[REQ] Krissy by S.J. Lewis (ebook)
Title: Krissy by S.J. Lewis
Description: The story follows Krissy, a young blonde woman living in a large city, who works as a commercial model and convention hostess. She is known for her attractive appearance and uses her looks to entice wealthy men. Despite her interactions with men, she prefers women for sexual relationships.
Krissy has developed a con game where she lures affluent men to inexpensive hotels, using her charm to distract them before drugging and robbing them. Her clever disguises and the deliberate planting of misleading forensic evidence complicate police investigations, allowing her to operate undetected. However, her luck changes after a conflict with Tito, a crime boss who sells her stolen goods. Tito arranges for corrupt vice cops to capture her, leading to her being handed over to a dangerous man who trains young women to become sex slaves for wealthy clients worldwide.
Krissy finds herself trapped in a nightmare, subjected to the very men she despises. Faced with harsh choices between submission and punishment, she gradually loses her resolve, ultimately being conditioned to fulfill the desires of her captors.