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[Palmer] Daughter For Dessert Chapters 4-5

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A man and his daughter run a small diner together. He discovers that one of his employees has been writing a popular series of taboo erotica about them, which catalyses a long journey of sexual self-discovery.

Made for Chrome/Firefox. Note that there is a download option inside the game if you don't want to run this online. However, you can not mix download/online versions if you want to continue on your previous path. E.g: If you played the first chapter online, you have to play the second chapter online.

Developer: Palmer
Censorship: None
Version: Chapter 5
OS: Windows/Online
Language: English

Previous chapters

Sex acts include oral sex, teasing, masturbating, voyeur, sexting, cowgirl and reverse cowgirl.

You must have played the previous chapters to play later chapters, as your choices in previous chapters have consequences later on
Only online saves are compatible with the cracked version, check the importing save tutorial below for more information.

Importing saves: ShowSave importing is only possible if you played the 'Online' versions above or on Newgrounds

1. On the title screen of the last chapter you played, click the "e;Options"e; button.

2. Click the "e;Backup Data"e; option.

3. Click "e;Create backup"e; and save somewhere.

4. Open the next chapter, and when prompted select the backup file, the game will then restart.

Cheats: ShowTo change your chapter 3 decisions, type these when you are in the title screen (the one where you can click new/load game - be careful not to type it in where you enter your name)

Heidi (the sexy ending with Heidi): ch4heidisex
Veronica (the sexy ending with Veronica): ch4veronicasex
Neither: ch4nosex
Save.txt: ShowFor posterity: Show{"e;"e;:"e;[ga]\r\n_Sv3=\"e;ga\"e;\r\nid=\"e;smwnvvceuuztjwshwppyvyqtm\"e;\r\n"e;,"e;"e;:"e;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"e;,"e;"e;:"e;[ga]\r\nid=\"e;bqscjvefivmiilaravwjhmlbn\"e;\r\n"e;,"e;dfd.0.DfD2.saveMap_ch2_continuity.dat"e;:"e;eyJtb250aCI6IjEyIiwiZGF5IjoiMjYiLCJ5ZWFyIjoiMjAxNyIsIm1pbnV0ZSI6IjM0IiwiaG91ciI6IjQiLCJzZWNvbmQiOiI1MyIsInJvb21OYW1lIjoicm9vbVZOIiwiZ2xvYmFsLnZvaWNlT24iOjAsIm5UZW1wU291bmQiOjIsIm9UZW1wU291bmQwLmlzQW1iaWVudCI6MCwib1RlbXBTb3VuZDAuaXNWb2ljZSI6MCwib1RlbXBTb3VuZDAuc291bmRTdHIiOiJcXFNGWFxcYW1iU3RyZWV0QnVzeSIsIm9UZW1wU291bmQwLnN0b3AiOjEsIm9UZW1wU291bmQwLmxvb3AiOjEsIm9UZW1wU291bmQwLnJvb21OYW1lIjoicm9vbVZOIiwib1RlbXBTb3VuZDAudm9sdW1lIjowLjI1LCJvVGVtcFNvdW5kMC5wb3NpdGlvbiI6MTEuMzY1MjM0Mzc1MDAwMDgyLCJvVGVtcFNvdW5kMS5pc0FtYmllbnQiOjAsIm9UZW1wU291bmQxLmlzVm9pY2UiOjAsIm9UZW1wU291bmQxLnNvdW5kU3RyIjoiXFxTRlhcXGFtYkNyaWNrZXRzIiwib1RlbXBTb3VuZDEuc3RvcCI6MCwib1RlbXBTb3VuZDEubG9vcCI6MSwib1RlbXBTb3VuZDEucm9vbU5hbWUiOiJyb29tVk4iLCJvVGVtcFNvdW5kMS52b2x1bWUiOjAuMjUsIm9UZW1wU291bmQxLnBvc2l0aW9uIjo3LjUzNzc2MDQxNjY2Njk1LCJnbG9iYWwuYmdBbGxvd01vdXNlU2Nyb2xsIjoxLCJuQkciOjIsImJnMC5iYWNrU3RyIjoiXFxjZ1xcY2dFbmRpbmdJbWFnZUNoMiIsImJnMC5tb3ZlIjoxLCJiZzAuc2Nyb2xsIjoiZmFsc2UiLCJiZzAuZmlsdGVyIjowLCJiZzAudHJhbnNpdGlvbkVmZmVjdCI6Imluc3RhbnQiLCJiZzAuZGVzdHJveSI6MSwiYmcwLmltYWdlX2FscGhhIjoxLCJiZzAuZGVwdGgiOjAsImJnMC5teCI6NC4wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDIsImJnMC5teSI6LTEuNzk5OTk5OTk5OTk5OTk5NCwiYmcxLmJhY2tTdHIiOiJcXGNnXFxjZ0VuZGluZ0ltYWdlQ2gyIiwiYmcxLm1vdmUiOjEsImJnMS5zY3JvbGwiOiJmYWxzZSIsImJnMS5maWx0ZXIiOjAsImJnMS50cmFuc2l0aW9uRWZmZWN0IjoiaW5zdGFudCIsImJnMS5kZXN0cm95IjowLCJiZzEuaW1hZ2VfYWxwaGEiOjEsImJnMS5kZXB0aCI6MCwiYmcxLm14Ijo0LjAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMiwiYmcxLm15IjotMS43OTk5OTk5OTk5OTk5OTk0LCJuQ2hhIjowLCJnbG9iYWwuaWZSZXN1bHRBcnJheSI6IntcIjBcIjotNCxcIjFcIjowLFwiMlwiOi00LFwiM1wiOi00LFwiNFwiOi00LFwiNVwiOi00LFwiNlwiOi00LFwiN1wiOi00LFwiOFwiOi00LFwiOVwiOi00LFwiMTBcIjotNCxcIjExXCI6LTQsXCIxMlwiOi00LFwiMTNcIjotNCxcIjE0XCI6LTQsXCIxNVwiOi00LFwiMTZcIjotNCxcIjE3XCI6LTQsXCIxOFwiOi00LFwiMTlcIjotNCxcIjIwXCI6LTQsXCIyMVwiOi00LFwiMjJcIjotNCxcIjIzXCI6LTQsXCIyNFwiOi00LFwiMjVcIjotNCxcIjI2XCI6LTQsXCIyN1wiOi00LFwiMjhcIjotNCxcIjI5XCI6LTQsXCIzMFwiOi00LFwiMzFcIjotNCxcIjMyXCI6LTQsXCIzM1wiOi00LFwiMzRcIjotNCxcIjM1XCI6LTQsXCIzNlwiOi00LFwiMzdcIjotNCxcIjM4XCI6LTQsXCIzOVwiOi00LFwiNDBcIjotNCxcIjQxXCI6LTQsXCI0MlwiOi00LFwiNDNcIjotNCxcIjQ0XCI6LTQsXCI0NVwiOi00LFwiNDZcIjotNCxcIjQ3XCI6LTQsXCI0OFwiOi00LFwiNDlcIjotNH0iLCJnbG9iYWwuZmluZEVuZElmIjowLCJnbG9iYWwuZmluZEVuZElmQyI6MCwiZ2xvYmFsLmlmQ291bnRUb1N0b3AiOjAsImdsb2JhbC5lbHNlQ291bnRUb1N0b3AiOjAsImdsb2JhbC5qdW1waW5nRWxzZSI6MCwiZ2xvYmFsLmNhbGxSZXR1cm5MaW5lIjoxMCwiZ2xvYmFsLmNhbGxSZXR1cm5CbG9jayI6IiIsImdsb2JhbC5saW5lIjoxOSwib0RpYWxvZ0JveC5tc2ciOiItLXNhdmVfcHJvZ3Jlc3MgY2hhcHRlcjIiLCJvRGlhbG9nQm94Lm5hbWUiOiIiLCJvRGlhbG9nQm94Lm5hbWVDb2xvciI6MTY3NzcyMTUsImdsb2JhbC5zdG9yeUxpbmVRdWV1ZSI6IltdIiwiZ2xvYmFsLmxhc3RTY3JpcHRGaWxlIjoiMDIuNDAgbmlnaHR3YWxrLnR4dCIsImdsb2JhbC5sYXN0U2NyaXB0QmxvY2siOiJbZW5kc2NlbmVdIiwic2xvdE5hbWUiOiJjaGFwdGVyMiIsImdsb2JhbC5yb2xsYmFja0luZGV4IjoyLCJnbG9iYWwuc2hvcnRjdXRzTWFwIjoie1wiQGRhdWdodGVyXCI6XCJEYXVnaHRlci5uaWNrXCIsXCJAZGluZXJcIjpcIkBwbGF5ZXIuZGluZXJcIn0ifQ=="e;,"e;dfd.0.DfD.charMap0.dat"e;:"e;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\\\"e;I had a dream last night. We went for ice cream.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;And... did robots attack us?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;No. That was it. We had ice cream. I had vanilla. You had the same but with sprinkles.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;So your dreams are actually MORE mundane than reality.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Did you know I kept a dream journal?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;I remember that, actually. I thought it was for a class project.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I kept one for a couple of years after, just for the fun of it. In the end, it was just sad. My most exciting dream was about walking a labrador.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;That does sound like a nice dream, though.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Yeah, they're NICE. But not exciting.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I guess that's why Kathy and I make such a great pair. Because she's really imaginative, and I'm not.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda, you've got NO idea how imaginative Kathy is...\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;You've got something Kathy doesn't have, though. You're down-to-earth.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;More than that, actually.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;There's a certain kind of person. People who are like... lighthouses. They might be simple, and uncomplicated, but there's something about them that shines. And you want to keep that shine going.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Dad... I'm not sure what to say.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Good. Because even I'm not sure what I mean.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda laughs at that. A short, sweet one.\"e;,\"e;Here we are, out in the park.\"e;,\"e;Now is a fantastic time to catch up.\"e;,\"e;What should we talk about?\"e;,\"e;My response: The future\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;You know that's a hard question.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;What's hard about it?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Who knows what someone wants to do with their life at my age?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Well, at your age I thought I was going to be working at my dad's factory. That's why I needed to go to vocational school.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;It turned out things weren't nearly that easy. Things are rarely set out for you.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;That's true.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Um...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;One of the reasons I brought you here was to ask you... how things were going.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;What do you mean?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I suppose I wanted to check if everything was going good.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;I get the sense you're asking after something specific.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Recently you've been really distracted. I hoped... it was nothing I did. Or haven't done.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;What could you have possibly done to hurt me?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Neglect.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Daughters neglecting their fathers is not a thing.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Yeah, but... there are times I feel like I could be doing more to help you feel better.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Well, you are right that I'm distracted. But, it's just that I have certain needs, Amanda. It's like this: I can be the thirstiest man in the world, but ultimately, I'm the only one who can grasp the cup and drink.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Besides, you're helping out so much in the diner. It's taken such a burden off my shoulders, I can't tell you how much that means to me.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I want you to rely on me, you know?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;You shouldn't have to go to someone else. You could just go to me. Why couldn't I be your partner?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Believe me, Amanda, there's things you can't do for me.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Have you asked?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;There's things I can't even ask of you.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;That's because you don't really see who I am.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Amanda... what are you...?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;...Nevermind. Forget I said anything.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda looks so... strange.\"e;,\"e;I wish I knew what to say to her. I usually do. But now...\"e;,\"e;Things are getting complicated, aren't they?\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Would you mind holding me for a bit?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda... you're breaking my heart.\"e;,\"e;I don't know what the right thing to do is...\"e;,\"e;My response: Hold her\"e;,\"e;Whatever's on her mind, I can't leave her alone like this.\"e;,\"e;I take her into my arms. I grasp her tight.\"e;,\"e;I feel her heart thud against my chest, and her face sink into my shoulder.\"e;,\"e;Maybe it's the slight cold, but Amanda... is so warm tonight.\"e;,\"e;It feels almost like... I could keep her close...\"e;,\"e;...forever...\"e;]"e;,"e;dfd.0.DfD3.profile.dat"e;:"e;eyJuYW1lIjoiU3BlbmNlciIsInNvdW5kT24iOjEsIm11c2ljT24iOjEsInZvaWNlT24iOjAsImluc3RhbnRUZXh0IjowLCJicmlnaHQiOjAsInZvbHVtZSI6NDUuMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMzMsIm1vdXNlU3BlZWQiOjAsImFuYWx5dGljc1NlbmRPcHRpb25zRGF0YSI6MX0="e;,"e;"e;:"e;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"e;,"e;dfd.0.DfD2.profile.dat"e;:"e;eyJuYW1lIjoiU3BlbmNlciIsInNvdW5kT24iOjEsIm11c2ljT24iOjEsInZvaWNlT24iOjAsImluc3RhbnRUZXh0IjowLCJicmlnaHQiOjAsInZvbHVtZSI6MTAwLCJtb3VzZVNwZWVkIjowLCJhbmFseXRpY3NTZW5kT3B0aW9uc0RhdGEiOjF9"e;,"e;playwithus.344810370.html5game/version.txt"e;:"e;"e;,"e;"e;:"e;Emma... Emma...There couldn't be a worse time for this. Yet, my cock is absolutely pounding, my heart racing out of my chest, my cheeks burning.That door clicks locked. You're in front of me. This time, I know exactly what to do.I unzip my pants and my cock pushes its own way out. You waste no time, on your knees before I even have the chance to ask. The tip of your nose grazes the tender underside of my penis. You take in its musk greedily with several snuffs.Shyly, your tongue darts out, taking a brief taste, a bit like how you dip your toe into pool water before jumping in.Whatever the case, it's clear you like it. You pop the whole thing into your mouth and give it a good, long suck. My eyes are glued to you: I NEED to drink in the scene in front of me.Of course I'm dissatisfied. How could I not be? Your mouth only works me up for the main course.I can't stop myself. I throw you onto the bed that's just popped into existence, pushing myself deep into you like a sheath. You wail with surprise and pleasure and spread out as much as you can to accommodate me.The crowd goes wild!A voice booms: 'And that's another home run! Wow!'Shit.No way. I couldn't have fallen asleep, could I?No. I was just daydreaming. Hard.Instinctively, I glance around. Everyone in the stands looks enthralled by the game. Only a middle-aged woman a few seats away gives me the evil eye.Looks like she was the only one who caught me pitching major tent. I give her a mischievous, unapologetic grin, as I tuck my semi-hard cock beneath my waistband.Really, I have no reason to be sorry. I have no interest in high school athletics. The only reason I'm here is for Anna.Anna, my baby sister. I'm still not sure if I came to support her, or placate her. Our relationship is... interesting.You see, she's not my biological sister and there is no blood relation between us... her family married into mine when we were pretty young... anyway, it's a complicated story.Even though she's an adult now, she's still grown up faster than I might've expected. Thanks to her athletic lifestyle, she's definitely more woman than girl.It seems I can't take a walk through school without overhearing someone go on and on about my sister. I can't blame them, honest. She's got that healthy glow, that cute, easygoing face, and a pretty rocking-Anyway, she's good looking, even I can see that. It's too bad I also know how annoying she can be.I didn't want to come. Honestly, I've been so preoccupied by the Emma situation I haven't been in the mood to do anything else. She hasn't responded to any of my texts since we were locked in that classroom, and that has me obsessing over it.But Anna's got a way of getting what she wants out of me. We're a bit like America and Russia. We're always looking to get one over the other, but sometimes, we get along for the sake of peace, and maybe because we have more in common than we'd care to admit.Also, she changed all my social media passwords, and won't give them back unless I drove her to the game. That's probably the biggest reason I'm here.That's where I got to school. Normally, I make of point of not being here when I don't have to be, but it's been a complicated week.A lot has to happen to have me pining for math and science lectures, but my sister's dragging softball game is one of those things.Speak of the devil!Way in the distance, I see Emma at a jog. She doesn't usually run, so she must be in a hurry. If I left right now, I could run over and catch her before she gets to wherever she's going.On the other hand, glancing at the scoreboard, it's the ninth inning, the score's even, and Anna's going to bat pretty soon. If I missed her at plate, our cold war's going thermonuclear.But... I should see Emma. No, I NEED to see Emma. There's no doubt about that.My response: I can be quickI can be quick, right? I can get things settled with Emma and then come back before Anna's at bat. Right?I'm vaulting over people to get out of the bleachers, shoving and begging, apologizing and cursing, whatever get me out from here quicker.I burst out and race after Emma as she jogs to the building. She's also racing, trying to follow someone inside the head office.It feels like I'm doing the hundred meter dash to catch up. And I think I'm about to miss it......but the door is shut just as Emma gets there, automatically locking!I don't slow down, I'm going too fast now, but as I reach for Emma's shoulder, I think back to that day in the classroom. How things ended between us. It all ended...My response: With a could I possibly forget what happened? That's been burned into my mind.It's been such a long time since I've seen her! Would it be appropriate to run up behind and kiss her? I so badly want to, but she hasn't talked to me in days! What if she's changed her mind since then?Maybe I could surprise her with a backrub. That's always nice.But, by the time I reach her, I only think enough to tap her on the shoulder.Emma turns to my touch. Her eyes widen with shock to see me.Emma: \"e;Hey, Darth...\"e;I unconsciously dissect her expression, and a thrill runs through me as I see a hint of shyness. It's clear that I left Emma with quite an impression.Me: \"e;Hey.\"e;Emma: \"e;You've caught me!\"e;She makes a slightly uncomfortable laugh, as though a little lost and buying herself time to find the words.Emma: \"e;I'm sorry, Darth. I saw your texts, but I didn't read them. It's one of those things, where you're so embarrassed you haven't responded to someone that you just don't respond ever, and then it's a million years later and a million times more awkward.\"e;Emma: \"e;I haven't known what to say to you. And I haven't had the time to think about it.\"e;Me: \"e;I understand. That day was... eventful.\"e;Emma: \"e;A talent for understatement!\"e;Emma laughs.Emma: \"e;I am glad you came up to me, though. It turns out talking to you is less stressful than not talking to you.\"e;Me: \"e;If you don't mind me asking, what's the story?\"e;Emma: \"e;You mean you didn't know?\"e;Me: \"e;Didn't know what?\"e;Emma: \"e;You are on Facebook, right? I posted all about it there, I told everyone I wouldn't be responding to messages. I'm on a social media blackout.\"e;Me: \"e;You are? I would've read it, but...\"e;My sister stole my password.Damn you Anna.Emma: \"e;You know now, though. I guess that explains a lot. I hope that clears up any confusion. Darth, I wouldn't just ignore you for no reason. I think we've gone too far for that. But I also can't risk my future by getting distracted.\"e;Me: \"e;Your future? Sounds big.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah. I'm actually meeting a college admissions officer today. And... it's a really nice school. My dream school.\"e;Me: \"e;You're shitting me! Which one?\"e;Emma: \"e;...Maybe after, Darth. I really don't want to set myself up for disappointment. Anyway, before people are admitted there's several rounds of testing and interviews. I passed my test portion a week ago, and now I'm going to the interview.