Extraordinary 2023 S02 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab
Ten years ago, everyone over the age of 18 got their superpower. But Jen, a painfully self-aware 25-year-old woman, is still waiting to get hers. She'd take anything at this point. Adrift in a big, confusing world and armed with nothing but a bit of hope, a lot of desperation and her flatmates, Jen begins her journey to find her maybe-superpower.
Genre: Comedy, Science-Fiction, Supernatural
Stars: Máiréad Tyers, Sofia Oxenham, Siobhán McSweeney, Luke Rollason, Bilal Hasna, Robbie Gee, Safia Oakley-Green, Ned Porteous
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Show: Extraordinary
Title: The Void
Season: 2
Episode: 1
Size: 1233M
Files: 9F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 31 min 36 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 5 236 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Show: Extraordinary
Title: Hello Stranger
Season: 2
Episode: 2
Size: 1251M
Files: 9F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 28 min 49 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 5 842 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Show: Extraordinary
Title: The Exorcism of Carrie Jackson
Season: 2
Episode: 3
Size: 989M
Files: 10F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 29 min 55 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 4 403 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Show: Extraordinary
Title: Ready to Rumble
Season: 2
Episode: 4
Size: 1244M
Files: 9F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 28 min 32 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 5 867 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Show: Extraordinary
Title: Meet the Parent
Season: 2
Episode: 5
Size: 1136M
Files: 8F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 26 min 31 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 5 738 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Show: Extraordinary
Title: Jen V Nora: Ultimate Showdown
Season: 2
Episode: 6
Size: 1269M
Files: 9F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 28 min 11 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 6 049 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Show: Extraordinary
Title: Be the Daddy You Want to See in the World
Season: 2
Episode: 7
Size: 1189M
Files: 8F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 26 min 34 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 6 013 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Show: Extraordinary
Title: Well, Goodbye Forever
Season: 2
Episode: 8
Size: 1239M
Files: 9F
Date: 2024-03-06
Duration: 29 min 3 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 5 726 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus)
Audio Rate: 256 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English