Alex Jones Making Babies S01E09 720p WEB H264-SKYFiRE
Alex Jones trains as a fertility assistant at one of the leading fertility clinics in the UK, known for their world-renowned research and innovative technology. Filmed across several months and with exclusive access to King's Fertility, Alex will fully immerse herself in the life affirming job of creating new life. As part of the role, Alex will be providing hands on support to couples as they go through the exciting and dramatic journey of trying to have a baby. Whether it's counting embryos and testing their fertility levels or teaching them to inject hormones and conducting ultrasounds, Alex will be guided by the clinic's highly skilled team, all whilst working towards a fertility assistant certificate.
Episode Summary: There is heart break and jubilation as Alex meets two couples desperately trying to defy their odds and become parents.
Episode Title: Episode 9
Episode Air date: Thursday 2nd March 2023
Genre: Medical
Stars: Alex Jones
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± Pre.Date: 02.01.2024 °²ÛÛ±° ±
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± Alex.Jones.Making.Babies.S01E09.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE ±
± ±
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± Source: WEB ±
± Runtime: 44 min 5 sec(s) ±
± Size: 332 MiB ±
± Video: 1280 X 720 / 858kb/s / 25.000 fps ±
± Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 192 kb/s ±
± Subs: English ±
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± There is heart break and jubilation as Alex meets ±
± two couples desperately trying to defy their odds ±
± and become parents. ±
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