\"e;At this point, I notice how Em looks. Fresh and bright most of the time, today, she's absolutely radiant. Glowing, really. She must have put a lot of work into her appearance.Me: \"e;That's amazing, Em! I wish I'd known. I see why you're so gussied up now.\"e;Emma: \"e;Thanks! I was worried it might be too much.\"e;Me: \"e;Too much? You're so...\"e;My response: ...fuckable!Emma: \"e;Darth!\"e;Me: \"e;What?\"e;Emma: \"e;That's terrible.\"e;Emma: \"e;I can't go to my interview looking like a slut!\"e;Me: \"e;You don't look like a slut. And even if you did, what's wrong with that?\"e;Emma: \"e;I've got to make a good impression. And besides, if the admissions officer is a woman, being fuckable doesn't get me far.\"e;Me: \"e;Don't be too sure about that. I read somewhere that women like to look at breasts, too.\"e;Emma: \"e;Even if that's true, I can't always fuck people to get what I want. That wouldn't be fair on everyone else.\"e;Well, that had me floored. I know I was about to say something... but Em just called herself out. And she's looking perfectly frank about it.Then, her lips crack a smile, and she's back to her old self.Emma: \"e;I'm teasing you! You should've seen the look on your face!\"e;Mischief sparkles in her eyes once again, and my sixth sense tingles. It's one of those feelings you get, when a girl is about to say something especially naughty, and you can't do anything but anticipate it.Emma: \"e;You know, I hear some couples like to fool around under the bleachers. Except...\"e;Emma's really drawing it out. I feel like I'm being pulled on a medieval torture rack, waiting for the answer. Eventually, I can't wait another second.Me: \"e;Except you don't want to go to your meeting smelling of used condoms and skunky weed.\"e;Emma: \"e;That's a way to put it. I'm also not super sure we should, even if we had the time. Darth, I'm not exactly traditional, but I do like getting courted. You know, dinner, movies, flowers. You might want to try it sometime.\"e;It's almost a bit silly. Just a few days ago, Emma sucked me off. I came over her face and in her mouth. And now she wants to pretend we're all at square one? I suppose girls do what they will, and men do what they must.Emma: \"e;Nobody is opening this door, are they?\"e;Emma: \"e;This is why I hate being on campus after school. Everything's locked up and you can't do anything.\"e;Emma: \"e;I was really hoping to walk in behind someone, but I think I actually have to call campus police.\"e;Me: \"e;I suppose you'll be on time instead of early, then.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yes. And actually, I think I'll do better having talked to you. It's just another thing I don't need off my mind.\"e;Emma: \"e;Still... I'm getting a little nervous.\"e;I glance at my cellphone.Me: \"e;Well, if your meeting is on the hour, you still have twenty minutes...\"e;Emma: \"e;It's not that.\"e;I glance up at her. She swishes around, knowing she really has to say something now.Emma: \"e;It's not just being early. If you're here for the softball game, it means you're here with Anna.\"e;Me: \"e;So?\"e;Emma: \"e;Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.\"e;Me: \"e;Do you two not get along?\"e;Emma searches herself for an excuse, but it seems, from the strangled expression on her face, I've put my thumb on it. Emma looks across the street as though pining for the horizon.Me: \"e;Well, shit, Emma, I always knew you weren't friends, but I had no idea it was this uncomfortable.\"e;Emma: \"e;I can't really mince words, Darth. Anna's a bully. She's always been mean to me. She used to break my things, tell my secrets, spread gossip about me, and just be a constant bitch. It's hard, getting bullied by someone younger than you.\"e;Emma: \"e;I did all the things you're supposed to do. I ignored her, stood up to her, told on her, and it all just made it worse. So now I just avoid her. And that's been the only thing to work so far.\"e;Me: \"e;I know Anna can be mean, but I've never seen her as a bully...\"e;And our conversation went on. And on. And on.And meanwhile, someone noticed I was gone.Anna is stepping up to home plate, softball bat in hand. It's just her now, with two outs on the board and a tied score. She knows she could end this.But she glances at the bleachers, and Darth isn't there.Her brows knit together in agitation. She only has a few scant moments to look around. And she sees nothing. Except...Way out in the distance. There he is. Just a speck out there, but it can't be a mistake. It has to be him. Yapping. Yapping some girl. Yapping with Emma.But there's no time anymore. There's a furnace burning inside and the pitcher is about to throw. But she isn't thinking about the game. She's only thinking about hitting something REALLY hard.The ball blasts out from the pitcher's hand. And Anna hits it. No. She KILLS it.No softball has ever made such a resounding crack as it's struck, and the ball rockets way into the sky. So high, for a moment, it looks like a star out in the day.It feels like it hangs there forever. The ball can no longer defy gravity. It hangs for a moment, and starts to fall back down to Earth.Far from the field. And like a meteor to the ground......where two people happen to be talking.Emma: \"e;...So that's that, and now you know the whole story.\"e;Me: \"e;Wow. Anna really has been a bitch to you.\"e;Emma: \"e;Sorry, Darth. I can't believe I've been ripping apart your sister for a good...\"e;Emma: \"e;Oh my God! I've been here for almost ten minutes!\"e;Me: \"e;Which means the game must be over... and I just missed Anna at bat.\"e;Emma: \"e;Whoa. If I know Anna, brother or not, she's seriously gonna kill you.\"e;Me: \"e;Fuck. I thought I could get back in time.\"e;Emma: \"e;You better hurry back before she comes looking for you.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah, you're right. We'll put this conversation on hold.\"e;Emma: \"e;Wait a second, Darth... before you leave...\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah?\"e;Emma: \"e;How do you deal with Anna? When she does something mean... how do you respond?\"e;Me: \"e;I'm guessing you're asking for your own benefit.\"e;Emma: \"e;Maybe. Maybe I'm asking for advice on how to deal with her. You seem to be the expert.\"e;Me: \"e;Well, when she tries to twist my arm...\"e;My response: I stand up to herMe: \"e;I never let her beat me. When she's bothering me, she knows it. I refuse to be an easy victim.\"e;Emma: \"e;That's admirable, Darth. Sometimes, I kinda feel like I'm too nice. And you know what? Maybe having just a bit more spine would do me well. Give Anna something to think about before crossing me.\"e;Me: \"e;That's the spirit, Em!\"e;Something draws my attention upward. It looks like a weirdly shaped bird at first. But it gets bigger. And comes faster. Faster than I could possibly warn Em. And it's heading right for her!All I have the chance to say is...Me: \"e;Em!\"e;Me: \"e;Watch-\"e;What. The...?Me: \"e;...\"e;Emma: \"e;...\"e;Me: \"e;Holy shit!\"e;Emma: \"e;Oh my God! Did I just do that!\"e;Me: \"e;That's nuts! You snatched it right out of the air! Like it wasn't even a thing!\"e;Emma: \"e;I'm as surprised as you are! I can't even catch things when they're thrown at me normally!\"e;Emma: \"e;Hey, Darth, do you think this means something?\"e;Me: \"e;You mean, like a sign?\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah. What do you think?\"e;My response: It's what you make of itEmma: \"e;You're right. Who cares if it's really a sign or not? It's how I feel about it that gives it significance.\"e;Emma: \"e;I think it means I'm gonna nail this interview. Yep. That's definitely what it means.\"e;Me: \"e;Well, omen or not, I know you're going to crush this.\"e;Emma: \"e;Thanks!\"e;Emma catches sight of something, and her face drops like a leaden weight.Emma: \"e;Or maybe it means Anna's coming.\"e;Me: \"e;Huh?\"e;I turn my head. Anna's coming forward. With a cruel smile she only wears when she's as pissed as Hell.Emma: \"e;Uh oh...\"e;Anna: \"e;Hey guys. How's it hangin'?\"e;Me: \"e;Hey Anna. Shouldn't you be in the showers?\"e;Anna: \"e;I was going to. But then I saw you left in the middle of my game, and I just HAD to see what was so exciting. So I only had time to wipe myself down.\"e;Anna shifts the sweaty, soiled towel over her shoulders.Anna: \"e;Hey Emma, by the way.\"e;Emma: \"e;Hey Anna.\"e;Me: \"e;I meant to watch, Anna, but I had to talk to Emma. I was gonna come back.\"e;Anna: \"e;That's no excuse to abandon your sister for some random girl.\"e;Emma: \"e;I am NOT some random girl. As if he was your real brother!\"e;Anna: \"e;Still closer than you. Anyway, it looks like you two were having a good time. Feel like letting me in on the joke?\"e;Me: \"e;It's not really a joke. So Emma and I were talking, and out of nowhere, this softball fell from the sky, and Emma caught it like it was nothing. She didn't even think about it!\"e;Anna: \"e;Pretty impressive.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah, maybe they should put me on your team.\"e;Anna: \"e;You know what I also think is impressive? Whoever hit that ball. Pret-ty good hit if you ask me.\"e;Emma: \"e;Anna? That was your ball? That's crazy! What are the chances?\"e;Anna: \"e;Not as bad as you'd think. Still, I'd like the ball back.\"e;Emma: \"e;What are you talking about? You've played enough softball to know if someone from the crowd catches it, they keep it.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know that. Still, I'd rather have it back.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna, what's your angle?\"e;Anna: \"e;Nothing that concerns you. I just want my ball back.\"e;Emma: \"e;It's not YOUR ball!\"e;Anna: \"e;Fine. Why don't we trade instead?\"e;Emma: \"e;No Anna. This is some trick, I know it. I'm drawing a line, right here, and I'm taking this ball and putting on my shelf. It's MY lucky charm.\"e;Anna draws a long gaze with Emma, ending with a sigh.Anna: \"e;Emma, I suppose you are right.\"e;Emma: \"e;Wow, Anna, I... didn't expect that coming out of you.\"e;Anna: \"e;...About this being a trick.\"e;Emma: \"e;Wha...?\"e;And then Anna throws her nasty, sweaty towel right smack into Emma's face. Emma's whole body stiffens with disgust and horror, like she's been tossed into a vat of slugs, and has to flap her arms to fly away.Her twitching fingers drop the ball, which rolls obediently to Anna's feet. Anna bends over to pick it up, and stands triumphantly ball in hand, a pleasured, serpentine glimmer in one of her eyes....Especially as her eyes follow Emma racing across campus, squealing.Me: \"e;Holy shit, Anna! I don't think you know what you just did!\"e;Anna: \"e;What do you mean?\"e;Me: \"e;Do me a favor. Let's talk when we get home.\"e;The whole way home, my hands are sweaty with anger. I have to clutch the wheel like I'm strangling it.There's so many things I'm pissed with Anna about, it's just impossible to know where to begin. But I'm literally getting hot just thinking about them.And Anna is sitting next to me, spinning the softball in her hands, admiring it as though nothing were wrong.I want to chew her out right now, but I can't. If I lose my patience, I just know I'll rear end someone.Even now, I want to just plow right through red lights to get home quicker.Finally, back home. I so badly want to get Anna out of my hair. Just drop myself on my bed and surf the web.But I can't let Anna off the hook. If I don't chew her out now, she's going to think she can roll right over me.Me: \"e;Anna!\"e;Anna: \"e;What?\"e;Me: \"e;Do you have any idea what you've just done? Emma was going to an interview!\"e;Anna: \"e;Really? An important one?\"e;Me: \"e;Yes, an important one!\"e;Anna: \"e;If she'd told me, I wouldn't have thrown the towel in her face. I'm not evil, you know.\"e;Me: \"e;That's not the point. You shouldn't have done it. Period.\"e;Anna: \"e;So what? It's just a bit of fun. Tell you what, if that job rejects her on the basis of some smudged makeup, they never deserved her anyway.\"e;Me: \"e;It was college admissions.\"e;Anna: \"e;Same difference.\"e;Me: \"e;That's not all I'm pissed about.\"e;Anna sighs boredly.Anna: \"e;What is it?\"e;My response: You coerced meMe: \"e;If you hadn't have stolen my Facebook account, this would never have happened.\"e;Anna: \"e;Serves you right for leaving it open on your computer.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah. Guess I really learned my lesson now.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yes. It was nice being driven around for a week, but I've had my fun. You'll get it back.\"e;Me: \"e;Can I have it back now?\"e;Me: \"e;My password. I want it back.\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, right. It's 'ImmaPussy'. Capital I, capital P, no spaces.\"e;Me: \"e;Real mature, Anna.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks for driving me around all week.\"e;Me: \"e;Don't get used to it.\"e;Anna hurries up the steps. I can't think of anything except leaping atop my bed and burying myself into my phone. Drown myself in my long-neglected social media.I log onto Facebook and...No way.NO WAY.Account suspended? Terms of service violation? What madness is this? I rapidly scroll down the messages....Anna has been posting dick pics under my name.One's been captioned, 'THIS IS MAI FAVORITE!'......I declare war on Anna.I walk down the hallway. I don't have a plan. I don't know what I could do to hurt her. But I'm gonna do something.My head swirls with all our prior prank wars. Flushing the toilet while she's taking a shower; replacing all the toothpaste with white glue; stealing her clothes and towel...None of these things are gonna show I'm serious. But as I get closer to the door, I just don't know what.The door is just slightly ajar. Why would Anna neglect to lock it? By habit, I reach out to close it, but instead, my hand rests on the doorknob.Anna's attitude calls for extreme measures. I already know what that means. But putting it into action... that's another story.So I push the door just the slightest, and take a peek.Steaming shower water swirls about the room. I have to focus to see past it. And through the vapor I watch as Anna pulls at the elastic of her sports uniform......she pulls them past her hips, showing the crease of her buttocks...God, I can only imagine what it would be like to get beneath those shorts...What am I doing?Geez... I'm getting hard, and I'm watching my sister undress! This is ALL bad.It seems like yesterday she was an awkward little brat. But she's all grown up now. She's got everything that makes her a real woman. It's kinda marvellous, in a strange way.But... I'm not here to creep out on my sister. There's a method to my madness.I pull myself away from the door...I take a few deep breaths...Unbelievably, even to myself, I pull out my cellphone, and flip it to camera mode....This was a last resort. I never wanted to do this. But Anna struck first and now we're at war.That's right. I'm going to take pictures of my sister showering....If I can get my hand to stop shaking......And my cock to soften.Alright. Let's do this.My response: SkipI can't believe it. My hands are shaking, my heart is pounding, I'm sweating balls, knowing what I've got in my hand.Inside this phone are naked pictures. Of my sister.Masturbating with a dildo.Holy shit.What the Hell do I do with these?Fuck. Now's not the time to think about this. Anna's gonna be getting out of the shower at any second.I rush back outside.It should've been a typical weekday afternoon. I should've been doing homework, or playing video games, or hanging out with friends. But I couldn't do any of those things.Not with everything I had on my phone.Of course, I'm a normal guy. I like looking at naked girls like anyone else. But when it's your sister that's the naked girl, that's something else completely!And the temptation is not easy to resist...My response: Give inI can't take it anymore. If no one finds out, no harm, right? Certainly it's better to let it out than have it all bottled in.I just can't imagine how people would react if they knew I had jerked off to pictures of my sister.I get out my cellphone and navigate to the folder where I've got the pictures stored.I unzip my jeans...The front door slams, and I hoist my pants back up in alarm. It has to be Anna, she likes to make as much noise as possible, as if to announce her arrival. For once, I'm thankful for Anna's vanity.I can already hear her footsteps, heavy with purpose, as she walks up the stairs. I know I have little time to straighten up before she barges in.Anna: \"e;Darth!\"e;I just manage to get my shirt tucked.Me: \"e;It's open.\"e;The door swings open, and I turn to face Anna.Anna: \"e;You were supposed to take the garbage out tonight!\"e;Me: \"e;Pick up is in the morning. I'll take it out before I go to school.\"e;Anna: \"e;And while you wait, the garbage is rotting and stinking. How am I supposed to eat when all I can smell is trash?\"e;Me: \"e;If it matters so much to you, you could take the trash out yourself.\"e;Anna: \"e;That's your job, not mine.\"e;I'm about to retort when I remember: I declared war on Anna. If I don't fire the first shots, when? I take out my cellphone, feeling now is the time to use my 'leverage...'Me: \"e;Hey, Anna. I think maybe you should be nicer to your older brother.\"e;Anna: \"e;And why would I want to do that?\"e;Me: \"e;Because like any teenager, you have secrets, and I think you'd prefer for those secrets to stay secret.\"e;Anna: \"e;What the hell are you talking about?\"e;My response: Mention what I saw yesterdayMe: \"e;I know about the 'toy' you've got stowed away in the bathroom.\"e;Anna tenses up and looks at me with a horrified expression.Anna: \"e;How do you know about that?\"e;Me: \"e;I didn't tell you, Anna. When you got my account suspended, I declared war. This is my counterattack.\"e;Anna: \"e;You found a dildo. So what? Am I supposed to be intimidated by that? What, you're going to tell everyone you found your sister's sex toy? I think that would make you seem like the pervert.\"e;Me: \"e;I don't have to 'tell' anyone. It's always possible for photos to leak anonymously onto social networks.\"e;Anna: \"e;Bullshit. You don't have dirt on me.\"e;She says it aggressively, but there's a slight waver in her voice that makes it seem like she doubts it.Me: \"e;So, this is what it's coming down to, huh?