The Thundering Sword 1967 720p BluRay x264-SHAOLiN
A clan sends out two of their members (Lo Lieh and Chang Yi) to retrieve a powerful sword to prevent its misuse...
Year: 1967
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Pei-Pei Cheng, Yi Chang, Pei-Pei Shu, Lieh Lo
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Release Date...: 18.01.2024
Video Quality..: 1280x546 @ 7108 kb/s 15.0
Audio Quality..: zh FLAC 2.0 242 kb/s
Source Quality.: 34 mb/s
Subtitles......: en en
Extras.........: n/a
Source.........: Retail BluRay
A clan sends out two of their members (Lo Lieh and Chang Yi) to retrieve a
powerful sword to prevent its misuse. Along the way they encounter a skilled
swords-woman who is also after the sword (Cheng Pei-pei). A complex love tragedy
develops when she falls in love with one of the men and thoughtlessly wounds the
other. Though the sword is found it becomes secondary to the love story and the
guilt of the woman over her hasty and violent actions towards her lovers clan.
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