Three Little Birds S01E06 720p WEB H264-SKYFiRE
Spirited, moving, funny and utterly heartfelt Three Little Birds is a triumphant celebration of immigration, community and the strength of Black womanhood inspired by the life-affirming stories of Sir Lenny Henry's mother and all those who have travelled to make Britain their home.Set in 1957, post-Windrush, and amidst the booming decade set alight by promise, the rhythm of rock and roll, swing, Hollywood starlets and fabulous fashion Three Little Birds will introduce Dudley and the rest of the world to gregarious sisters Leah and Chantrelle and their virtuous, bible-loving acquaintance, Hosanna, as they board a cruise ship from Jamaica bound for a new life in Blighty.
Episode Summary: Leah is saddled with a colossal problem when a devastating debacle leaves Hosanna's wedding hanging in the balance.
Episode Title: Episode 6
Episode Air date: Sunday 22nd October 2023
Genre: Drama, History
Stars: Rochelle Neil, Yazmin Belo, Saffron Coomber, Javone Prince, Bobby Gordon, Leemore Marrett Jr., Lenny Henry
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± Pre.Date: 28.02.2024 °²ÛÛ±° ±
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± Three.Little.Birds.S01E06.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE ±
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± Source: WEB ±
± Runtime: 47 min 4 sec(s) ±
± Size: 665 MiB ±
± Video: 1280 X 720 / 1846kb/s / 25.000 fps ±
± Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 128 kb/s ±
± Subs: English ±
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± devastating debacle leaves Hosanna's wedding ±
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