\"e;Holy shit. I'm actually doing this. I'm really poking through my phone to find the photos from yesterday. And I'm going to show them to Anna.There's way too much adrenaline rushing through me to stop now.I find the first photo. And I turn it for Anna to see....Her reaction isn't what I expect at first. It's like she's taking a moment to understand what she's looking at. After a moment, she snaps.Anna is clever. Her honed sporting instincts has her snatching at the phone without telegraphing her intentions. But I'm faster, and I pull it out of reach.Anna: \"e;Give me that-\"e;Me: \"e;Now, now, Anna. All of these are already in a private cloud account that's password locked. Even if you did get your hands on this phone, you wouldn't be able to delete the pictures.\"e;Anna: \"e;You really are sick, you know that? Who takes pictures of their sister masturbating? A fucking pervert, that's who.\"e;My response: Maybe I am a pervertMe: \"e;But that's beside the point, because you're going to do me a favor.\"e;Anna: \"e;Not gonna happen.\"e;Me: \"e;I haven't even said it yet. What if it's super easy?\"e;Anna: \"e;No, it's not. It's going to be something fucking gross, and I'm not about to indulge your perverted sexual fantasies.\"e;Me: \"e;I just want you to take out the garbage, Anna. If you want to do it in a sexy way, that's up to you.\"e;Anna: \"e;Fine, I'll take out the garbage. You'll delete the pictures after that, right?\"e;Me: \"e;No, no. The garbage is just to keep the pictures private for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?\"e;Anna: \"e;You're a real sicko.\"e;Me: \"e;Yep. A sicko with leverage.\"e;Anna spins around toward the door.Me: \"e;Before you leave, one more thing...\"e;My response: It's not like we haven't been through this together beforeMe: \"e;Don't take it so hard. I just caught you in an embarrassing situation.\"e;Anna: \"e;And now you're blackmailing me.\"e;Me: \"e;Just teaching you a lesson about messing with people. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've just posted the pictures. It's no more sinister than what you've done.\"e;Anna: \"e;I've done a lot of things, but I've never blackmailed you.\"e;Me: \"e;Come on! It's just taking out the trash. Is it really so bad that you need to whine so much?\"e;Anna looks away angrily and stomps out of my room.Wow. I actually can't believe I did that. Anna and I have always had a back-and-forth, but this is next level shit. And you know what? After all that, I have that euphoria like you get when you finish a roller coaster.I don't feel bad. I feel powerful....I feel good.I slept surprisingly easily last night.Maybe all the excitement from yesterday conked me out. It looks like I beat my alarm clock up this morning. Rare for me.My mornings usually involve a battle with the alarm clock's snooze button, followed by a mad scramble to get out the door in time for school, but I've actually got time to spare. I may as well get breakfast.I step into the kitchen, scanning the shelves.Anna: \"e;Oh, hey, you're up. Fancy that.\"e;Me: \"e;Hey, Anna. Isn't this early even for you?\"e;Anna: \"e;I know it might be hard for you to understand, but there are actually people who have shit to do while you're still rubbing the crusties out of your eyes.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah? What do you have to do that's so important?\"e;Anna: \"e;I'm getting ready for school and making sure all of my things are in order.\"e;Me: \"e;And that takes you... what? An hour and a half?\"e;Anna: \"e;Two hours, Darth. It's not about cramming everything in my bag and throwing clothes on. I have a relaxing cup of coffee, do a few stretches, and make myself a proper breakfast. I can't live off granola bars and kid's cereal like you.\"e;Anna: \"e;And I better be ready for the day. I have another big game coming up on Friday, so we're practicing every day this week.\"e;I wince remembering driving Anna to practice all last week. It would be a huge pain in the ass if Anna still had that stolen account hanging over me.Me: \"e;Good luck with the game, I guess.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks.\"e;Anna is particularly chatty today, considering how upset she was last night. Normally irritable, this morning, she's borderline friendly.And... of course she would be. I have dirt on her. It would be stupid of her to remind me.Now's the time to show her I'm not letting her off the hook.My response: Hey Anna, make me dinnerMe: \"e;Hey Anna, make me dinner.\"e;Anna: \"e;What, like right now?\"e;Me: \"e;No, you ditz. I meant this evening. Make something nice.\"e;Anna: \"e;What, is this another one of your little games?\"e;Me: \"e;Of course. Your older brother wants to eat something that didn't come out of a microwave, and it's in your best interest to keep me happy. So, make dinner tonight.\"e;Anna: \"e;Okay. We're short on quite a bit, so I don't know how I'm going to make you anything complicated.\"e;Me: \"e;That's easy. Go to the grocery store.\"e;Anna: \"e;When am I supposed to find time to do that?Me: \"e;Your softball practice ends at 4:00, right? Have something ready for me to eat by 6:30. Two and a half hours should be more than enough time for you to go out, buy groceries, and make something nice.\"e;Anna: \"e;And I suppose I don't have any choice in the matter.\"e;Me: \"e;You're free to refuse. But then, I'm free to do what I want with these pictures...\"e;Anna: \"e;Fine, I get it. What am I supposed to make for dinner?\"e;My response: Cook me a steakMe: \"e;Make me a steak. Mashed potatoes on the side.\"e;Anna: \"e;What? I don't know how to cook a steak.\"e;Me: \"e;So what? Look it up online. I'm sure you'll figure it out.\"e;Anna: \"e;It's not that simple.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna, it can't be harder than that calculus class you take.\"e;She casts me with nauseous eyes, doing her best to look down on me.Anna: \"e;Fine.\"e;Anna shakes her head with a frustrated expression before leaving the kitchen.God... my mouth is watering thinking about tonight.Anna's not known for her cooking, but I know she's smart enough that she could make something delicious if she put her mind to it.And steak! What a stroke of genius that was. I'm almost proud of myself.Even if she fucks it up, it's still steak. I'll eat them burnt to a crisp or bloody rare.Thinking about it, this is all a man really needs in his life. A woman to make him food and give him a blowjob....Not that I'd want my sister to give me a blowjob.That'd be crazy.That mental image though... Anna on her knees before my hardening cock... a smile across her lips...It's getting stuck in my head...Shit!NewGirl: \"e;Oh!\"e;I... I nearly run into someone. I guess this is what people say about all the blood going from the brain to the cock.In her surprise, it seems she's crushed a map of the campus in her hands.Alice: \"e;I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz... I meant to go to the admin building but I...\"e;What a cutie! Nerdy little glasses, shy voice, and short little skirt...My response: Introduce myselfInstinctively, I turn up the charm and puff out my chest.Me: \"e;Hey there! I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Darth.\"e;Alice: \"e;Oh! I'm sorry for running into you. My name's, uh, my name's Alice.\"e;Alice: \"e;Sorry, I'm not really good at talking with strangers. I can't even get around.\"e;My response: I can help youMe: \"e;It just seemed like you could use some help.\"e;Alice: \"e;Is it so obvious I'm lost? I could use some help getting myself oriented.\"e;Me: \"e;Where are you trying to get to?Alice: \"e;I'm trying to locate the head office. I thought it would be near here, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.\"e;Me: \"e;Let me see that map.\"e;I point on the map to show her where the office is.Me: \"e;Yeah, see, look. It's at the opposite end.\"e;Alice turns the map around in her hands and her eyes widen.Alice: \"e;Oh, I get it now. I was looking at the map completely backwards.\"e;She looks back up at me.Alice: \"e;Sorry to have bothered you over something so dumb.\"e;My response: Gently tease herMe: \"e;Yeah. I think the first lesson in reading a map is turning it the right way.\"e;Alice: \"e;Um...yeah, I guess that makes me pretty unique.\"e;She looks at the ground uncomfortably for a moment before turning and walking away.Hmm. Maybe she's not the kind of girl who takes teasing well. She did seem kind of skittish and shy when I met her...I hope I haven't ruined any chances with her.I return home after school.I wonder how Anna's little adventure in cooking went?I smell burning meat before I even enter the kitchen.Anna: \"e;Shit.\"e;Me: \"e;Hey, Anna. Making good progress on dinner, I see.\"e;Anna: \"e;Steak for dinner isn't happening.\"e;Anna: \"e;It was dumb for me to even try. I don't know how to cook steak.\"e;Me: \"e;Really? Did you google it?\"e;Annoyed, she waves a printout in my face.Anna: \"e;Of course I did. How old do you think I am? Eighty?\"e;Anna: \"e;I followed the instructions and the meat caught on fire, and it was all I could do to put it out.\"e;Anna: \"e;Looks like you're not having steak tonight.\"e;It's weird. I actually expected Anna to make something. I know she's smart. I know she could do anything if she put her mind to it. And that just makes me it even more aggravating that she couldn't.It may be my stomach speaking, but... I'm irritated. Genuinely irritated. In the way only a hungry, frustrated man could be.Me: \"e;And that's my problem how?\"e;Me: \"e;We had an agreement. You were going to have a steak ready tonight. Now, since you've failed to fulfill that agreement, I'm going to have to come up with something else.\"e;Anna: \"e;What are you thinking?\"e;Me: \"e;That all depends on how good you are at apologizing.\"e;Anna: \"e;What are you talking about?\"e;Me: \"e;You heard me. You've failed, and I think it's fair to say you owe me an apology. Now, make it a good one.\"e;Anna puts her hands on her hips and looks at me with frustration.Anna: \"e;I'm sorry I burned your steak.\"e;There's Anna. Doing things half-assed because she knows I'm reasonable. Maybe it's time I won't be.Me: \"e;Come on. Do better than that.\"e;Anna bows her head.Anna: \"e;I made a terrible mistake and burned your dinner. Please, forgive me for my error.\"e;Anna: \"e;There. Was that good enough for you?\"e;It was an insolent apology. I know it. She knows it. She doesn't take me serious yet.My response: Get on your kneesShe's got something else coming if she thinks I'm going to take that attitude.Me: \"e;That was an improvement, but I know you can do better.\"e;Anna: \"e;Please, oh wise brother, tell me how.\"e;Me: \"e;Get on your knees.\"e;Anna: \"e;What?\"e;Me: \"e;You heard me. If you want to make a better apology, get on your knees.\"e;Anna: \"e;You're crazy.\"e;Me: \"e;If you want to give a half-assed apology, then that's your choice, but you'll make things easier for yourself if you chose to swallow your pride and make a proper apology.\"e;Anna gets down on her knees.Anna: \"e;I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I tried to make a good dinner for you, but I failed. My stupidity and incompetence caused me to burn the steak, and now your dinner has been ruined. Please, please forgive me for this horrible mistake. I'll do my very best to make sure that it never happens again.\"e;Holy shit. Anna's actually doing it. I'm actually surprised, I had imagined she'd sooner do cartwheels across a highway than get on her knees before me.Even when she's so clearly insincere, she's at my mercy, and I could get her to do anything I wanted...Such power can go straight to the head...My response: Pat her headAs Anna sees my hand moving toward her, she flinches. But, as I pat her gently on the head, and she relaxes. There's something almost puppy-like in the way she melts under my touch.This is going... unexpectedly well.Me: \"e;Very good, Anna. You're learning your place. But you can go ahead and stand up now.\"e;Anna stands up, her head still hung in a meek pose.Anna: \"e;Th-thank you.\"e;Me: \"e;Order a pizza and bring it up to my room once it's arrived. Alright?\"e;Anna: \"e;Okay.\"e;Me: \"e;Good.\"e;...Holy shit! I think I may have finally beaten Anna! I've never seen her so submissive!I'm so thrilled by it that I almost forget I'm absolutely starving.Anna failed at making dinner tonight. But who cares? This was more fun than having a steak.I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight, thinking about all the ways I could mess with Anna.It's hard to think about anything other than what happened last night.I haven't really talked to Anna since then. Not really surprising, given that I might have a for her.Surprisingly, Anna and I have grown closer together through all this. Maybe, after this war, there's going to be a lasting peace?Somehow, I doubt that.War. War never changes.The only problem is she still hasn't learned to fear me. She doesn't take me seriously yet.But she'll learn I'm serious. I know that.Everything's so complicated right now. And that's not even bringing Emma into things.Emma... I haven't thought about her in a while. I wonder how her interview went?Before I think to text her, my phone buzzes. It's a message from Anna. That's unusual... let's see what she wants.'Darth - come to the head office - need your help.'So that's it, is it?Anna is still treating me like she's got my account on lockdown, and I have to do her favors.I put the phone away and carry on.But seconds later, my phone buzzes again, and again, each time a new message from Anna.'are you still at school? please come to the office.'Hmm. This could be serious. Anna might actually need me for something. And if she does, not showing up could really hurt her.On the other hand, she could be testing me, trying to see if she still can't get me to do things for her. It would look bad if I fell for it....I guess I'll head to the office and see what's up. It's not really too far and there's no reason to needlessly antagonize Anna.I go to the head office.Behind the desk, I spot someone familiar.It's Alice, that cute new girl!I wonder what she's doing here? It kinda looks like she works here.My response: Hey, Alice!Alice: \"e;Oh, hey, it's you! Uh... sorry, I already forgot your name.\"e;Me: \"e;It's okay. I'm Darth.\"e;Alice: \"e;Sorry, Darth. I'm not really good with names.\"e;Me: \"e;It's alright. You've got tons of names to remember. I'm sure people will cut you some slack.\"e;Alice: \"e;Thanks. It's easy to forget that, with all the stress of transferring.\"e;Alice: \"e;It has kind of been a hassle. There were some forms from my old school that have to be filed again. Apparently I made a mistake when I gave them the address of the new school, so my records got lost in the mail.\"e;Me: \"e;Is that why you're here at the head office?\"e;Alice: \"e;No. Actually, I work here. I needed the money.\"e;Alice: \"e;But it's fun! You get to help people, and it's an easy way to chat if you're shy like me.\"e;Me: \"e;That's good to hear.\"e;Alice: \"e;So... I guess I should do my job. How can I help you, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Actually, I'm here because someone needs me. I'm looking for a girl.\"e;Alice: \"e;Can you tell me what she looks like?\"e;Me: \"e;Her name is Anna. She's got dyed red hair and wears a polka dot dress.\"e;Alice: \"e;Oh... her? She came in pretty recently.\"e;Alice: \"e;She's in the back, going through some files.\"e;Alice: \"e;Here. Follow me.\"e;I open the door to the school's front office and let myself in.Anna: \"e;Ugh. I can't believe this is taking so long!\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, you're here. Took you long enough. Not that getting here any earlier would have helped.\"e;Me: \"e;What's the problem?\"e;Anna: \"e;So, apparently the school lost the file that had the permission forms for everyone on the softball team. This happened several weeks ago. They sent a notification to our school email accounts, but I never check those. I didn't find out about it until now, and I have to get the form signed and in the system by today if I want to play in the upcoming game.\"e;Anna: \"e;The front desk person felt so bad she let me come in and look myself... oh, hello.\"e;Alice: \"e;Hey.\"e;Me: \"e;So where do I come in?\"e;Anna: \"e;Ordinarily you're supposed to get them signed by a parent, but any adult family member can authorize the form. So, that's where you come in.\"e;Me: \"e;Oh, huh. I guess I am technically an adult. The same goes for you, too, though. Why can't you authorize your own form? Or why do you need permission at all?\"e;Anna: \"e;Beats me! The rules are so dumb.\"e;Alice: \"e;It's a liability thing. It's a bit like having a character witness. The other person essentially guarantees you're actually doing the thing you say you're going to do.\"e;Anna: \"e;...\"e;Alice: \"e;...sorry.\"e;Anna: \"e;Can you believe this shit? It's so frustrating.\"e;My response: Well, it'll be over soonMe: \"e;Well, at least this will be over and done with soon.\"e;Anna: \"e;That's what I thought when I first stepped into this office, but they've left me to search for the damn file by myself.\"e;Alice: \"e;I'm sorry, I would've helped, but I need to be at the front desk.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah, you've been as useful as a bottomless bucket, thanks for that.\"e;Me: \"e;But this over now, right? I can sign the form and we can be out of here.\"e;Anna: \"e;Stop making excuses for them, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Anyway, since I'm here, we can go sign fresh forms rather than search for the old ones.\"e;Alice: \"e;Yes, that's right. Let me go get those forms...\"e;Hmm... there are a bunch of loose papers on the floor. Maybe there's something in there? Or maybe I can just watch Alice pick something up in her short skirt?My response: Did you check that pile under the desk?Anna: \"e;I was wondering about those. You said they were worthless.\"e;Alice: \"e;Oh? Those? Those are the discards. Mostly they're just junk.\"e;Me: \"e;So? Where else are you going to find misplaced forms?\"e;...Anna: \"e;Solid point.\"e;Alice: \"e;I guess I should have thought of that...\"e;Alice: \"e;Let's see...\"e;Alice peeks over, takes a brief scan of all the trashed files.Alice: \"e;None are sticking out.\"e;Me: \"e;How can you tell? I think you need to bend over, get a closer look.\"e;Alice: \"e;Sorry, you're right. I was a bit scared my glasses would fall off... the bridge is kinda wobbly...\"e;Alice: \"e;Anyway, I'm rambling. Let's take a proper look.\"e;Alice: \"e;Hmm... still nothing...\"e;Alice has a nice butt... just wish her skirt would hike up more.Me: \"e;Keep looking! The one really close to your feet looks really promising!\"e;Anna: \"e;For the record, Darth, I know exactly what you're doing.\"e;Me: \"e;That's the one, Alice! What does it have on it?\"e;Alice: \"e;Not sure. It's got Anna on it, though. Is this yours?\"e;Anna: \"e;Tell me what the last name is.\"e;Alice: \"e;Can't say. It's handwritten.