Vigil S02 COMPLETE 1080p WEBRip x264-CBFM
In Vigil, the mysterious disappearance of a Scottish fishing trawler and a death on-board a Trident nuclear submarine bring the police into conflict with the Navy and British security services. DCI Amy Silva leads an investigation on land and at sea into a conspiracy that threatens the very heart of Britain's nuclear deterrent.
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Stars: Suranne Jones, Rose Leslie, Shaun Evans, Anjli Mohindra, Martin Compston, Paterson Joseph, Connor Swindells, Adam James, Gary Lewis
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▐░ ▄███████████████████▀▀░░ 100+ ░▌
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▐░ info ░▌
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Duration ..........: 55mn 28s
Size ..............: 1.70 GiB
Quality ...........: H264 25.000 FPS / 4 262 Kbps
Resolution ........: 1920x960
Audio .............: AAC 2.0
Bitrate ...........: 48.0 KHz / 128 Kbps
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▐░ notes ░▌
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4 620 kb/s decimate
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░▓ C B F M 2o17 ▐▌ ░ ▓