof of a cave
pressing down on her. There was just room between it and sheets like wrinkled canvas to squirm
towards the light.
Sobbing and gasping, Alice pulled herself free and flopped down onto her back. Beside her the
Rabbit lay like a beached whale, while his sperm oozed thickly out of her front passage by the
handful and stickily lathered her legs. Her collar and one of her wrist cuffs, looking like something
fabricated by heavy industry, lay against a boulder of a pillow.
She was now the size of a Barbie doll.
For several minutes Alice sat hugging her knees to her chest and trying not to give in to shock. Her
eyes kept drifting to the seemingly monstrous form of the Rabbit. If he woke up now he could crush
her with one hand.
Gradually she mastered her emotions. At least she seemed physically unharmed. Every part of her
had reduced in the same proportion, so it might almost have been the rest of the world that had
expanded about her. How it worked she had no idea, but she could still move, breathe and see
perfectly well. And she was free of her collar and cuffs. Her gamble had paid off and she now must
make the most of it.
Trying to get up, she found her thighs were gummed together by the Rabbit's sperm, which was
forming a flaky crust as it dried. Gross! she thought, as she pried her skin apart. She scraped the
slimy stuff from her legs and cleft in disgust and wiped it on the sheets. The sperm still inside her
had retained its normal volume, so as her passage had shrunk, it had been forced out of her. It was
an experience she would not forget in a hurry.
Walking over the yielding surface of the bed towards the side table, Alice encountered a new
problem. There was a gap between the side of the bed and the table top, which was also higher than
the bed. A small distance in reality, it now resembled a chasm, far too wide to step over, and with the
floor an alarming distance below. Nevertheless she had to get to the 'big' bottle to regain her normal
size and make good her escape.
There was no other way of bridging the gap so she decided she would have to jump. If she landed
rolling, taking it on her shoulder, it should be all right.
Alice took a few steps back, measuring the distance with her eye, then sprinted forwards and leapt.
But as she pushed off, her foot slipped as the edge of the mattress gave under it. Instead of clearing
the edge of the table it caught her in the midriff. She hung on for a second scrabbling to get a grip
on the polished wood, her feet kicking in empty air, then started to slip backwards. She twisted
round to make a grab for the side of the bed and clutched the folds of the sheet. But the material
slid through her fingers and she could only slow her descent. She reached the edge of the sheet, lost
her grip, and, with a despairing shriek, dropped free.
She landed with a thump on the edge of the bedside rug, which fortunately cushioned her fall.
Winded and trembling she looked up at the table top, which was now as relatively far above her as
the roof of a house. Gingerly she got to her feet, rubbing her coccyx. She supposed she ought to be
grateful not to have broken a leg or even her neck, but how was she going to reach the bottle of
potion now? The table was supported by three splayed legs which merged into a single central
column. Even if she could climb it, the table top overhung all round.
Alice walked around the base of the monstrous bed searching for a way back up to the top. But its
shiny brass legs were too large and slippery to get a grip on, and looking round the bedroom she saw
nothing she could move to make a step. It was ridiculous but it looked as though it would take a rope
and grappling iron to get back onto the bed. It occurred to her that she might find rope – or at least
string, which would serve her as well – in the kitchen. There might also be pins or nails there which
she could use to make a hook.
She set off at a jog towards the bedroom door, which fortunately the Rabbit had left open, and
passed through it onto the landing. At the head of the stairs she paused, looking down the daunting
cavern of the stairway. The house had taken on the dimensions of a cathedral, and there were
cracks between the floorboards on either side of the strip of carpet that she could have twisted an
ankle in. But the stairs, being made for an animal's length of stride, proved relatively easy to
negotiate. She vaulted down each in turn with the carpet softening her drop. Climbing back up
would take longer, of course, but at least she was in good condition to make the ascent. Whatever
else her girling training had done for her, it had kept her fit.
Reaching the hall, Alice made for the kitchen, trying to concentrate on finding what she needed
instead of the surreal experience of scampering about naked through the vast house. It made her
feel even more exposed, yet curiously liberated at the same time.
