Australia with Julia Bradbury S01E02 720p WEB H264-SKYFiRE
Australia with Julia Bradbury sees the TV presenter and documentarian explore Australia's most iconic spots and landscapes. Along the way, she meets unique characters from all walks of life who call Australia home. She experiences the country's beautiful aquatic and coastal lifestyle, tastes award-winning wine and gets up close and personal with the world's most unique wildlife in their breathtaking natural environments.
Episode Summary: Julia has a go at paddle boarding with pooches before meeting Australia's favourite koala. She joins fashion designer Jenny Kee, before taking a ride on the world's steepest railway. Her hike through the Blue Mountains ends with a sighting of the plastic-loving bowerbird.
Episode Title: Blue Mountains
Episode Air date: Thursday 21st February 2019
Genre: Adventure, Travel
Stars: Julia Bradbury
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± Pre.Date: 02.02.2024 °²ÛÛ±° ±
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± Australia.with.Julia.Bradbury.S01E02.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE ±
± ±
± ±
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± Source: WEB ±
± Runtime: 22 min 16 sec(s) ±
± Size: 404 MiB ±
± Video: 1280 X 720 / 2345kb/s / 25.000 fps ±
± Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 192 kb/s ±
± Subs: English ±
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± Julia has a go at paddle boarding with pooches ±
± before meeting Australia's favourite koala. She ±
± joins fashion designer Jenny Kee, before taking a ±
± ride on the world's steepest railway. Her hike ±
± through the Blue Mountains ends with a sighting of ±
± the plastic-loving bowerbird. ±
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