\"e;Me: \"e;Looks like you have to take a closer look, sis.\"e;Anna: \"e;...\"e;Anna: \"e;Keep your phone in your pocket.\"e;Alice: \"e;Is this your last name?\"e;Anna sighs, a response both to Alice and my barely contained snicker.Anna: \"e;...No.\"e;Anna: \"e;It's someone else called Anna.\"e;Me: \"e;I'm sure it's down there somewhere. Keep looking.\"e;Anna: \"e;No. We're done here.\"e;Anna: \"e;Stop looking. It's not down there. My brother is being lame.\"e;Alice: \"e;I'm sorry I couldn't find it. Let me get a fresh one for you.\"e;Anna: \"e;That would be great.\"e;Anna: \"e;Finally. I thought she'd never leave. It's like, stop hanging around here and do your job.\"e;My response: I was thinking the same thingMe: \"e;Let's be real. The people who wind up working in the office of a school like this aren't exactly the brightest of the bunch.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah, this is exactly the kind of job that they'd give to someone who's too bumbling and dumb to do anything else. 'Uh, you have no skills, so how about you sit at a desk all day and move paper around?'\"e;Me: \"e;Well, they have to employ the bumbling idiots somewhere.\"e;Anna: \"e;Stupid people are ruining the world. I guess society decided that putting them in an office like this is the place where they're going to pose the least danger to others.\"e;Me: \"e;Better here than in a job where it actually matters, I guess. I mean, incompetent people in the administrative office, you get a pain-in-the-ass problem like this every now and then. But when you have a moron working a job at the checkout that you have to visit every week...\"e;Anna: \"e;I know! Those checkout jobs are like a magnet for stupid people.\"e;Me: \"e;And just when you thought that nobody could possibly be more incompetent than the checkout clerks, they introduced the self check-out, where you have to deal with soccer moms who are utterly perplexed by the idea of scanning a barcode.\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, don't get me started on that. This one time-\"e;Alice comes back, but not happily. Her eyes are fixed to the floor, and her lips tightly press together. She thrusts the paper into my hands before briskly walking back out.Anna: \"e;Do you think she heard us?\"e;Me: \"e;There's no chance she didn't.\"e;Anna: \"e;I guess it doesn't matter now. Just sign the form so we can get out of here.\"e;I scribble my signature on the bottom of the form, and Anna tosses it to Alice. We waste no time in getting out.Anna: \"e;Oh man. Did you see the look on her face?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah.\"e;Anna: \"e;Priceless! But what's she going to do about it? Trying to call someone in to discipline us is just going to make more work for her. I think it's hilarious that she was listening to us the entire time shitting on her. In fact, I bet she's the one who lost the forms in the first place!\"e;My response: I'm glad she heard usMe: \"e;Yeah, I'm glad she heard us. In a way, it was like getting to properly chew someone out. You don't get enough chances to do that on a regular basis.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know, right? Sometimes, things are so frustrating that I just want to shit on whoever is closest. Better when you can do it to the person who actually caused the problem in the first place, though.\"e;Anna: \"e;I mean, seriously! I can't get over how irresponsible some people are. If I hadn't gotten that form signed in time, I might have been unable to play in the next softball game.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks for stopping by the office and dealing with the paperwork. At least you didn't let me down today.\"e;Anna: \"e;Anyway, I have to grab some stuff from my locker. Catch you later.\"e;Anna walks off, and I head in the direction of the school gates. I feel like I have a little better understanding of how Anna feels about the world...What a weird week it's been.Somehow, after being under my sister's thumb, I've finally turned the tables, and she's doing my bidding for once.Now, as I sit and think things over, I wonder if her punishment has really fit the crime.She had me doing errands for her for a week, which was bad enough. But now, it's been longer than that for her.Speaking of which, how long has it been? I check my calendar....Holy shit. It's been two weeks!That means I haven't seen Emma for that long either. Surely she's not on her internet blackout any more. I send her quick text asking if she wants to meet up.I'm really curious to hear how her interview went.Still... this whole Anna thing has been too good to be true. Things can't go on forever like this.No - Anna is too clever to let things continue. Undoubtedly she's already got some kind of plan. The real question is: am I going to let things end on my terms, or hers?My response: I'm going to play this out however long it lastsThings have been so good so far that there's no way I can just let her off the hook.I have to admit, if only to myself: it's no longer about punishing her. It's all about getting what I want out of her for as long as I'm able.And if she figures a way out, good for her. But I sure as Hell am not about to do her any favors.I just know... when she finally gets out of this, and I know she will, her vengeance will be swift and absolute. If anyone can top blackmail, it's her. Anna's got a frightening imagination.There's my phone going off.It's Emma. She wants to meet tomorrow during school.That sounds good. I zip off a reply.I wonder how Emma would react to knowing that I've got Anna eating out of my palm? Using naked pictures of her as leverage, no less.Horrified, probably....I should change out of my sweaty school clothes.God, I can't wait to get into something more comfortable. The past few days have been kinda humid and I've been going through shirts on an hourly basis.Well fuck. Empty dresser.I guess this is Anna's fault. I did coerce her into doing all my chores.As they say: while you've got naked pictures of your sister, might as well blackmail her.There's noise coming from the living room. That's a bit unusual. Anna does like to watch TV, but she rarely has the time, and certainly not recently.Hmm... maybe Anna really needs the rest. But I really need clean clothes for tomorrow, and I sure as Hell am not doing it myself.I could lay off a bit, trusting she'll remember to do my laundry this evening.Or... I could just barge in there and show her who's boss.My response: Barge in there and demand she do the laundry... nicelyAlright. So I've got my sister blackmailed. No reason to be meaner than I already am.I enter the TV room. Anna's lying across the couch, half-asleep, half-watching some unfathomably stupid reality show.Me: \"e;Hey Anna.\"e;Anna bolts off the couch, as if she's been caught doing something wrong.She wrings her hands together.Anna: \"e;Yes? What is it?\"e;Wow... Anna's really submissive. I guess I really have been showing her who's boss recently.Me: \"e;Weren't you supposed to do the laundry today?\"e;Anna's eyes dart to the floor as she avoids my gaze.Anna: \"e;I'm sorry. I was going to do it, but- I was so tired. I just didn't have the energy.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna, we are not talking about a time-consuming task here. You carry the clothes from the hamper to the washing machine, then you wait an hour and transfer the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer. That's like ten minutes of actual work.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know. It just kind of slipped my mind.\"e;Me: \"e;It sounds to me like you're making excuses. You need to take responsibility for your actions.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know, Darth. I'm just telling you, I'm desperate for a break. I NEED to shut my brain off, if even for a second.\"e;Anna: \"e;I've been rushing around, doing everything you need me to do, on top of school and my own chores.\"e;Anna: \"e;Please, I'll do your laundry tonight. I promise.\"e;Me: \"e;What's on?\"e;Anna: \"e;It's House of Nards.\"e;Me: \"e;...should I even ask?\"e;Anna: \"e;It's exactly what it sounds like. A bunch of guys live together and act like total nards.\"e;Me: \"e;What's a 'nard'?\"e;Anna: \"e;You know. Dickheads.\"e;Anna steps to the side so I can have a better view.I watch the show for a bit. Two men with fake tans are standing in a parking lot, arguing about how much space one of their cars is occupying. They spend about a minute yelling insults at each other.When my head starts working again, I feel stupider just for the minute I've seen.Wow. I've always known that Anna has had terrible tastes in television, but this really takes the cake.My response: Watch with herAnna: \"e;Really?\"e;She sounds dubious, like this is all leading toward some kind of trick.Me: \"e;I'm serious. Let me sit with you.\"e;Anna: \"e;...Alright.\"e;Anna takes a seat on the couch, and shifts her legs for me.I watch as two people yelling about something pointless. The shouting match escalates, until the two people are screaming bleeped obscenities at each other. Anna begins laughing.Me: \"e;This is funny to you?\"e;Anna: \"e;Okay, I can see how this scene might be lost on you. You need a bit of proper context.\"e;Anna: \"e;So, the two guys arguing right now: the guy with the buzz cut is Connor, and the guy with the faux hawk is Caleb. Both of them work at stores in the same strip mall, and get off at about the same time. So they go off on each other like this all the time.\"e;Anna: \"e;So last week they had the same argument. See, both of them like to park their car in this one spot in the shade, but obviously the position of shadows changes as the sun moves. Connor got to the spot first, but by now, the shadow is over Caleb's car, and now Connor thinks Caleb stole his spot.\"e;Me: \"e;So... he's mad that the sun moved while he was at work?\"e;Anna: \"e;Yes, exactly!\"e;Me: \"e;It's funny because he's stupid? That's it?\"e;Anna: \"e;No, no. It's funny because he's repeatedly stupid. And it's not just the fact that he's acting like a total dumbass right now and trying to pick a fight because he doesn't understand how shadows work. It's that he's always doing this.\"e;Anna: \"e;This is totally in character for Connor. Like I said, it's not as funny if you don't have the proper context.\"e;I refocus on the screen, I'm trying to get what she's saying.But even in context... this all seems pretty stupid to me.Me: \"e;...I don't think I have the same appreciation for House of Nards that you do.\"e;Me: \"e;I can get when you're emotionally wrapped up in the show and you have to see what's next, but to do that you have to get past the first episode, and that's what I can't understand. I can barely watch the first minute.\"e;Anna pauses thoughtfully for a moment.Anna: \"e;I guess it's all about how creative the show is.\"e;Me: \"e;You're kidding.\"e;Anna: \"e;No, I'm not. These idiots - well, Connor and Caleb - don't have an ounce of creativity, but the people who cut the show are geniuses. There's a lot of thought and effort put into these shows.\"e;Anna: \"e;I mean, I bet these guys in their ordinary, everyday lives are pretty boring people. But the TV show does such a great job of capturing these moments that really showcase their lack of intelligence.\"e;Me: \"e;Is that all what it comes down to? Watching dumb people?\"e;Anna: \"e;I guess so. It's like a human zoo, you know? Like the old days, when they had those freak shows. It's just weirdly fascinating to see people who are so... inferior.\"e;Me: \"e;And I guess, by comparison, that would make you superior.\"e;Anna: \"e;Well, obviously.\"e;Me: \"e;That's all it comes down to? A sense of superiority?\"e;Anna pauses to think over that.Anna: \"e;Pretty much. No matter where you are in life, it's nice to say you're better than someone else. I mean, that's just basic. Right?\"e;My response: Yeah, I can see thatMe: \"e;Like, if these guys are so low on the intellect totem pole, I can't be all that bad off.\"e;Anna nods.Anna: \"e;I mean, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm some kind of super genius. But it's definitely nice to know you're in the top half of humanity.\"e;Anna: \"e;You know, there are some people who use the word 'elitist' as an insult. But for me, that's what I aspire to be. Not just to be elite, but to be elitist. To be in a position where I can constantly remind the people below me of that fact.\"e;Anna: \"e;People will get on your case if you say things like that out loud, but I think everyone is looking for ways to prop up their own ego. That's what those 'morally superior' people do, the kind of people who will condemn so-called elitists. Because really, those people have just found a different way to feel superior. Morally superior, but it's the same idea.\"e;Anna: \"e;At least I'm aware of what I'm doing. I'm not a fucking hypocrite.\"e;Me: \"e;It's not hypocrisy. It's just being self-aware.\"e;Me: \"e;But yeah, I get what you're saying.\"e;Anna: \"e;I mean, for all the shit I give you, you always seem to weather it fine. You know your place in the world, and you're not ashamed of it.\"e;Me: \"e;Uh... is that a compliment?\"e;Anna: \"e;Well, it certainly wasn't an insult, bro.\"e;Anna smirks and tries the word again.Anna: \"e;Bro. I don't ever call you that, do I? Maybe I should start.I spend the next hour in front of the TV with Anna, watching passively as she makes sarcastic remarks about how dumb the people are. She seems to enjoy it enough, even though the tone of her voice seems to be caught between annoyance and amusement.All good things come to an end. So do bad things. Even back-to-back episodes of House of Nards. Advertisements blare about a show featuring the trials and tribulations of overweight dwarves.Anna stands up, and I think she's about to leave, but there's some indecision on her face. She's considering a question. I feel like I know what it is...Anna: \"e;Do you wanna keep watching? There's some stuff on VidFlix I want to see.\"e;My response: SureMe: \"e;What did you have in mind?\"e;Anna: \"e;I don't know.\"e;Anna: \"e;I don't think I have the energy to even pick.\"e;Anna: \"e;But please, nothing weird.\"e;Me: \"e;I'll stick to what you've added. Why don't you get some popcorn and I'll choose what to watch?\"e;Anna: \"e;It's a deal!\"e;Hmm... log onto Anna's VidFlix account and see what she's got saved.And Anna was scared I might pick something weird? Apart from her shitty reality TV, her saved shows are like a what's what of the most violent and sexually explicit dramas possible.I take a quick look and narrow things down to three options.My response: Throne of SwordsThrone of Swords? Isn't that the huge series? With the dragons and sex and everything? Sounds cool.What timing. Looks like Anna's back! Buttery popcorn scent wafts to my nose and rumbles my stomach.Anna: \"e;You pick something?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah. Throne of Swords. Looked cool.\"e;Anna: \"e;Are you caught up? I mean, I'm kinda in the middle of the series. It's a lot of story to just pick up.\"e;Me: \"e;Come on. Don't insult me. This isn't War and Peace, it's a show about fucking magic and dragons!\"e;Anna stifles a laugh.Anna: \"e;Alright. Whatever you say, boss. Turn it on.\"e;I click play.Jesus. Anna was right. Just in this one episode, I've seen a dozen different characters. There's more talking in this show than a legal drama.They've all got interwoven plots and keep bringing up events from past episodes... I'm totally lost.But, Anna watches the whole thing with a great deal of interest. She barely gets her eyes off the screen long enough to grab another handful of popcorn.I wish I'd asked to start from the beginning. But even then, I'm not sure I'd get through it. There's been no violence or sex at all. The costumes and sets are pretty nice, though.The episode is long and passes uneventfully.Me: \"e;Well... that was boring.\"e;Anna: \"e;It's called 'plot development', dumbass.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know you can't wait for all the gore but it's coming. I'm putting on the next episode.\"e;She clicks the play next button before I have the chance to put in my two cents.Anna: \"e;Sorry. I HAVE to know if Lady Imoen survives the dungeons of Duke Jon Irenicus.\"e;I shrug with disinterest....Holy shit! Now things are getting interesting!Out of nowhere, two of the main characters, Khalid and Dynaheir, were just randomly beheaded!Me: \"e;Anna, this show is hardcore!\"e;Anna: \"e;What did I tell you?\"e;Anna: \"e;Hold on a second... it looks like something is about to happen...\"e;The scene cuts back to Lady Imoen. Her brother, Abdel, shows up to rescue her personally, his sword wet with blood. On seeing each other, the handsome warrior drops his sisters and rushes to his sister's chains.There is way too much physical contact involved for just a simple rescue mission. The dialogue is way too husky, and Abdel's hand runs up his sister's thigh in an unexpected act.Shit. I'm actually getting a bit hot under the collar. Did Anna know about this scene?Fuck. I picked this show!The relationship between Imoen and Abdel... it's not my imagination. Imoen can't control herself, planting a thick, wet kiss on Abdel's lips, then venturing onto his neck, delivering desperate love bites.Abdel, for his part, can't help but rip into Lady Imoen's bodice. Her pert breasts steeple out from their confines. Abdel's big, warrior hands are more than a match for her little nipples. He's able to press his thumbs into her breasts while gripping behind her ribs.No way. I'm getting hard. My dick moves beneath my pants.I'm... tempted to look in Anna's direction. How is she reacting to this?I can't. What if she notices me looking at her and gets the wrong idea? And if I do, I'll miss-Imoen has her head buried in Abdel's crotch. The show has practically everything short of actual cock in actual mouth.Abdel's naked chest is slick with sweat, his head knitted with concentration while his sister sucks him off....I really, REALLY want to see how Anna looks right now. But if she sees me looking at her, she might take it the wrong way.What to do?My response: Glance at AnnaWell... this could be a disaster. I don't even know what I want to see out of her. But, fuck it.Alright, time to peek in her direction.Holy shit!Anna is... horny?It's like if she didn't have that finger between her lips, she'd be tempted to use those lips for something else.I mean... if I weren't her brother, she might be all over me...And... I'm just as aroused as she is. If she weren't my sister, I might--best not complete that thought.Finally. That show was an ordeal. I've had to find increasingly creative ways to shift my legs so my erection wasn't blitheringly obvious.Anna: \"e;That was... really something.