It was only when she reached the kitchen and looked about her that Alice realised her mistake.
Cupboards and drawers were no longer the readily accessible repositories of handy domestic items
she was familiar with, but vast constructions well out of her reach and ability to manipulate. The
Rabbit's kitchen might be full of bits of string and bent pins that could be turned into grappling
irons, but there was no way she could get to them.
Alice wandered aimlessly round in a circle trying to think. Where else would you find what she was
after? A cupboard under the stairs? The same problem of access. A sewing box? Perhaps, but where
would the Rabbit keep such a thing, assuming he even had one? The only other place she could
think of was a tool shed, but how could she even get outside to search for one with the doors closed?
Was there an open window she might risk jumping out of, and how would she get back in again if
she did?
Just then she heard the tramp of footsteps and a shadow passed across the kitchen window. The
knocker of the back door sounded thunderously and a booming voice called out: "e;Rabbit, it's me.
Can I come in?"e;
It was Topper.
For a moment she was gripped by despair. As soon as Topper found her discarded restraints and the
reducing potion he would guess what had happened. No time for her to get back to normal. She
had to escape as she was.
Topper knocked the door again. "e;Rabbit, can you hear me?"e;
Alice darted across the floor to the angle between the wall recess and hinge side of the doorframe,
where she flattened herself into the corner. The handle turned, the door swung open towards her,
and Topper, looking like a veritable colossus, stepped inside.
"e;Don't say you're still abed, Rabbit,"e; he called, looking towards the door leading to the hall. "e;The
Duchess has gone and I think we've got away with it, so calm your worries …"e;
Even as he was speaking Alice rolled under the door which he still held open. She scrambled over
the wooden sill, down the stone steps and dropped to the paved path. Leaping the cracks between
the flagstones she sprinted towards the back gate, which was set in a high brick wall. The door
closed and Topper's voice disappeared into the house. She had a minute at most to get clear.
The back gate was of solid board, but there was room enough to squeeze under. On the other side a
winding path fringed with docks and cow parsley meandered past back gardens. Beyond that rose
the great green wall of the woods. She dashed across the path, waded through tufts of grass as tall as
her waist, stalks scraping her bare thighs, and then into the concealing shadows under the trees.
From behind her came a faint cry of dismay: "e;Rabbit, what have you done!"e;
Alice did not stop running until the village was out of sight. Then she flopped down onto a bed of
dry leaves in a hollow between the roots of a tree. Wiping the sweat from her brow she recovered
her breath.
As she did so, a sense of deja vu came over her. Of course! The storybook Alice had escaped from
the White Rabbit's house in the same shrunken state as she had, though her namesake had been
lucky enough to retain her clothes.
Nevertheless it was a disconcertingly close parallel. Was she caught up in a re-run of the story? No,
she decided. Specific events were not repeating themselves, only similar situations created by related
characters and places. In the story it had been size-changing cakes the Rabbit had in his house,
while in her case it had been a liquid potion. Desperation had driven both she and her counterpart
to take some. Though it had never really happened, since the other Alice was fictional. Or rather,
she had been a real girl in a fictional story. Presumably …
Alice groaned, resting her head in her hands. She was no longer so certain of the boundary between
fact and fiction. Which had come first: the story of Wonderland or the place she was now in which
had apparently mutated from it? Maybe the same place could be fictional and real simultaneously,
depending on your point of view. Was she herself just a character in another story? She shivered
suddenly, though not from cold. This was not the time to try unravelling the interrelationships
between parallel universes. Her first priority was to remain free. At least the woods provided plenty
of cover.
Already greener and fresher than anything she had known before, they had been rendered even
more magical by their relative change in scale. She was on the edge of a flowery glade ringed by a
magnificent forest of giants, seeming vast and primeval, that spread their branches in an interlacing
canopy of green against the bright sky, as high over her head as the tallest redwoods back in her
world. But these were oaks and beeches and proportionately their girth was even greater, with their
roots forming massive buttresses lifting the ground around them into small hills.
