That Kinky Girl - Brain Hacked For A BJ
A woman experiences computer issues and contacts a repair service that offers house calls. A technician arrives, assesses the computer, and informs her that he needs to run a diagnostic program. He instructs her to watch the screen for a brief moment when a four-digit number will appear, indicating the problem, before stepping outside to retrieve tools from his truck. While the technician is away, the woman focuses on the screen, which displays unusual graphics. Unbeknownst to her, the technician has maliciously infected her computer with a virus intended to control her mind. Upon his return, he finds her in a trance-like state, unresponsive to his actions. The technician proceeds to exploit her vulnerability, and after a period of manipulation, he ultimately leaves without any evidence of the encounter, taking the virus with him. Eventually, the woman regains consciousness, realizing the disturbing situation she has found herself in.