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah...\"e;Anna: \"e;I, um... really need to... uh...\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah. I need to do some studying.\"e;Anna: \"e;So do I.\"e;Me: \"e;That was quite a scene.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah. And they say that the sex scenes are unsimulated. So that actress who played Imoen really got to suck that dick...\"e;Me: \"e;Or, that guy who played Abdel got to have his dick sucked by that actress.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah. Depends on your perspective I guess.\"e;Me: \"e;...\"e;Anna: \"e;...\"e;Anna: \"e;Anyway, there's something really important I gotta do. See ya, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Yep. See you.\"e;I run to my room and jump out of my pants.I'm so pent up from that show I barely need to get myself in the mood. I'm at full mast already and it's just a matter of squeezing one out. It doesn't take long....Oh. Heaven. That was a itch that desperately needed scratching. Now that my head's clear, my thoughts go back to Anna.She seemed as desperate as me to get back to her room. I don't need to guess what she's doing.And if I'm quiet enough...Looks like she had to work off a little excitement too...Somehow, I think our relationship just got a little more complicated....What time is it?I open my eyes blearily.My eyes resolve on 4 A.M. Even the somber red light of the clock's digital display is enough to hurt my eyes.I've slept awful. Tossing, turning, my cock just won't soften. I'm so horny I could hump the pillows.Thank God they don't have a hole. It might've proved too great a temptation.This all has to be because of what happened with Anna last night.Staying up all night, watching television, it was a mistake.That was the sort of thing you do with your girlfriend, not your sister.But, Hell, there better be a fire going on to make me wake before six....Maybe I'm just thirsty. Quick trip to the kitchen, a bite to eat. That'll set me right.I fix myself some toast and a glass of water. I feel settled - meaning I'm not painfully erect - and it's time to go to bed.I should go straight to my room, but I end up stopping in the corridor. Everything's quiet. Anna's bedroom door is slightly ajar.Of course, there's absolutely no reason I should peek into Anna's room.No reason at all. Nope.My response: PeekThis is a dumb idea.A really dumb idea.Anna's quiet. She usually has a soft snore when she's asleep. But right now, there's no sound at all.Did she go to bed naked? It looks like it.What am I doing?Creeping out on my sister... this is super, super low. Even for me.I've got to go to bed.Clearly I'm just a little worked up.I know things will be better tomorrow morning.The morning. Thank God.My stomach is rumbling. I know Anna's made me something awesome. Hell, it could be boiled horse and I'd eat it like candy right now.But first, I smell like ass. I need a shower and a fresh change of clothes.I go to my hamper and-It's empty.That's right. Anna was supposed to do the laundry last night. It's probably just where we do the washing.I go to the laundry room and-What! No!Shit. My laundry is strewn all over the floor.Anna must've forgotten to do it. Again. I have absolutely no clean clothes for today.This is bad.Me: \"e;Anna!\"e;At first, Anna doesn't respond. So I try again.Me: \"e;Anna!\"e;Anna: \"e;What?\"e;Heavy footsteps follow her up the stairs. The smell of fresh breakfast wafts in after her.Anna: \"e;Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of me being forced to make breakfast for you. You have to shout more shrilly than you do already.\"e;Me: \"e;Did you forget something, Anna?\"e;Anna narrows her eyes at me. It's clear she doesn't know what I'm talking about. And then it strikes her.Anna: \"e;Fuck! I didn't do the laundry last night!\"e;Anna: \"e;Shit. I completely forgot.\"e;Anna: \"e;Listen, Darth, I would've done them, except I totally forgot. I'm not trying to sabotage you. Please forgive me.\"e;Anna: \"e;You were up the whole time with me. You know how late we were up last night.\"e;Anna: \"e;Last night was fun, right? I'd hate for all this to end on a bad note.\"e;Shit. It was at least partly my fault. She was up all night because of me.On the other hand, a bit of excessive punishment might be just the thing to keep her line.Anna: \"e;Tell me what you're thinking...\"e;My response: I might've done the same...Anna heaves a sigh of relief.Anna: \"e;Th-thanks. For a second there I thought you were going to come up with some outlandish punishment for me. Something... weird.\"e;Me: \"e;Not this time. I know things have been hard for you. I don't think you deserve excessive punishment.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks.\"e;God, it's in the middle of the afternoon, the sun is up, and I'm stumbling around I'm so tired.I feel like a zombie.Oh, it's that girl Alice.Quick as I've seen her, she darts away. She must really not want to talk to me.I guess I fucked up with Alice too.Emma and I were supposed to meet near here. But I can't seem to see her. But she is good at catching me by surprise...Emma: \"e;Trying to catch some flies with that gaping mouth of yours?\"e;Me: \"e;Emma! How do you always find the back of me?\"e;Emma: \"e;What's keeping you up at night, babe? I hope it's not thoughts of me.\"e;Me: \"e;How could it not be? You can't give a man a taste and expect him to be satisfied!\"e;Emma giggles and gives me a playful shove.Emma: \"e;Darth, I can't believe you just said that!\"e;Me: \"e;Said what? I didn't even ask you for another blowjob yet.\"e;Emma: \"e;Well... I'm not saying I wouldn't want to. But you can't just say that!\"e;That's right. Emma's got the idea in her head she wants to be courted, but she's still got a dirty, dirty mind. This false innocence act doesn't fool me.Emma: \"e;So if it's not me who's keeping you up at night, what is it? You look tied up in something.\"e;Me: \"e;Hey stop deflecting! You never told me about that interview.\"e;Emma: \"e;Oh, that. It didn't go as bad as I thought.\"e;Emma: \"e;Even so... It's. Been. Killing. Me!\"e;Emma: \"e;So... after your sister threw the towel over my head, I rushed to the bathroom to check the damage. I was mortified: my hair was all fucked up and makeup was running down my cheeks.\"e;Emma: \"e;I did what I could. But there was only so much I could fix without being late. So on the way, I desperately tried to think of what I was going to tell them. Darth, I just wanted to run away!\"e;Emma: \"e;But... even when I got into the room, and the interviewers were sitting across from me, I had nothing to say to them.\"e;Emma: \"e;So, I took a deep breath, and I told them the truth.\"e;Emma: \"e;I guess they took it well. They seemed to understand, at least. And, afterward, the whole interview went normally.\"e;Me: \"e;That sounds great! So what's the problem?\"e;Emma: \"e;That's the thing. I still have to wait a whole damn month to know whether I've been accepted or not. And that's killing me!\"e;Emma: \"e;I tell myself, 'It's alright, you can't control it, just don't worry', but even so, it's hard to convince yourself.\"e;Emma: \"e;And to be honest... there's been a few times this month that I've just had terrible thoughts about your sister. I know, ultimately, she did no real harm, but it's easy to take all this stress out on her.\"e;My response: It's good of you to forgive herEmma: \"e;But you told me I should fight back, didn't you?\"e;Emma: \"e;That I shouldn't make myself an easy victim.\"e;Emma: \"e;This doesn't sound like what you said before.\"e;Me: \"e;You misunderstand. Once you've shown you're not to be messed with, then you let bygones be bygones. You know, a peace treaty.\"e;Emma: \"e;Hmm... I suppose that makes sense. But it still feels like completely different advice.\"e;Emma: \"e;Sorry if I'm bringing up something sensitive, but does this have something to do with why you look so tired?\"e;Me: \"e;Ah. Well, home life has been... interesting.\"e;Emma: \"e;Let me guess. Anna's been giving you a hard time recently.\"e;Oh, Emma. If only you knew the half of it.Me: \"e;She has been involved with some recent craziness at home, that much is true.\"e;Emma: \"e;What has she done to you?\"e;Me: \"e;To me? Nothing recently.\"e;I have to hold in a snicker.Emma: \"e;That's good. Actually, I'm a bit surprised, given that-\"e;Emma: \"e;Darth, do you remember that one time we took a school trip down to the county fair?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah, I remember that. Anna was pretty annoyed I went on the same trip, I think she avoided me the whole time.\"e;Emma: \"e;Well, this all didn't begin with her throwing a towel in my face. That day, she walked up to me outside of one of the food trucks there and asked if she could have one of my nachos.\"e;Me: \"e;That seems kind of weird. She just came up to you out of nowhere and asked to try some of your food?\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah, I thought it was weird, but I said she could try one. Then she flipped it onto my blouse!\"e;Me: \"e;Pff. Yeah, that's Anna.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah, and then she ran off and laughed about it with her friends.\"e;Me: \"e;And the food was pretty expensive, too. I paid six dollars for a hot dog and got one of those mini-weiners and a cracker\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah. I paid eight dollars for those nachos.\"e;Emma: \"e;So, we actually ran into each other a few months after that, and I kind of confronted her about it. And she said that she didn't even know what I was talking about.\"e;Me: \"e;She wasn't pretending.\"e;Emma: \"e;What do you mean?\"e;Me: \"e;I think she genuinely doesn't even remember it. She didn't with half the stuff she did with me.\"e;Emma: \"e;Oh. I think I really feel sorry for her, then.\"e;Me: \"e;You do? I don't?\"e;Emma: \"e;I mean, whenever you do something bad, you feel guilty about it, right? It doesn't feel good, but in a way, those moments of guilt are what keep your life on track. It might surprise you to know this, Darth, but at one point I was at risk of becoming a bully myself.\"e;Me: \"e;You? A bully?\"e;Emma: \"e;Well, it happened. One day at school I saw an older girl who was overweight, and I called her fat to her face. She looked really hurt.\"e;My response: Are you serious? That's the worst thing you've done?Me: \"e;Damn, Emma, you make me look pretty evil by comparison.\"e;Emma: \"e;Don't say that. You are nowhere near evil.\"e;Me: \"e;Compared to you? I'm frickin' Satan.\"e;Emma: \"e;Point is, it's not like the bullies start off with really vicious attacks. They start with small insults, and gradually they get more hurtful and persistent.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah, but you're hardly a bully now.\"e;Emma: \"e;Exactly! That's my point. When I called Martha 'fat,' I saw the look on her face.\"e;Emma: \"e;That look is what kept me from becoming a bully.\"e;Emma: \"e;And with Anna, she's never had any kind of moral compass, any concept of right and wrong. It's almost like she can't control herself. Isn't that sad?\"e;My response: I do feel sad for AnnaMe: \"e;You're right, Emma. I think it's a direct result of never having suffered a consequence for her actions.\"e;Emma: \"e;See, you get it!\"e;Emma: \"e;Wait... what do you mean by 'consequence'?\"e;Me: \"e;Anna's never suffered for her for bad behavior. My parents... I think they always thought it was better to go easy on her, because of her being a step-child and all.\"e;Me: \"e;Maybe we should change that.\"e;Emma: \"e;I don't like your tone of voice...\"e;My response: Someone should punish AnnaEmma: \"e;I see what you're saying. But who has the power to teach her that lesson?\"e;Me: \"e;Not anyone I can think of.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna's an expert with getting on the good side of authority.\"e;Me: \"e;Teachers love her. And my parents, they've already proven they won't do anything.\"e;Emma: \"e;That's just too bad. Without discipline, you're never going to learn civility and self-control.\"e;Me: \"e;Maybe your best bet is just to avoid her.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah. I guess with no recourse that's the only thing I can do.\"e;Emma: \"e;Thanks, Darth. You've really made up my mind about this.\"e;Suddenly, the bell rings.Emma: \"e;Looks like class is starting. Catch you later, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Bye, Emma.\"e;Finally home. What a long day.I pull some leftovers from the fridge. I barely acknowledge what I'm eating before I force it down.Soon after, Anna comes in, her schoolbag slouching off her shoulders.But she's stopped, looking expectantly at me. This is a bit weird. Anna usually goes straight to her room.Anna: \"e;Hey, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Hey, Anna.\"e;Anna: \"e;I wanted to apologize.\"e;Me: \"e;Apologize? For what? Being a bitch?\"e;Anna: \"e;Don't ruin this by being a smart ass, Darth.\"e;Anna: \"e;I promised I'd do the laundry, and I didn't. No matter the situation, I try and keep my promises.\"e;Anna: \"e;I hope you understand all the stress that's been put on my shoulders.\"e;Me: \"e;Geez. Thanks Anna. I... uh... didn't expect this out of you.\"e;Anna: \"e;Of course you don't. I'm pretty much always right!\"e;Anna: \"e;I do trip up though, sometimes.\"e;Anna: \"e;Maybe you ought to think about forgiving me sometime, hmm?\"e;She smirks and walks out of the room.That was unexpected.But I know Anna too well. She's looking for a way out.On the other hand... that doesn't mean she's insincere.At least, though, she's given me something to chew over...Later that afternoon, I'm doing homework when my phone's ringer goes off. It's a call from Emma.Me: \"e;Hey, Emma. You know you could just text me, right?\"e;Emma: \"e;I did. Like three times.\"e;I check my phone notifications screen. Shit, she did. Serves me for being diligent for once.Me: \"e;Whoops, sorry. What's up?\"e;Emma: \"e;I was just curious how things were going between you and Anna.\"e;Me: \"e;Pretty much the same. You know how it is.\"e;Emma: \"e;I was thinking a lot about what we talked about the other day. About this whole mess we've gotten ourselves into.\"e;Emma: \"e;It's just too bad there's nothing that could be done to help her, you know?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah, I guess. Some things can't be fixed.\"e;Me: \"e;...Some people, rather.\"e;Emma: \"e;Not sure I know why I called, Darth.\"e;Emma: \"e;Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice.\"e;Me: \"e;That's nice of you to say.\"e;Emma: \"e;I guess it really is better to forgive and forget after all. After getting all that frustration off my chest... I feel good about myself.\"e;Emma: \"e;It's... you know. Cleansing.\"e;Emma: \"e;Shit, I'm rambling.\"e;Emma: \"e;Anyway, I'll catch you at school. Bye, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Bye Emma.\"e;I hang up the phone and put it away.Hmm... that was a little odd. I wonder if she was trying to tell me something?It's too bad I couldn't convince her to help me correct Anna. But I suppose she's never been that kind of person anyway.I return to my homework.The next day, school passes uneventfully, and I head home.The house seems to be empty when I arrive. Funny, I was expecting Anna to be here. Maybe she's avoiding me?As I set my bag down and toss off my shoes, my instant messenger buzzes on my computer. It's a message from Anna.I open the message. 'i forgot that i have a group project to work on, going to be at a friend's house until later in the evening, can you take out trash for me?'Hmm. Is this worth responding to?My response: Respond yesI type back. 'sure, but you owe me one.'I'm about turn away from my computer when another message blinks on.'btw enjoy your locked phone'Huh?I draw my pattern on the screen.Oh fuck. She really did lock my phone.Damn that bitch.I head back to my room. On the way there, I pass Anna's door, which has been left ajar.Well, she asked for it. Maybe I can find a clue to unlocking my phone?Maybe even something else?My response: Peek inside her roomI scan the room. I guess if my sister had a diary, this would be my chance to look around her closet or under her bed to try and find it, but I don't think Anna's ever been the type to keep a diary. She blasts her whole life across Facebook and Twitter.Of course, Anna has her phone with her. But... it looks like her computer is on. Hmm...My response: Investigate the computerI sit down at Anna's desk and open up a web browser check out her social media account. Of course she's still logged in. And oh, look. Her entire message history is here. I can even see the message that she sent me.Now the tables have truly turned.I scan through the conversation list, trying to find something interesting. Hmm. Which message should I read?My response: Sarah, Anna's childhood friendIf I recall, Sarah was one of Anna's classmates in the first and second grade. She used to come over to our house to play. I think she moved away some time during middle school, though. I didn't expect to see Anna corresponding with someone from her past. Hmm, let's see what's up.The conversation ends there. I'm... a bit stunned. Did Anna really have a crush on me when we were younger? Does she still?Come to think of it, I think this might be the first time I've seen Anna admit to having a crush on anyone, let alone a member of her immediate family. Though, I guess I'm not the type of person she'd go to with secrets like this.Should I check other conversations?My response: Jenny, someone who hates me personallyI know Jenny hates me. I wonder what reason Anna would have to talk to her?Locked my screen with an 'Z', hmmm?Anna, you're underestimating me. I can play this game just as well as you.I suppose I got what I needed. Do I have time for more?My response: LeaveI think that's enough snooping around for today. I could spend the entire night like this, but to be perfectly honest most of Anna's conversations with her classmates aren't that interesting, and I don't have the patience to dig around.Shit.Again? I can't sleep.I'm popping wood like it's going out of style. It makes an obvious impression against the sheets.This isn't working.I have to get up.I have no idea what would set me off.Maybe it's just Emma's reticence.I'll just watch some TV and hope it goes down.I wonder what's on?I turn on the lights and flick through the channels.Agh! Friggin' sex scenes. The last thing I need.Every channel? Damn.My brain... not... getting... oxygen...Okay.I need to jerk off.Of course I've got porn stashed on my computer... but...The closest pictures I've got are on my phone, of Anna...You know, I'm sweating just thinking about those pictures. Surely it wouldn't be a big deal if I had a quick look. If nobody finds out, no harm done. Right?My response: Look at Anna's picturesOkay.So it's super creepy to jerk off to pictures of my sister. Even if she's only my step-sister.But it's not like anyone will ever know.Shit. I remember. Anna locked my phone.Score!I navigate to the pictures folder.As I pull out my stiff cock, I still can't believe I'm doing this.As I finish up, I feel this wave of release rush over me, like I've finally surrendered myself to temptation. It's a feeling similar to eating someone else's birthday cake without them knowing.I pull up my pajama pants and tighten the cords.Me: \"e;Holy fucking shit!