Entranced by the wonder of it, Alice left her hollow and walked down onto the floor of this magical
glade. It almost made up for everything she had gone through. Nearby a clump of – to her –
gigantic mushrooms stood like things out of fantasy. She half expected to see tiny windows and
doors set in them. Of course in Underland that might not be so unlikely. In the clearing between the
trees were starry wood anemones, primroses spreading their crinkled leaves the width of tables and
clumps of bluebells standing taller than her head. She wandered between them, heady with their
scent, their cool, lush, dew-fresh leaves brushing her naked body. In such surroundings her nudity
almost seemed natural. Beads of dew the size of apples had gathered in the hollows of the leaves,
reminding her how dry she was. Could she drink un-miniaturised water? Carefully she cupped one
in her hands and brought it to her lips. The bubble of surface tension holding it together seemed to
dissolve as she swallowed. It tasted fine and she drank several more until her thirst was slaked.
It took an effort to wrench her mind back to her own circumstances. There was no time for
sightseeing. She was an escaped slave reduced to the size of a child's doll. What should she do next?
First: regain her normal size, which meant getting back inside the Rabbit's house and using the
growth potion. That would be hard enough, but now Topper might be waiting for her. It depended
whether, from the evidence, he believed she was still shrunken. If the Rabbit was not sure how much
had been in the bottles to start with, Topper might conclude she had used the 'big' bottle to restore
her size and left before he arrived. That meant she could wait for him to leave and then she would
only have to get past Rabbit. But if Topper decided she was still reduced he might anticipate her
return and lay a trap. Well, that was a risk she had to take. She had to get back to normal size as
soon as possible.
Or did she?
Maybe there were advantages in remaining as she was for a little while longer. It might even help
her sneak back into the Rabbit's house. Then, if she could get hold of enough of both sorts of
potion, she could put it to further use. She could work her way around the village until she found
Topper's house, wait until Valerie was returned and then free her. A dose of the shrinking potion
and Valerie could simply walk out between the bars of her hutch!
Alice warmed to the ingenuity and daring of her plan. She imagined Valerie's surprise when she
appeared like this, and then the two of them escaping together. Once they were free they could do,
well, anything together.
Regretfully she came back to earth. First she must reconnoitre Rabbit's house and see what was
going on there. After some thought, she found a patch of damp earth and smeared it all over her,
adding streaks of crushed moss to complete her camouflage. Then she set off back the way she had
Alice was so excited with her plans and thoughts of the future that it was a good fifteen minutes
before she began to wonder when she would strike the path skirting the back of the village. She
stopped and looked about her. Nothing seemed familiar, but then she had been too concerned with
escaping to note any significant landmarks.
Surely she was going in the right direction, though. She had left the flowery glade by the same route,
so even if she veered a little off course she should strike her objective at some point. Or had she left
the same way? She was unused to finding her way almost at ground level in dense woodland without
a marked path, under a sunless sky that gave no sense of orientation.
Alice swore aloud, using words which would have shocked her parents. There was no point
deceiving herself. She was lost.
Two hours later she was beginning to think the woods of Underland went on forever. They were
certainly thicker than anything she had ever seen before, especially when viewed from her current
eye level. She might have passed close to the village several times without knowing.
Just when annoyance was turning to worries about survival, a silky voice purred: "e;My, my. What a
thing to see a pretty girling in such reduced circumstances!"e;
Alice started and spun round, but there was no one in sight.
"e;Up here, girl,"e; the voice said.
She looked up. Draped over the branch of a tree above her was tabby cat wearing a supercilious
grin on its crescent slash of a mouth. Alice's momentary surprise turned into a resigned shrug of her
shoulders. She was bound to meet him sooner or later.
"e;Good morning,"e; she said, feeling she might as well be polite.
