Behind Closed Doors Volume 2 2009 COMPLETE PAL MDVDR-HYMN
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▀ ▀
Language: English
Country: USA
Release Date: 2009
Label(s): N/A
Genre: Hip-Hop/Instrumental
File Size: 3.55 GiB
Runtime: 54 mins
Source: DVD
Format: MPEG-Video
Format Version: Version 2
Standard: PAL
Video Quality: 720x576
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Bit Rate: 7.7 Mb/s
Bit Rate Mode: Constant
Bit Depth: 8 Bits
Frame Rate: 25.000 FPS
Scan Type: Interlaced
Format: AC-3
Mux Mode: DVD-Video
Sampling Rate: 48.0 kHz
Bit Rate Mode: Constant
Bit Rate: 192 kb/s
Compression Mode: Lossy
Channel(s): 2
Channel Layout: L R
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▀ ▀
Following up from Volume 1, AB0181 and Kosyne again caught the bug
hitting the road in 2009 to start work on the sequel to BCD.
Building upon the concepts and ideas laid down in the first volume
they sketched a plan on how further better the series.
This time they hooked up with Netherlands based producers FS Green,
Sir OJ and Beat Butcha over in the UK they paid visits to Jaisu,
Kelakovski, Pete Cannon, Apatight, Jon Phonics, K15 and Shears.
Volume Two features a Day In The Life of producers FS Green and Apatight,
Pete Cannon getting a tour of one the UK's largest private collection of
vintage synths, Kelakovski and Shears going head to head in the Louis Den
"e;Wrapped Up"e; challenge, an MPC Q&A with Edinburgh producer Jaisu as
interview spots and studio tour from the other featured producers.
With a limited run of 500 copies created buy this... if you can.
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