Clink S01E02 720p WEB H264-SKYFiRE
Clink is set in Bridewell Women's Prison and tells the unique, unflinching and heartwarming stories of both the prisoners and staff at this northern penitentiary.The series deals with hard-hitting issues such as self-harm, mental illness and pregnancy behind bars, as well as highlighting the importance of community, friendship and, ultimately, hope. The stories in Clink have been dramatised from real-life inmate experiences and the result is an authentic, raw and honest depiction of life on the inside.
Episode Summary: Joyce is on track with her parole application, until her lover Idara is suddenly shipped out. Chloe and Laura are transferred to McKeown House, where they share a roof with the intimidating Sherri. Sinead starts asking questions about Alison's accident.
Episode Title: Parole
Episode Air date: Thursday 25th April 2019
Genre: Drama
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± Pre.Date: 28.02.2024 °²ÛÛ±° ±
± °±±° ±
± ±
± Clink.S01E02.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE ±
± ±
± ±
± ±
± ±
± ±
± Source: WEB ±
± Runtime: 44 min 36 sec(s) ±
± Size: 529 MiB ±
± Video: 1280 X 720 / 1527kb/s / 25.000 fps ±
± Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 128 kb/s ±
± Subs: None ±
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± ±
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± ±
± ±
± ±
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± ±
± ±
± Joyce is on track with her parole application, ±
± until her lover Idara is suddenly shipped out. ±
± Chloe and Laura are transferred to McKeown House, ±
± where they share a roof with the intimidating ±
± Sherri. Sinead starts asking questions about ±
± Alison's accident. ±
± ±
± ±
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