"e;Now that yet remains to be seen,"e; the Cheshire Cat replied. "e;I wondered what you were when I
came across your scent and followed you. And now I find a girling no more than a foot high. Where
are you bound, girling?"e;
"e;My name's Alice,"e; said Alice. "e;And I'm trying to get to the White Rabbit's house. I don't suppose
you know the way?"e;
"e;As it happens I do,"e; the Cat said, smugly.
"e;And can you tell it to me, please?"e;
The Cat considered for a moment. "e;Well if I were going there, I wouldn't start from here."e;
"e;Very funny. Thanks for nothing."e;
"e;As you will,"e; said the Cat. "e;Do you have any other objectives?"e;
"e;I'd like to get back to my right size, but I don't suppose you can help with that either."e;
"e;Ah, now I see your problem,"e; said the Cat. "e;You have two goals, but you can't go two ways at once.
Clearly a symptom of mental derangement, if not madness."e;
"e;I'm not mad,"e; Alice said hotly, "e;at least not yet."e;
"e;Madness and sanity are merely what the majority defines them to be,"e; the Cat said. "e;What you
would call madness is quite common here. Weren't you warned before you came?"e;
"e;I suppose I was,"e; Alice admitted.
"e;And haven't you seen many examples of this madness since you've been here?"e;
"e;Er, yes."e;
"e;Then why do you still respond with surprise when you encounter its manifestations?"e; The Cat
shook his head sadly. "e;Only a deranged person would do that, unless you are attempting to deny this
reality. In either case you are mad."e;
Alice pinched the bridge of her nose. The Cat was right. She was having a crazy conversation in a
crazy place – circular, self justifying and therefore perfectly logical in Underland. What else did she
"e;I'll just get on then, OK. Bye …"e;
"e;Wait, girling."e;
"e; 'Alice'!"e; said Alice angrily.
"e;As you wish: Wait, 'Alice',"e; said the Cat. "e;I may perhaps be able to assist you –"e;
He sprang down from the branch. Halfway to the ground he faded into thin air, leaving Alice
gaping at nothing. Not even his grin remained. All right, she thought, keeping her nerve with an
effort. So he can make himself invisible, or maybe teleport. I should not be surprised. Cats always
seemed to be unnaturally stealthy.
"e;– if we can come to an agreement,"e; the Cat continued from right behind her.
"e;Shit! Don't do that!"e; Alice exclaimed with feeling as she spun about.
"e;Really, such language from one so young,"e; admonished the Cat. "e;And you smelt such a nice, tender
He was sitting primly on the ground, looking much larger than he had appeared on the branch.
Alice became aware of the size of his teeth and the length of his claws. Apart from the slight
anthropomorphism of his face he looked much more of a true animal than anything she had so far
encountered, perhaps because he wore no clothes and went on all fours.
"e;What sort of agreement?"e; she asked cautiously.
"e;Why nothing but to join in a little game,"e; the Cat said.
He stood up and began to circle round her, sniffing and brushing close as he did so, daintily placing
his paws with feline grace, his tail languidly flicking from side to side. Alice found having something
the size of a furry carthorse wearing an insane grin while frotting her deeply disconcerting.
"e;The problem with Underland,"e; he continued, "e;is the increasing difficulty for me to exercise my
natural instincts."e;
"e;Natural instincts?"e; Alice asked.
"e;By which I mean the thrill of the chase in pursuit of my prey, be it vole, bird, mouse or even rat.
Such things as come naturally to me, you understand. The gentry do it all the time. They revel in a
good hunt, so why should not I? But can you imagine, the local animals object to my exercising my
natural desires. They claim kinship with the brainless creatures that haunt these woods, saying they
are distant cousins and will not allow their blood to be shed. They argue that as they have overcome
their instinctive tendencies, so I should also. But then most of them are herbivores, so what would
one expect."e;
"e;And where do I come in?"e; Alice wondered.
"e;Obviously, you are a mere girling, and one most fortuitously reduced to a convenient size. The
animals would not care if I hunted you."e;
"e;What!"e; Alice exclaimed in horror, shrinking away from him.