\"e;Anna's standing by the doorway! This is bad.Me: \"e;How long have you been there?\"e;Anna: \"e;I-\"e;Anna: \"e;-just came by.\"e;Anna: \"e;I saw the lights. I assumed you'd left them turned on.\"e;Anna: \"e;...\"e;She's being awfully coy. Has she... been watching?Me: \"e;Just... uh... checking email.\"e;Me: \"e;Couldn't sleep.\"e;Me: \"e;You know how it is.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yes, I do.\"e;Anna: \"e;Anyway, if there's nothing wrong, we should be going back to bed.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah... goodnight, Anna.\"e;Anna: \"e;You too.\"e;What the hell happened?How can I got to sleep now, with my heart thudding out from my chest?How are Anna and I gonna look at each other in the morning?In the evening, I go down to the kitchen to grab a drink. Anna's at the sink, washing some dishes.Me: \"e;Oh, hey, Anna.\"e;Anna: \"e;Hey yourself.\"e;Anna's attention is focused on the blender, and she doesn't bother to look up at me.Me: \"e;Nice job with the phone. Took me half a second to fix it.\"e;Anna: \"e;Proud of you. Sorry, I'm out of cookies.\"e;I open the fridge and look for a can of soda, but they all seem to be gone.Me: \"e;Uh, hey, Anna?\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah, what's up?\"e;Me: \"e;Where's the soda?\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, I drank the last one earlier. But I think there's like, a bunch of them in the garage.\"e;Me: \"e;But the sodas in the garage aren't chilled.\"e;Anna shrugs.Anna: \"e;There's ice in the freezer if you want a cold drink.\"e;Me: \"e;Why didn't you restock the fridge after taking the last one?\"e;Anna: \"e;I was busy at the time.\"e;Me: \"e;So, you had enough time to get yourself a drink, but not enough time to restock the fridge?\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah, that's exactly how it went. Why, is that a problem?\"e;My response: It's not a problemMe: \"e;No, it's not a problem.Anna: \"e;Good.\"e;I sigh and turn to leave the kitchen.Me: \"e;I'm going to grab a soda from the garage, I guess. And while I'm there, I'm going to grab a six pack to put in the fridge. You know, so that there's enough for everyone. Hint. Hint.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks, Darth! You're so considerate.\"e;Hmm. Maybe passive aggression isn't the best way to get through to Anna.I'm sitting on the couch. Anna walks in the front door just as my phone starts to vibrate.Anna: \"e;What's that sound?\"e;Me: \"e;Uh... it's my phone? You know, that thing people use to talk to you?\"e;Anna: \"e;Ugh. Who would actually call you?\"e;Me: \"e;Someone who wants to use their phone as a phone, maybe?\"e;Anna: \"e;I can't imagine anyone under the age of forty actually calling another person for a conversation.\"e;Anna can be stupid sometimes. I ignore her and answer the phone.Emma: \"e;Hey, Darth!\"e;Me: \"e;Hey, Emma.\"e;Emma: \"e;Could you do me a favor real quick and tell me if we had any math homework tonight? I wasn't paying attention and forgot to check the board.\"e;Me: \"e;Nope, no math homework tonight. There is a quiz next week, though.\"e;Emma: \"e;Thanks! Bye, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Bye, Em.\"e;Anna: \"e;Was that Emma?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah.\"e;Anna: \"e;That girl talks a storm of shit about that towel incident. Fucking blowing it way out of proportion. If that school rejects her-\"e;Me: \"e;-then they probably didn't deserve her. Yeah. You said that before.\"e;Anna: \"e;You agree with me, right? She's pretty much trying to fucking ruin my reputation.\"e;Me: \"e;Well, you did a pretty shitty thing out in public.\"e;Anna: \"e;You can be a dick sometimes.\"e;Anna: \"e;Anyway, it's only a matter of time before that bitch slanders you too. Get out like there's a fire, I say.\"e;Me: \"e;You saying I should shun her?\"e;Anna: \"e;Or treat her like she doesn't exist. Or something. But definitely don't keep being friends with her.\"e;Me: \"e;Why do you care who I'm friends with?\"e;Anna: \"e;I care about you being friends with my enemies.\"e;Me: \"e;Enemy? Hyperbole, much?\"e;Anna: \"e;This is war, Darth. You've got to pick sides. She's already using you against me.\"e;Anna: \"e;So, what's it going to be, Darth? Me or her?\"e;My response: Side with AnnaMe: \"e;You're my sister, Anna. Of course I care about you more.\"e;Anna: \"e;So, you're going to cut ties with Emma?\"e;Me: \"e;If it's so important to you, fine. But I don't really see what the point is.\"e;...And hopefully this bullshit will all blow over.Anna: \"e;That's good to hear. But talk is cheap, so I want to give you a chance to prove where your loyalties really lie.\"e;Me: \"e;Ah, fuck, Anna...\"e;Anna: \"e;Meet me just inside the entrance of the main classroom building tomorrow morning, before class.\"e;What else do have to do but go along with Anna's little scheme? Even if I decide not to comply, I should probably see what exactly it is that she's up to.The next morning, I meet Anna outside the school's main hallway.Me: \"e;What's this about?\"e;Anna hands me a paper sack.Anna: \"e;Be careful not to shake it. It breaks easily. And don't worry, that's intentional. I want it to break easily.\"e;Me: \"e;What is it?\"e;Anna: \"e;It's a stink bomb.\"e;Me: \"e;Christ.\"e;Me: \"e;What exactly do you want me to do with it?\"e;Anna: \"e;You put it in Emma's bag.\"e;Me: \"e;Excuse me?\"e;Anna: \"e;You heard me. Put it in her bag. At some point, she'll jostle it just right and break the stink bomb. That's the plan.\"e;Me: \"e;This is stupid.\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, don't worry. I've figured out all the logistics. She's on her way. You just have to lend a helping hand.\"e;Anna: \"e;Got it? Lend a helping hand.\"e;Anna: \"e;Look, she's coming.\"e;Anna spots Emma walking through the front gate, and Anna walks toward Emma. Anna brushes past her, but swings her bag into Emma, knocking her to the floor.Emma: \"e;Hey!\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!\"e;Emma drops her bag to the floor.Me: \"e;Here, let me help you with that.\"e;I pick up Emma's bag and several loose books as she stands up from the floor.My response: Shove the stink bomb into Emma's bagMe: \"e;Here you go, Emma.\"e;Emma: \"e;Hey, thanks.\"e;Anna: \"e;I'm sorry about this, I'm just in a rush to get to class. See you!\"e;Anna runs down the hallway.Emma: \"e;Oh, wow. Look at the time. We should get to class, too.\"e;What a long day at school.Had to choose between my sister and my best friend. And I chose Anna. What do I get in return? A silent fucking house.Guess it would be too much to ask for some damn gratitude.Oh well. If she's not here I got the TV to myself.Huh. Anna's here. That look in her eyes - intense.Oh shit. She's been waiting for me.Me: \"e;Hey, Anna... you look like you're in a good mood?\"e;Why do I have to say it like it's a question?Her eyes drift playfully across my body, like there's a bounce to her pupils.Anna: \"e;Maybe that's because I am.\"e;Me: \"e;Dare I ask why?\"e;Anna: \"e;Well, I guess I have you to thank for it. That, and that bitch from school.\"e;Me: \"e;You mean Emma?\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah. Didn't you hear? Some of the stuff from the stink bomb got on her clothing and she had to go home for a fresh change. Bet she misses my towel now.\"e;Me: \"e;I'm amazed I didn't hear about it.\"e;Anna: \"e;What, were you expecting a text from her? You know, she probably has friends other than you, right? Don't you know any of them?\"e;Me: \"e;Not really. It's always just been me and Emma.\"e;Anna: \"e;I don't get why that girl seems to have such a crush on you. But I'm glad that you helped put her in her place.\"e;Me: \"e;Her place? And that would be...\"e;Anna: \"e;Not with you.\"e;My response: What, are you jealous?Anna: \"e;Well... yes.\"e;Anna's gaze drifts downward in thought, passing briefly over me.Anna: \"e;Yeah. I am jealous.\"e;Anna: \"e;Dunno why. I guess that's why I started fucking with her in the first place.\"e;Me: \"e;That's... quite an admission.\"e;Anna: \"e;Not as much as you might think. I don't want you dating some fake bitch. It's not like-\"e;Anna: \"e;Actually... no. I do want to be with you.\"e;Me: \"e;...\"e;I take a breath.Me: \"e;I can honestly say I didn't expect to hear that.\"e;Anna: \"e;Darth, you can't be all that surprised.\"e;Anna: \"e;Actually, fuck... wasn't it kinda obvious? I was so scared at one point that everyone knew my big secret, and everyone was laughing behind my back.\"e;Anna: \"e;I've done nothing but try and torture you, try and grab you and keep you in my hands.\"e;Anna: \"e;I mean, if you weren't blackmailing and dominating me, I'd be blackmailing and dominating you.\"e;Anna: \"e;I don't know why you've been playing this game, Darth, but these are my stakes.\"e;Me: \"e;Alright... so...\"e;Anna: \"e;Now let's talk about you. I know for a fact you jerk off to pictures of me. It's okay. I've already seen you do it.\"e;Me: \"e;Ah... fuck.\"e;Anna: \"e;And I've seen the way you look at me. I'm a girl. It's like a sixth sense, when a guy's eyes rove over her body.\"e;Anna: \"e;Not just recently. But for a long time hasn't it?\"e;Anna: \"e;You think I left the bathroom door ajar as an accident?\"e;Me: \"e;You didn't?\"e;Anna: \"e;No. Of course not. You didn't think I knew you were watching? Please. We're like the abyss: if you stare at a girl, she stares right back at you.\"e;My response: Did you want me to enter?Anna: \"e;Complicated question.\"e;Anna: \"e;Of course, you think about it, you fantasize about it, but you don't know if you really want it until it happens.\"e;Anna: \"e;I have all kinds of dreams. You, sneaking into my room, fucking me silly, sneaking in as I shower, fucking me silly, sneaking between classes, fucking me silly...\"e;Anna: \"e;But I also know what it would mean if it actually happened.\"e;Anna: \"e;I guess I really don't know.\"e;Me: \"e;This is a lot to take in...\"e;Anna leans a bit forward on her chair, a quick glance darting at my lap.Anna: \"e;I can barely believe I'm saying it myself. But I think I've been forthcoming enough.\"e;Anna: \"e;Now it's your turn, Darth. Don't leave me alone with big revelations.\"e;Anna: \"e;Truth is I don't particularly hate Emma. I just hate how close you two are.\"e;Anna: \"e;I think we can reach a cordial relationship. I just would like to know your feelings.\"e;Anna: \"e;A penny for your thoughts.\"e;My response: I wish I could date a person like youMe: \"e;When I think about it... you're kinda the only one.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know that feeling, Darth. I've felt exactly the same way. I wish there was someone outside our family who was worth my time.\"e;Anna: \"e;To survive, you have to learn to bullshit and tell people what they want to hear. When I'm with you, I don't have to.\"e;Me: \"e;So... we're being honest now. Right.\"e;Anna: \"e;Absolutely.\"e;Me: \"e;So we can both acknowledge that you've been checking me out every half-second. Right.\"e;Anna: \"e;You're an ass.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yes.\"e;Me: \"e;I think you should come sit next to me.\"e;Anna: \"e;...are you serious?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah.\"e;Her wet lips twist, almost like she's hungry for something but not sure if she should eat it.Anna: \"e;Alright...\"e;Anna: \"e;This is kind of fucked up.\"e;Me: \"e;I know. But you already knew that. Right?\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah... that's kind of what makes it exciting though.\"e;Anna: \"e;Not sure what I'm supposed to do, though. There's been like five years of building up to this.\"e;Me: \"e;Do what's natural. Get close to what you want so badly.\"e;Anna: \"e;Alright...\"e;Anna: \"e;Do you like this, Darth?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah. I like how your hot breath feels...\"e;Anna: \"e;Bet you can't wait for a hot mouth.\"e;Anna: \"e;But... I dunno. I guess we're gonna treat each other different after this, aren't we?\"e;Anna: \"e;This is a big step.\"e;Me: \"e;Were you really afraid of what I'd think? I thought you trusted me, Anna.\"e;Anna: \"e;Trust you? I'd never trust anyone.\"e;Me: \"e;Well, I sense there's something else that's holding you back.\"e;Anna: \"e;I mean, I guess my other big hang-up was, what if other people found out?\"e;My response: You wouldn't careAnna: \"e;What's that supposed to mean?\"e;Me: \"e;I mean, think about it, Anna. You're the girl who gives zero fucks what anybody else thinks. Why would you care what other people think?\"e;Anna: \"e;Ha. I guess you're right. I don't care.\"e;Me: \"e;Just focus on what you want. What feels good to you.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah.\"e;Me: \"e;Does this feel good? You like this?\"e;Anna nuzzles my lap, her nose and lips grazing the cloth over my growing erection.Anna: \"e;Yeah. And it looks like you're enjoying it too.\"e;Me: \"e;And what are we going to do about it?\"e;Anna: \"e;Looks like your problem, not mine.\"e;Me: \"e;Come on, Anna. You caused this, and now you're going to do something about it.\"e;Anna: \"e;I am?\"e;Me: \"e;Well, I don't think you would have come this far if you weren't planning to.\"e;Anna grins and starts pulling down my pants.Me: \"e;You look like you had fun.\"e;Anna: \"e;Ha! That's my line. But yeah, I did enjoy that.\"e;I mockingly pat Anna on the head.Anna: \"e;So... what now? What's this all mean?\"e;Me: \"e;Do you have something against giving me the occasional blowjob?\"e;Anna: \"e;It's a little unorthodox, but I think we'll do just fine.\"e;And that was that.I get up the next day......And the next few days pass like a blur...I wonder if this is what people mean when they say life goes faster as you get older?Even on days where nothing really happens, it feels I don't really have time to even think and reflect.Why should this day be any different?I get up, roll out of bed, and take my shower.But today things ARE different. The floors are so clean they're practically pearlescent.The carpets are spotless, all the clutter is sorted away, the air is perfumed and fresh.Anna usually makes me breakfast, but today it smells particularly nice.Anna: \"e;Good morning.\"e;Me: \"e;You too, Anna. I, uh... didn't expect you in a maid outfit...\"e;Anna: \"e;Breakfast is on the table. Eat it before it cools.\"e;Anna rushes off to attend to other things.I sit at the table. Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, orange juice and - two cups of coffee.It's just what I needed. This is all too good. What's Anna's angle, here?Anna usually makes good breakfast, but this is exceptional. I'm licking my fingers.Thing is, Anna usually leaves lunch out for me too. I don't see anything today.My response: Anna, what are lunch plans?Anna: \"e;Glad you asked.\"e;Anna: \"e;It's a special occasion, don't you know? I thought to celebrate we might skip school, do something special.\"e;This is strange... what's up with Anna? Never knew her to skip school for any reason, even less for me.Me: \"e;I'm... not necessarily against it. What's this special occasion?\"e;Anna: \"e;You'll see!\"e;Anna: \"e;You'll have to drive, though. I'll give directions.\"e;Hmm. Wonder where Anna plans on taking me?Me: \"e;Sure. What the hell, right?\"e;Anna: \"e;That's the spirit! Let's leave around noon. I still have some prep I need to do.\"e;I putter around and catch up on homework while Anna crashes around in the kitchen, doing whatever prep work needs to be done.It's hard to focus. I'm curious about what Anna plans on doing.Eventually she tells me we're ready. She packs something into the trunk and we drive off.Me: \"e;Wow, look at this place!\"e;Anna: \"e;You like it?\"e;Me: \"e;I'm just surprised I've never been here, honestly. It's so close by, but it's so well hidden...\"e;Anna: \"e;It's kind of a cool secret, isn't it?\"e;Anna: \"e;Let's just keep this place between you and me.\"e;Anna swings to the back of the car, pops open the trunk, and takes out a few baskets.Anna: \"e;Thought we could have lunch out here.\"e;Me: \"e;A picnic? We haven't done one of those in-\"e;Anna: \"e;That's not all though. Come, help me. This basket's heavy.\"e;I help Anna bring the food. She's right... it's weirdly heavy and clunky. What else did Anna bring?Me: \"e;This is amazing, Anna. You still haven't told me what this is about, though.\"e;Anna: \"e;Be patient. All will be clear.\"e;Anna takes out a portable grill from the heavy basket. Guess that explains the weight.Anna: \"e;As for now: do you like your burgers rare, medium or well-done?\"e;Burgers? Holy shit... this IS a special occasion! What's Anna's game here, I wonder?My response: I like them cooked by my sisterAnna: \"e;Smart answer!\"e;Anna: \"e;Alright. You'll get the best burger I can flip.\"e;Anna uses a portable grill to cook the burgers up. We have a friendly chat... the sort Anna and I haven't had in forever, it feels.Life, school, love, what we watched on TV. All that stuff that just comes out.And the burgers: perfect, as might be expected. There's no way Anna hasn't been studying up on the culinary arts. It's just super juicy, super meaty, like at a fancy burger place.Me: \"e;Damn Anna. You are spoiling me today.\"e;Anna: \"e;Bet you're wondering what this is all about, hmm?\"e;Anna: \"e;Do you know how long it's been, Darth?\"e;Me: \"e;How long since what?\"e;Anna: \"e;Since you took those pictures of me in the shower. And used them against me.\"e;Me: \"e;I'm... surprised you've been keeping track.\"e;Anna: \"e;How could I not? Life totally changed for me. Probably for you, too.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna... you're... kinda creeping me out...