Sexual Intelligence: What We Really Want From Sex And How To Get It
The text discusses the concept presented in the book "Sexual Intelligence" by Dr. Marty Klein, published by HarperOne in 2012. The book emphasizes that enjoyable sex is not solely dependent on techniques, physical appearance, or intense romantic feelings, but rather on one's sexual intelligence. Dr. Klein, with over thirty years of experience as a sex therapist and marriage counselor, observes that while many individuals desire pleasure and intimacy from sex, they often focus on superficial aspects such as appearance, partner perceptions, and performance, which can detract from the sexual experience. He argues that excessive self-monitoring and worry can inhibit the ability to enjoy sex fully. In "Sexual Intelligence," Klein aims to shift this focus by encouraging individuals to relax and embrace their sexual experiences as they are, rather than striving for an idealized version of sexual performance. He contends that redefining one's understanding of sex, love, intimacy, and satisfaction can lead to a more fulfilling sexual life at any age. About the author: Dr. Marty Klein is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist. He has contributed to various publications and has appeared in numerous media outlets, discussing topics related to sex and relationships. He is based in Palo Alto, California.
The text also briefly touches on psychoanalytic theory regarding childhood sexual development, referencing the idea of children displaying perverse behaviors.