"e;Purely for sport, you understand,"e; the Cat said with a broader smile. "e;I can imagine it now! The
exciting pursuit, twisting and turning, the final spring, a little toying with my helpless prey, perhaps
allowing a futile attempt to escape. The scent of warm flesh, the fluttering heartbeat under my paw.
What joy, what bliss!"e;
"e;You must be mad,"e; Alice said, backing further away.
"e;Of course I am,"e; said the Cat in surprise. "e;This is Underland, as I thought we had already
"e;No way!"e; Alice shouted, and turned and ran.
"e;If not by agreement, then let it be by default,"e; the Cat called out. "e;Tally ho!"e; and he bounded after
Alice sprinted through the wood, her thighs pumping, bottom flesh shivering and breasts bouncing.
She was lathered in sweat and scratched about the legs from fallen branches and cuts from grass
stems. Every few seconds she snatched a glance over her shoulder to see how close the Cat was. If
only she could get ahead of him long enough to find a hiding place.
But he was bounding along in her tracks, grinning with delight. Gasping for breath, Alice ran on,
thinking: This cannot be happening to me, it cannot be happening! But there was all too much of
the hunting tiger in the Cat's pursuit to doubt his purpose. At least he was not using using his
invisibility/teleportation trick to stalk her. Perhaps he wanted it to be a sporting hunt.
But as they darted between the trees, Alice realised he needed no supernatural assistance to catch
her. Four legs versus two – it was no contest. The Cat closed the gap until he was springing along at
her very heels. A paw, claws sheathed, hooked about her legs. Alice tumbled over, smashing into a
clump of bluebells and adding their sticky pulp to the grime that already caked her. Before she could
get to her feet the Cat pounced, one huge paw pressing down firmly on her chest as he crouched
over her.
Winded, Alice struggled wildly, tearing at the paw that held her while looking up in sick horror at its
great un-catlike grin exposing an abnormal number of white and very sharp teeth. Fear loosened
her bladder and a shameful stream of pee coursed between her legs, even as a wretched feeble
scream, sounding more like a squeak, burst from her lips.
"e;Please no! You can't! Don't kill me!"e;
The Cat's eyebrows rose as no normal cat's should. "e;Kill you! What do you take me for? I would
never kill a thinking being. I leave such things to the gentry. You should have let me finish explaining.
Now be quiet, girl, or you will spoil the moment."e;
His other paw batted her across the side of her head. Dazed and confused she lay limp except for
the tremulous rise and fall of her chest.
The Cat appraised her with satisfaction. "e;Ah, what a tasty morsel is this."e; He sniffed her body,
nuzzling into her crotch. "e;A fine girling, so young and tender. She seems to have wet herself, poor
thing. No matter. Now, how I shall feast off her …"e;
He prodded her arms and legs with its paw until she was spread wide, then crouched down over her,
front paws resting across her arms. His huge pink tongue lapped out, up her belly and over her
breasts which lifted under the insistent pressure. Still dazed, Alice shivered at the warm wet caress
and the surprising roughness of his tongue. It was like a scouring flannel rasping across her skin. Not
exactly unpleasant and infinitely better than being eaten.
She was not going to die, that was all that mattered!
Perhaps the thrill of that realisation explained why her nipples pricked up to receive a second lick.
"e;Ah, girling flesh,"e; the Cat purred, "e;how succulent."e;
The tongue worked down lower into Alice's crotch, suddenly rasping through her pubic hair, her
labia parting under it, opening her to its caress, adding its own wetness to hers.
"e;The taste of excited girling,"e; the Cat said. "e;Such sweet nectar."e;
Alice stirred uneasily. What was he doing? She tried to rise but the Cat cuffed her back with a flick
of its paw.
"e;It's no good struggling, girling, for I shall have my fill of you by hook or by crook."e;
Alice squirmed but the Cat's weight was too great and she dared not risk annoying him. Heart
pounding, she tried to relax. She had never imagined the chase would end in sex, but it seemed to
be an obsession in Underland and … ohh … that did feel good. Weird but good. Hares, rabbits,
now a cat. She was working her way through the menagerie.