\"e;Anna: \"e;Why would you say that?\"e;Me: \"e;You say that, but look totally at peace. Frankly, I would've imagined you being a bit more... hateful, I guess.\"e;Anna: \"e;It's not what you think, Darth. I'm beyond that. I'm not the same girl who threw a towel in Emma's face, or hijacked your Facebook account.\"e;Anna: \"e;Would you like dessert?\"e;Anna reaches into one of the untouched baskets, and takes out two cupcakes.Anna: \"e;Red velvet. Your favorite.\"e;Me: \"e;What's this for?\"e;Anna: \"e;Don't you get it? This day one month ago, you took those pictures!\"e;Anna: \"e;This is our one month anniversary.\"e;Anna: \"e;Go on. Try one.\"e;I pick up the cupcake, turn it in my fingers a bit. Did Anna make this herself? Or did she buy it from a fancy bakery? It looks really good.Despite what Anna's said, she's still got this strange expression. Everything about her is just subtly wrong. I feel... lured.Was it a mistake coming here? What does Anna want?She looks on in great anticipation as I bring it closer to my lips...My response: (Eat cupcake)My fears are absurd. Even with all the shit I've given her, I know for a fact she'd never do anything to hurt me.I take a bite.Anna: \"e;How does it taste?\"e;I let the cupcake linger on my tongue. It's got that luscious moist flavor that kinda coats and soothes the mouth.Me: \"e;It's pretty tasty...\"e;Anna: \"e;Let me try.\"e;I think she's about to bite into her own, but she suddenly leans forward, planting her soft lips on mine.She urges my lips open with her own mouth. Once inside, her velvety tongue slithers across, gathering moist crumbs of cupcake.Under the warm summer sun, where time just seems to slow, it feels like forever that we share the same taste.Unfortunately, we can't stay like this. Anna separates, a silken filament of saliva bridging our lips briefly, before she swallows.Anna: \"e;Mmm. I did a good job.\"e;Me: \"e;You did.\"e;Me: \"e;I'm surprised you did this out in public.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah, me too. I guess I like the taste of you.\"e;Me: \"e;You certainly took my cock well enough.\"e;Anna: \"e;Mhmm. Didn't really have a flavor, to be honest. Mostly it's just the thrill of doing it.\"e;Me: \"e;Please tell me that's why you lured me out here.\"e;Anna: \"e;We'll see how things go. I wanted to talk to you about something.\"e;Anna: \"e;Darth, I suppose I should start with a question.\"e;Anna: \"e;Over the past month... have I changed?\"e;Shit... sounds like a serious question. I wonder what I should say?My response: I think you have changedAnna: \"e;And... how do you think I've changed?\"e;Me: \"e;Geez, Anna. In what sense?\"e;Anna: \"e;Don't worry about that. I just want a raw answer.\"e;My response: You're more thoughtfulAnna: \"e;Thanks. That's what I wanted to hear.\"e;Anna: \"e;When all this started, I was so sure we were going to destroy one another. I thought that you were going to use me up and cast me aside.\"e;Anna: \"e;But you didn't.\"e;Anna: \"e;I was... actually confused by how forgiving you were. I was thinking like an animal: you get someone down and you tear their throat out.\"e;Anna: \"e;Now, I think I understand what you were trying to do.\"e;Anna: \"e;You were trying to change me, weren't you?\"e;Anna: \"e;I was so jealous of you and Emma. You knew I hated her because I was jealous, didn't you?\"e;Anna: \"e;I think you knew even before I did.\"e;Anna: \"e;But I'm letting go now. Your life is your own and I have no right to control you or sabotage your relationships.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know what I said. About you not associating with Emma anymore. But now that I know where we stand, I don't feel threatened by her anymore.\"e;Anna: \"e;Could... you do the same for me?\"e;Anna: \"e;Don't worry. Whatever happens, nothing is going to change what's between us.\"e;Anna: \"e;That's sticking around for as long as we want it to.\"e;Anna: \"e;But if you freed me... I would show that these feelings are real, and not just from blackmail...\"e;Anna: \"e;And... if you're worried I'll stop having sex with you, don't. It'll be for fun... nothing else.\"e;So, now it all makes sense. Anna is asking me to delete the photos. That certainly explains why she's so nice right now. She's softening me up.She certainly ascribed to me far more noble a goal than I have.I wanted to keep this going on and on and on, Anna learning a lesson be damned. But I always knew it was impossible.Anna is going to find a way out. She's too clever to be denied long. And if I wanted to look good and generous to her, now really is the time.On the other hand... maybe I can keep things going on just a little longer.What to do?"e;,"e;"e;:"e;Emma... Emma...There couldn't be a worse time for this. Yet, my cock is absolutely pounding, my heart racing out of my chest, my cheeks burning.That door clicks locked. You're in front of me. This time, I know exactly what to do.I unzip my pants and my cock pushes its own way out. You waste no time, on your knees before I even have the chance to ask. The tip of your nose grazes the tender underside of my penis. You take in its musk greedily with several snuffs.Shyly, your tongue darts out, taking a brief taste, a bit like how you dip your toe into pool water before jumping in.Whatever the case, it's clear you like it. You pop the whole thing into your mouth and give it a good, long suck. My eyes are glued to you: I NEED to drink in the scene in front of me.Of course I'm dissatisfied. How could I not be? Your mouth only works me up for the main course.I can't stop myself. I throw you onto the bed that's just popped into existence, pushing myself deep into you like a sheath. You wail with surprise and pleasure and spread out as much as you can to accommodate me.The crowd goes wild!A voice booms: 'And that's another home run! Wow!'Shit.No way. I couldn't have fallen asleep, could I?No. I was just daydreaming. Hard.Instinctively, I glance around. Everyone in the stands looks enthralled by the game. Only a middle-aged woman a few seats away gives me the evil eye.Looks like she was the only one who caught me pitching major tent. I give her a mischievous, unapologetic grin, as I tuck my semi-hard cock beneath my waistband.Really, I have no reason to be sorry. I have no interest in high school athletics. The only reason I'm here is for Anna.Anna, my baby sister. I'm still not sure if I came to support her, or placate her. Our relationship is... interesting.You see, she's not my biological sister and there is no blood relation between us... her family married into mine when we were pretty young... anyway, it's a complicated story.Even though she's an adult now, she's still grown up faster than I might've expected. Thanks to her athletic lifestyle, she's definitely more woman than girl.It seems I can't take a walk through school without overhearing someone go on and on about my sister. I can't blame them, honest. She's got that healthy glow, that cute, easygoing face, and a pretty rocking-Anyway, she's good looking, even I can see that. It's too bad I also know how annoying she can be.I didn't want to come. Honestly, I've been so preoccupied by the Emma situation I haven't been in the mood to do anything else. She hasn't responded to any of my texts since we were locked in that classroom, and that has me obsessing over it.But Anna's got a way of getting what she wants out of me. We're a bit like America and Russia. We're always looking to get one over the other, but sometimes, we get along for the sake of peace, and maybe because we have more in common than we'd care to admit.Also, she changed all my social media passwords, and won't give them back unless I drove her to the game. That's probably the biggest reason I'm here.That's where I got to school. Normally, I make of point of not being here when I don't have to be, but it's been a complicated week.A lot has to happen to have me pining for math and science lectures, but my sister's dragging softball game is one of those things.Speak of the devil!Way in the distance, I see Emma at a jog. She doesn't usually run, so she must be in a hurry. If I left right now, I could run over and catch her before she gets to wherever she's going.On the other hand, glancing at the scoreboard, it's the ninth inning, the score's even, and Anna's going to bat pretty soon. If I missed her at plate, our cold war's going thermonuclear.But... I should see Emma. No, I NEED to see Emma. There's no doubt about that.My response: I can be quickI can be quick, right? I can get things settled with Emma and then come back before Anna's at bat. Right?I'm vaulting over people to get out of the bleachers, shoving and begging, apologizing and cursing, whatever get me out from here quicker.I burst out and race after Emma as she jogs to the building. She's also racing, trying to follow someone inside the head office.It feels like I'm doing the hundred meter dash to catch up. And I think I'm about to miss it......but the door is shut just as Emma gets there, automatically locking!I don't slow down, I'm going too fast now, but as I reach for Emma's shoulder, I think back to that day in the classroom. How things ended between us. It all ended...My response: With a could I possibly forget what happened? That's been burned into my mind.It's been such a long time since I've seen her! Would it be appropriate to run up behind and kiss her? I so badly want to, but she hasn't talked to me in days! What if she's changed her mind since then?Maybe I could surprise her with a backrub. That's always nice.But, by the time I reach her, I only think enough to tap her on the shoulder.Emma turns to my touch. Her eyes widen with shock to see me.Emma: \"e;Hey, Darth...\"e;I unconsciously dissect her expression, and a thrill runs through me as I see a hint of shyness. It's clear that I left Emma with quite an impression.Me: \"e;Hey.\"e;Emma: \"e;You've caught me!\"e;She makes a slightly uncomfortable laugh, as though a little lost and buying herself time to find the words.Emma: \"e;I'm sorry, Darth. I saw your texts, but I didn't read them. It's one of those things, where you're so embarrassed you haven't responded to someone that you just don't respond ever, and then it's a million years later and a million times more awkward.\"e;Emma: \"e;I haven't known what to say to you. And I haven't had the time to think about it.\"e;Me: \"e;I understand. That day was... eventful.\"e;Emma: \"e;A talent for understatement!\"e;Emma laughs.Emma: \"e;I am glad you came up to me, though. It turns out talking to you is less stressful than not talking to you.\"e;Me: \"e;If you don't mind me asking, what's the story?\"e;Emma: \"e;You mean you didn't know?\"e;Me: \"e;Didn't know what?\"e;Emma: \"e;You are on Facebook, right? I posted all about it there, I told everyone I wouldn't be responding to messages. I'm on a social media blackout.\"e;Me: \"e;You are? I would've read it, but...\"e;My sister stole my password.Damn you Anna.Emma: \"e;You know now, though. I guess that explains a lot. I hope that clears up any confusion. Darth, I wouldn't just ignore you for no reason. I think we've gone too far for that. But I also can't risk my future by getting distracted.\"e;Me: \"e;Your future? Sounds big.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah. I'm actually meeting a college admissions officer today. And... it's a really nice school. My dream school.\"e;Me: \"e;You're shitting me! Which one?\"e;Emma: \"e;...Maybe after, Darth. I really don't want to set myself up for disappointment. Anyway, before people are admitted there's several rounds of testing and interviews. I passed my test portion a week ago, and now I'm going to the interview.\"e;At this point, I notice how Em looks. Fresh and bright most of the time, today, she's absolutely radiant. Glowing, really. She must have put a lot of work into her appearance.Me: \"e;That's amazing, Em! I wish I'd known. I see why you're so gussied up now.\"e;Emma: \"e;Thanks! I was worried it might be too much.\"e;Me: \"e;Too much? You're so...\"e;My response: ...fuckable!Emma: \"e;Darth!\"e;Me: \"e;What?\"e;Emma: \"e;That's terrible.\"e;Emma: \"e;I can't go to my interview looking like a slut!\"e;Me: \"e;You don't look like a slut. And even if you did, what's wrong with that?\"e;Emma: \"e;I've got to make a good impression. And besides, if the admissions officer is a woman, being fuckable doesn't get me far.\"e;Me: \"e;Don't be too sure about that. I read somewhere that women like to look at breasts, too.\"e;Emma: \"e;Even if that's true, I can't always fuck people to get what I want. That wouldn't be fair on everyone else.\"e;Well, that had me floored. I know I was about to say something... but Em just called herself out. And she's looking perfectly frank about it.Then, her lips crack a smile, and she's back to her old self.Emma: \"e;I'm teasing you! You should've seen the look on your face!\"e;Mischief sparkles in her eyes once again, and my sixth sense tingles. It's one of those feelings you get, when a girl is about to say something especially naughty, and you can't do anything but anticipate it.Emma: \"e;You know, I hear some couples like to fool around under the bleachers. Except...\"e;Emma's really drawing it out. I feel like I'm being pulled on a medieval torture rack, waiting for the answer. Eventually, I can't wait another second.Me: \"e;Except you don't want to go to your meeting smelling of used condoms and skunky weed.\"e;Emma: \"e;That's a way to put it. I'm also not super sure we should, even if we had the time. Darth, I'm not exactly traditional, but I do like getting courted. You know, dinner, movies, flowers. You might want to try it sometime.\"e;It's almost a bit silly. Just a few days ago, Emma sucked me off. I came over her face and in her mouth. And now she wants to pretend we're all at square one? I suppose girls do what they will, and men do what they must.Emma: \"e;Nobody is opening this door, are they?\"e;Emma: \"e;This is why I hate being on campus after school. Everything's locked up and you can't do anything.\"e;Emma: \"e;I was really hoping to walk in behind someone, but I think I actually have to call campus police.\"e;Me: \"e;I suppose you'll be on time instead of early, then.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yes. And actually, I think I'll do better having talked to you. It's just another thing I don't need off my mind.\"e;Emma: \"e;Still... I'm getting a little nervous.\"e;I glance at my cellphone.Me: \"e;Well, if your meeting is on the hour, you still have twenty minutes...\"e;Emma: \"e;It's not that.\"e;I glance up at her. She swishes around, knowing she really has to say something now.Emma: \"e;It's not just being early. If you're here for the softball game, it means you're here with Anna.\"e;Me: \"e;So?\"e;Emma: \"e;Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.\"e;Me: \"e;Do you two not get along?\"e;Emma searches herself for an excuse, but it seems, from the strangled expression on her face, I've put my thumb on it. Emma looks across the street as though pining for the horizon.Me: \"e;Well, shit, Emma, I always knew you weren't friends, but I had no idea it was this uncomfortable.\"e;Emma: \"e;I can't really mince words, Darth. Anna's a bully. She's always been mean to me. She used to break my things, tell my secrets, spread gossip about me, and just be a constant bitch. It's hard, getting bullied by someone younger than you.\"e;Emma: \"e;I did all the things you're supposed to do. I ignored her, stood up to her, told on her, and it all just made it worse. So now I just avoid her. And that's been the only thing to work so far.\"e;Me: \"e;I know Anna can be mean, but I've never seen her as a bully...\"e;And our conversation went on. And on. And on.And meanwhile, someone noticed I was gone.Anna is stepping up to home plate, softball bat in hand. It's just her now, with two outs on the board and a tied score. She knows she could end this.But she glances at the bleachers, and Darth isn't there.Her brows knit together in agitation. She only has a few scant moments to look around. And she sees nothing. Except...Way out in the distance. There he is. Just a speck out there, but it can't be a mistake. It has to be him. Yapping. Yapping some girl. Yapping with Emma.But there's no time anymore. There's a furnace burning inside and the pitcher is about to throw. But she isn't thinking about the game. She's only thinking about hitting something REALLY hard.The ball blasts out from the pitcher's hand. And Anna hits it. No. She KILLS it.No softball has ever made such a resounding crack as it's struck, and the ball rockets way into the sky. So high, for a moment, it looks like a star out in the day.It feels like it hangs there forever. The ball can no longer defy gravity. It hangs for a moment, and starts to fall back down to Earth.Far from the field. And like a meteor to the ground......where two people happen to be talking.Emma: \"e;...So that's that, and now you know the whole story.\"e;Me: \"e;Wow. Anna really has been a bitch to you.\"e;Emma: \"e;Sorry, Darth. I can't believe I've been ripping apart your sister for a good...\"e;Emma: \"e;Oh my God! I've been here for almost ten minutes!\"e;Me: \"e;Which means the game must be over... and I just missed Anna at bat.\"e;Emma: \"e;Whoa. If I know Anna, brother or not, she's seriously gonna kill you.\"e;Me: \"e;Fuck. I thought I could get back in time.\"e;Emma: \"e;You better hurry back before she comes looking for you.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah, you're right. We'll put this conversation on hold.\"e;Emma: \"e;Wait a second, Darth... before you leave...\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah?\"e;Emma: \"e;How do you deal with Anna? When she does something mean... how do you respond?\"e;Me: \"e;I'm guessing you're asking for your own benefit.\"e;Emma: \"e;Maybe. Maybe I'm asking for advice on how to deal with her. You seem to be the expert.\"e;Me: \"e;Well, when she tries to twist my arm...\"e;My response: I stand up to herMe: \"e;I never let her beat me. When she's bothering me, she knows it. I refuse to be an easy victim.\"e;Emma: \"e;That's admirable, Darth. Sometimes, I kinda feel like I'm too nice. And you know what? Maybe having just a bit more spine would do me well. Give Anna something to think about before crossing me.\"e;Me: \"e;That's the spirit, Em!\"e;Something draws my attention upward. It looks like a weirdly shaped bird at first. But it gets bigger. And comes faster. Faster than I could possibly warn Em. And it's heading right for her!All I have the chance to say is...Me: \"e;Em!