"e;Warming up, are you, girling?"e; the Cat enquired lasciviously, licking his lips. "e;I like to bring a smile
to the face of my prey."e;
Her arousal intensifying with every teasing tongue stroke, Alice's fears dissolved as she lost herself in
bizarre delight. She had never felt anything like it before. Her cunt was sopping wet and her clitoris
hard. It was probably a world record for oral sex. Her buttocks were clenching and hips lifting as she
offered herself to the great rasping tongue that was working its way deeper and deeper inside her.
"e;Do you beg for release, girl?"e; the Cat asked.
"e;Oh … yes please, yes … !"e;
"e;Do you want it to be different to anything you have felt before?"e;
"e;Yes, yes! Bring me off, please!"e;
The Cat stopped licking and shifted his weight forward, its chest pressing her into the ground,
flattening her hungry hips. No! She wanted to feel its tongue again – ahhh!
A pizzle that felt like a cucumber forced its way up inside her. She shrieked and flailed about, but
she was spreadeagled and helpless under him. Nothing could stop the piston-like thrusts she thought
would tear her apart even as his weight drove the breath from her body. He would split her, she
could not take it! But she did take him, her sheath stretching wider than she had thought possible,
the pressure frightening and exciting, her clitoris ground between the weight of his body and the
hard plug of his pizzle. Then the cat came. It was like a hose filling her with hot cream and she
thought she would burst under the pressure. But instead fireworks of sheer pleasure exploded in her
belly and sizzled up into her brain, perversely made more intense by the pain. Sobbing in joy and
confusion she blacked out.
Alice recovered her senses an unknown time later.
She lay sprawled on her back on the bare earth under a straggling holly bush that spread like a spiky
green tent over her. She was utterly satiated. Little shivers of delight were still rippling through her
as the Cat's ejaculate seeped out of her ravaged vagina and soaked into the soil. Had he damaged
her? She must know. With a huge effort she tried to sit up, only to find she was paralysed! Her limbs
were limp and useless. Even her vocal cords would not respond. Yet she could still feel, and realised
a foolish rictus of a smile was frozen on her lips. What was wrong with her?
"e;It is a novel effect my seed has on girlings, and will wear off when it has drained from you,"e; the Cat
said, looking up from licking his genitals and reading the dismay and confusion on her face.
"e;Meanwhile, you'll be safe enough here while you recover."e;
Ignoring her indistinct grunts and twitches he completed his meticulous toilet, then lent over to look
her in the eye. His grin was wider than ever.
"e;You are one of the most satisfying girlings I have ever had,"e; he told her sincerely. "e;I could happily
keep you in this state for a week and have you again at my leisure. But I have hunted well and taken
my prize, and now I will leave you to your own devices. Nulliforia transformassicus is what you want, by
the way. Small round orange and white spotted mushrooms. They're not common but a careful
search will turn them up. Eat a piece and you'll return to normal size. You see, despite your doubts I
have solved one of your problems."e;
He turned as if to leave, then looked back at Alice still lying akimbo.
"e;It is a most curious thing, but nobody ever enquires why I smile so,"e; he confided. "e;Perhaps now you
can guess:
"e; 'Why does the Cheshire Cat so widely grin?
Because he's supped the cream and the quim,
The pursuit of girlings is his lifelong joy,
Tricking and trapping 'em by ingenious ploy.
He licks and laps at their private parts,
Tups them right heartily and then departs.
Leaving smiles behind him almost as wide,
And fond memories of letting a cat inside!' "e;
And with that he sauntered away.
Alice lay there feeling filthy, helpless, used and yet still high on raw pleasure and perversely satisfied.
What sort of a slut did that make her?
Was it simple delight at finding herself alive when she thought she was going to die? Did that
compensate for being screwed by what was effectively a giant feline? After all, he had been very well
Hell, she couldn't think straight. Get a grip, Brown!
How could she accept the fact of it so easily? What did it tell her about Underland or herself?
The agreement she had signed, however unwittingly, the collar and chains and the orderly way she
had been trained had given her treatment up to now a strange sense of legitimacy. But she had
escaped from that and so declared herself free. Now she had been taken without her prior consent
by what was certainly a sentient being. Was it rape? It did not feel like that. Was she a willing
participant in a strange game – on some voyage of sexual discovery to test her own limits? She did
not want to be a slave, but undeniably found erotic pleasure in being treated as one. Chained up,
strapped down, front or rear, cock or rubber dildo, being caned, with or without uninhibited cakes,
with man or animal she always came! And it was the most intense pleasure she could remember. Did
that make her a nymphomaniac or a masochist?
Was it an impossible contradiction or simply what the Rabbit had sensed when he 'sniffed her out'?
Would accepting that she was special in some way help her survive in Underland? Perhaps. As an
adult individual who had taken responsibility for her own life, the way she chose to respond to what
happened here was up to her. Forget about rationality, fairness or conventional morals. Those
abstractions did not apply in Underland, at least not in the way she had known them. It was a mad
place, but if she learned to make the most of it, enjoying any pleasure it offered however bizarre
without guilt, then that was her business alone.
Was that a good philosophy of life? Well, for now it was all she had.
An hour passed before the blissful paralysis faded and Alice was able to sit up unsteadily and
examine herself. Her groin felt pummelled but there seemed to be no damage, only a curious
hollowness inside her as her distended passage gradually contracted. The memory of that huge
member would linger even longer than the Cheshire Cat's smile.
When she felt strong enough she crawled out from under the holly bush and set off through the
woods once more. But now, thanks to the Cat, she was also looking for small round orange and
white spotted mushrooms.
What she found was a bramble bush bearing blackcurrants the size of pumpkins, guarded by thorns
the size of daggers. Alice had to twist like an eel between the stems to get to them, knocking the fruit
down with sticks (twigs). Her hands and mouth were stained purple with their juice, but she thought
she had never tasted anything so delicious.
The possibility that the berries might have something else in them besides vitamin C she considered
briefly and then dismissed. She was too hungry to care. Now, sitting cross-legged in the shelter of
the bush, enjoying her reward, she seemed to be suffering no strange effects. Whether she was
getting any nutritional value out of the fruit in her shrunken state was uncertain, but at least they
felt satisfying. It did not seem she was in immediate danger of starving or dying of thirst.
A few stones lay jumbled in the heart of the bush, and in a deep cleft between them she scraped out
a simple shelter which she lined with dry moss and grass. As twilight fell across the wood she
barricaded the mouth of her hideaway with a latticework of twigs and curled up inside to pass the
night as best she could.
As she tossed and turned in her inadequate bed, missing Valerie's company dreadfully, she tried to
plan for tomorrow.
Clearly there was no point in wandering about at random any further in the hope of finding either
mushrooms, the village or Topper's house. She had to work to some methodical search pattern.
Blazing a trail or in some way marking her path would stop her getting lost. There might even be a
tree she could climb to help locate the village though, considering the giants around her, the
prospect was daunting.
Eventually she fell into a restless half-sleep, jerked into anxious wakefulness every so often by
nocturnal woodland noises, then dozing off again. In this curious state her mind wandered.
Could she weave a rope out of grass to help climb a tree? How stone age. Were her survival skills up
to it? Images of the Rabbit's house came to her and she turned over ways of getting inside
unnoticed. How would she get the bureau open to get at the potion bottles, assuming they hadn't
been moved? It would need something like a crowbar. Why had he hidden it away so secretly
anyway? Was he hiding it from his girling maids? She'd been a girling but now she was free. Free
and lonely and a little frightened. Were there other things apart from freedom? Being a slave had its
compensations – other people took responsibility for you – all you had to do was obey. How she
missed having Valerie to curl up against. Their hutch seemed very homely right now. She finally
found deeper sleep imagining Valerie's warm scented body in her arms.
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