\"e;Me: \"e;Watch-\"e;What. The...?Me: \"e;...\"e;Emma: \"e;...\"e;Me: \"e;Holy shit!\"e;Emma: \"e;Oh my God! Did I just do that!\"e;Me: \"e;That's nuts! You snatched it right out of the air! Like it wasn't even a thing!\"e;Emma: \"e;I'm as surprised as you are! I can't even catch things when they're thrown at me normally!\"e;Emma: \"e;Hey, Darth, do you think this means something?\"e;Me: \"e;You mean, like a sign?\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah. What do you think?\"e;My response: It's what you make of itEmma: \"e;You're right. Who cares if it's really a sign or not? It's how I feel about it that gives it significance.\"e;Emma: \"e;I think it means I'm gonna nail this interview. Yep. That's definitely what it means.\"e;Me: \"e;Well, omen or not, I know you're going to crush this.\"e;Emma: \"e;Thanks!\"e;Emma catches sight of something, and her face drops like a leaden weight.Emma: \"e;Or maybe it means Anna's coming.\"e;Me: \"e;Huh?\"e;I turn my head. Anna's coming forward. With a cruel smile she only wears when she's as pissed as Hell.Emma: \"e;Uh oh...\"e;Anna: \"e;Hey guys. How's it hangin'?\"e;Me: \"e;Hey Anna. Shouldn't you be in the showers?\"e;Anna: \"e;I was going to. But then I saw you left in the middle of my game, and I just HAD to see what was so exciting. So I only had time to wipe myself down.\"e;Anna shifts the sweaty, soiled towel over her shoulders.Anna: \"e;Hey Emma, by the way.\"e;Emma: \"e;Hey Anna.\"e;Me: \"e;I meant to watch, Anna, but I had to talk to Emma. I was gonna come back.\"e;Anna: \"e;That's no excuse to abandon your sister for some random girl.\"e;Emma: \"e;I am NOT some random girl. As if he was your real brother!\"e;Anna: \"e;Still closer than you. Anyway, it looks like you two were having a good time. Feel like letting me in on the joke?\"e;Me: \"e;It's not really a joke. So Emma and I were talking, and out of nowhere, this softball fell from the sky, and Emma caught it like it was nothing. She didn't even think about it!\"e;Anna: \"e;Pretty impressive.\"e;Emma: \"e;Yeah, maybe they should put me on your team.\"e;Anna: \"e;You know what I also think is impressive? Whoever hit that ball. Pret-ty good hit if you ask me.\"e;Emma: \"e;Anna? That was your ball? That's crazy! What are the chances?\"e;Anna: \"e;Not as bad as you'd think. Still, I'd like the ball back.\"e;Emma: \"e;What are you talking about? You've played enough softball to know if someone from the crowd catches it, they keep it.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know that. Still, I'd rather have it back.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna, what's your angle?\"e;Anna: \"e;Nothing that concerns you. I just want my ball back.\"e;Emma: \"e;It's not YOUR ball!\"e;Anna: \"e;Fine. Why don't we trade instead?\"e;Emma: \"e;No Anna. This is some trick, I know it. I'm drawing a line, right here, and I'm taking this ball and putting on my shelf. It's MY lucky charm.\"e;Anna draws a long gaze with Emma, ending with a sigh.Anna: \"e;Emma, I suppose you are right.\"e;Emma: \"e;Wow, Anna, I... didn't expect that coming out of you.\"e;Anna: \"e;...About this being a trick.\"e;Emma: \"e;Wha...?\"e;And then Anna throws her nasty, sweaty towel right smack into Emma's face. Emma's whole body stiffens with disgust and horror, like she's been tossed into a vat of slugs, and has to flap her arms to fly away.Her twitching fingers drop the ball, which rolls obediently to Anna's feet. Anna bends over to pick it up, and stands triumphantly ball in hand, a pleasured, serpentine glimmer in one of her eyes....Especially as her eyes follow Emma racing across campus, squealing.Me: \"e;Holy shit, Anna! I don't think you know what you just did!\"e;Anna: \"e;What do you mean?\"e;Me: \"e;Do me a favor. Let's talk when we get home.\"e;The whole way home, my hands are sweaty with anger. I have to clutch the wheel like I'm strangling it.There's so many things I'm pissed with Anna about, it's just impossible to know where to begin. But I'm literally getting hot just thinking about them.And Anna is sitting next to me, spinning the softball in her hands, admiring it as though nothing were wrong.I want to chew her out right now, but I can't. If I lose my patience, I just know I'll rear end someone.Even now, I want to just plow right through red lights to get home quicker.Finally, back home. I so badly want to get Anna out of my hair. Just drop myself on my bed and surf the web.But I can't let Anna off the hook. If I don't chew her out now, she's going to think she can roll right over me.Me: \"e;Anna!\"e;Anna: \"e;What?\"e;Me: \"e;Do you have any idea what you've just done? Emma was going to an interview!\"e;Anna: \"e;Really? An important one?\"e;Me: \"e;Yes, an important one!\"e;Anna: \"e;If she'd told me, I wouldn't have thrown the towel in her face. I'm not evil, you know.\"e;Me: \"e;That's not the point. You shouldn't have done it. Period.\"e;Anna: \"e;So what? It's just a bit of fun. Tell you what, if that job rejects her on the basis of some smudged makeup, they never deserved her anyway.\"e;Me: \"e;It was college admissions.\"e;Anna: \"e;Same difference.\"e;Me: \"e;That's not all I'm pissed about.\"e;Anna sighs boredly.Anna: \"e;What is it?\"e;My response: You coerced meMe: \"e;If you hadn't have stolen my Facebook account, this would never have happened.\"e;Anna: \"e;Serves you right for leaving it open on your computer.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah. Guess I really learned my lesson now.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yes. It was nice being driven around for a week, but I've had my fun. You'll get it back.\"e;Me: \"e;Can I have it back now?\"e;Me: \"e;My password. I want it back.\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, right. It's 'ImmaPussy'. Capital I, capital P, no spaces.\"e;Me: \"e;Real mature, Anna.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks for driving me around all week.\"e;Me: \"e;Don't get used to it.\"e;Anna hurries up the steps. I can't think of anything except leaping atop my bed and burying myself into my phone. Drown myself in my long-neglected social media.I log onto Facebook and...No way.NO WAY.Account suspended? Terms of service violation? What madness is this? I rapidly scroll down the messages....Anna has been posting dick pics under my name.One's been captioned, 'THIS IS MAI FAVORITE!'......I declare war on Anna.I walk down the hallway. I don't have a plan. I don't know what I could do to hurt her. But I'm gonna do something.My head swirls with all our prior prank wars. Flushing the toilet while she's taking a shower; replacing all the toothpaste with white glue; stealing her clothes and towel...None of these things are gonna show I'm serious. But as I get closer to the door, I just don't know what.The door is just slightly ajar. Why would Anna neglect to lock it? By habit, I reach out to close it, but instead, my hand rests on the doorknob.Anna's attitude calls for extreme measures. I already know what that means. But putting it into action... that's another story.So I push the door just the slightest, and take a peek.Steaming shower water swirls about the room. I have to focus to see past it. And through the vapor I watch as Anna pulls at the elastic of her sports uniform......she pulls them past her hips, showing the crease of her buttocks...God, I can only imagine what it would be like to get beneath those shorts...What am I doing?Geez... I'm getting hard, and I'm watching my sister undress! This is ALL bad.It seems like yesterday she was an awkward little brat. But she's all grown up now. She's got everything that makes her a real woman. It's kinda marvellous, in a strange way.But... I'm not here to creep out on my sister. There's a method to my madness.I pull myself away from the door...I take a few deep breaths...Unbelievably, even to myself, I pull out my cellphone, and flip it to camera mode....This was a last resort. I never wanted to do this. But Anna struck first and now we're at war.That's right. I'm going to take pictures of my sister showering....If I can get my hand to stop shaking......And my cock to soften.Alright. Let's do this.My response: SkipI can't believe it. My hands are shaking, my heart is pounding, I'm sweating balls, knowing what I've got in my hand.Inside this phone are naked pictures. Of my sister.Masturbating with a dildo.Holy shit.What the Hell do I do with these?Fuck. Now's not the time to think about this. Anna's gonna be getting out of the shower at any second.I rush back outside.It should've been a typical weekday afternoon. I should've been doing homework, or playing video games, or hanging out with friends. But I couldn't do any of those things.Not with everything I had on my phone.Of course, I'm a normal guy. I like looking at naked girls like anyone else. But when it's your sister that's the naked girl, that's something else completely!And the temptation is not easy to resist...My response: Give inI can't take it anymore. If no one finds out, no harm, right? Certainly it's better to let it out than have it all bottled in.I just can't imagine how people would react if they knew I had jerked off to pictures of my sister.I get out my cellphone and navigate to the folder where I've got the pictures stored.I unzip my jeans...The front door slams, and I hoist my pants back up in alarm. It has to be Anna, she likes to make as much noise as possible, as if to announce her arrival. For once, I'm thankful for Anna's vanity.I can already hear her footsteps, heavy with purpose, as she walks up the stairs. I know I have little time to straighten up before she barges in.Anna: \"e;Darth!\"e;I just manage to get my shirt tucked.Me: \"e;It's open.\"e;The door swings open, and I turn to face Anna.Anna: \"e;You were supposed to take the garbage out tonight!\"e;Me: \"e;Pick up is in the morning. I'll take it out before I go to school.\"e;Anna: \"e;And while you wait, the garbage is rotting and stinking. How am I supposed to eat when all I can smell is trash?\"e;Me: \"e;If it matters so much to you, you could take the trash out yourself.\"e;Anna: \"e;That's your job, not mine.\"e;I'm about to retort when I remember: I declared war on Anna. If I don't fire the first shots, when? I take out my cellphone, feeling now is the time to use my 'leverage...'Me: \"e;Hey, Anna. I think maybe you should be nicer to your older brother.\"e;Anna: \"e;And why would I want to do that?\"e;Me: \"e;Because like any teenager, you have secrets, and I think you'd prefer for those secrets to stay secret.\"e;Anna: \"e;What the hell are you talking about?\"e;My response: Mention what I saw yesterdayMe: \"e;I know about the 'toy' you've got stowed away in the bathroom.\"e;Anna tenses up and looks at me with a horrified expression.Anna: \"e;How do you know about that?\"e;Me: \"e;I didn't tell you, Anna. When you got my account suspended, I declared war. This is my counterattack.\"e;Anna: \"e;You found a dildo. So what? Am I supposed to be intimidated by that? What, you're going to tell everyone you found your sister's sex toy? I think that would make you seem like the pervert.\"e;Me: \"e;I don't have to 'tell' anyone. It's always possible for photos to leak anonymously onto social networks.\"e;Anna: \"e;Bullshit. You don't have dirt on me.\"e;She says it aggressively, but there's a slight waver in her voice that makes it seem like she doubts it.Me: \"e;So, this is what it's coming down to, huh?\"e;Holy shit. I'm actually doing this. I'm really poking through my phone to find the photos from yesterday. And I'm going to show them to Anna.There's way too much adrenaline rushing through me to stop now.I find the first photo. And I turn it for Anna to see....Her reaction isn't what I expect at first. It's like she's taking a moment to understand what she's looking at. After a moment, she snaps.Anna is clever. Her honed sporting instincts has her snatching at the phone without telegraphing her intentions. But I'm faster, and I pull it out of reach.Anna: \"e;Give me that-\"e;Me: \"e;Now, now, Anna. All of these are already in a private cloud account that's password locked. Even if you did get your hands on this phone, you wouldn't be able to delete the pictures.\"e;Anna: \"e;You really are sick, you know that? Who takes pictures of their sister masturbating? A fucking pervert, that's who.\"e;My response: Maybe I am a pervertMe: \"e;But that's beside the point, because you're going to do me a favor.\"e;Anna: \"e;Not gonna happen.\"e;Me: \"e;I haven't even said it yet. What if it's super easy?\"e;Anna: \"e;No, it's not. It's going to be something fucking gross, and I'm not about to indulge your perverted sexual fantasies.\"e;Me: \"e;I just want you to take out the garbage, Anna. If you want to do it in a sexy way, that's up to you.\"e;Anna: \"e;Fine, I'll take out the garbage. You'll delete the pictures after that, right?\"e;Me: \"e;No, no. The garbage is just to keep the pictures private for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?\"e;Anna: \"e;You're a real sicko.\"e;Me: \"e;Yep. A sicko with leverage.\"e;Anna spins around toward the door.Me: \"e;Before you leave, one more thing...\"e;My response: It's not like we haven't been through this together beforeMe: \"e;Don't take it so hard. I just caught you in an embarrassing situation.\"e;Anna: \"e;And now you're blackmailing me.\"e;Me: \"e;Just teaching you a lesson about messing with people. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've just posted the pictures. It's no more sinister than what you've done.\"e;Anna: \"e;I've done a lot of things, but I've never blackmailed you.\"e;Me: \"e;Come on! It's just taking out the trash. Is it really so bad that you need to whine so much?\"e;Anna looks away angrily and stomps out of my room.Wow. I actually can't believe I did that. Anna and I have always had a back-and-forth, but this is next level shit. And you know what? After all that, I have that euphoria like you get when you finish a roller coaster.I don't feel bad. I feel powerful....I feel good.I slept surprisingly easily last night.Maybe all the excitement from yesterday conked me out. It looks like I beat my alarm clock up this morning. Rare for me.My mornings usually involve a battle with the alarm clock's snooze button, followed by a mad scramble to get out the door in time for school, but I've actually got time to spare. I may as well get breakfast.I step into the kitchen, scanning the shelves.Anna: \"e;Oh, hey, you're up. Fancy that.\"e;Me: \"e;Hey, Anna. Isn't this early even for you?\"e;Anna: \"e;I know it might be hard for you to understand, but there are actually people who have shit to do while you're still rubbing the crusties out of your eyes.\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah? What do you have to do that's so important?\"e;Anna: \"e;I'm getting ready for school and making sure all of my things are in order.\"e;Me: \"e;And that takes you... what? An hour and a half?\"e;Anna: \"e;Two hours, Darth. It's not about cramming everything in my bag and throwing clothes on. I have a relaxing cup of coffee, do a few stretches, and make myself a proper breakfast. I can't live off granola bars and kid's cereal like you.\"e;Anna: \"e;And I better be ready for the day. I have another big game coming up on Friday, so we're practicing every day this week.\"e;I wince remembering driving Anna to practice all last week. It would be a huge pain in the ass if Anna still had that stolen account hanging over me.Me: \"e;Good luck with the game, I guess.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks.\"e;Anna is particularly chatty today, considering how upset she was last night. Normally irritable, this morning, she's borderline friendly.And... of course she would be. I have dirt on her. It would be stupid of her to remind me.Now's the time to show her I'm not letting her off the hook.My response: Hey Anna, make me dinnerMe: \"e;Hey Anna, make me dinner.\"e;Anna: \"e;What, like right now?\"e;Me: \"e;No, you ditz. I meant this evening. Make something nice.\"e;Anna: \"e;What, is this another one of your little games?\"e;Me: \"e;Of course. Your older brother wants to eat something that didn't come out of a microwave, and it's in your best interest to keep me happy. So, make dinner tonight.\"e;Anna: \"e;Okay. We're short on quite a bit, so I don't know how I'm going to make you anything complicated.\"e;Me: \"e;That's easy. Go to the grocery store.\"e;Anna: \"e;When am I supposed to find time to do that?Me: \"e;Your softball practice ends at 4:00, right? Have something ready for me to eat by 6:30. Two and a half hours should be more than enough time for you to go out, buy groceries, and make something nice.\"e;Anna: \"e;And I suppose I don't have any choice in the matter.\"e;Me: \"e;You're free to refuse. But then, I'm free to do what I want with these pictures...\"e;Anna: \"e;Fine, I get it. What am I supposed to make for dinner?\"e;My response: Cook me a steakMe: \"e;Make me a steak. Mashed potatoes on the side.\"e;Anna: \"e;What? I don't know how to cook a steak.\"e;Me: \"e;So what? Look it up online. I'm sure you'll figure it out.\"e;Anna: \"e;It's not that simple.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna, it can't be harder than that calculus class you take.\"e;She casts me with nauseous eyes, doing her best to look down on me.Anna: \"e;Fine.\"e;Anna shakes her head with a frustrated expression before leaving the kitchen.God... my mouth is watering thinking about tonight.Anna's not known for her cooking, but I know she's smart enough that she could make something delicious if she put her mind to it.And steak! What a stroke of genius that was. I'm almost proud of myself.Even if she fucks it up, it's still steak. I'll eat them burnt to a crisp or bloody rare.Thinking about it, this is all a man really needs in his life. A woman to make him food and give him a blowjob....Not that I'd want my sister to give me a blowjob.That'd be crazy.That mental image though... Anna on her knees before my hardening cock... a smile across her lips...It's getting stuck in my head...Shit!NewGirl: \"e;Oh!\"e;I... I nearly run into someone. I guess this is what people say about all the blood going from the brain to the cock.In her surprise, it seems she's crushed a map of the campus in her hands.Alice: \"e;I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz... I meant to go to the admin building but I...\"e;What a cutie! Nerdy little glasses, shy voice, and short little skirt...My response: Introduce myselfInstinctively, I turn up the charm and puff out my chest.Me: \"e;Hey there! I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Darth.\"e;Alice: \"e;Oh! I'm sorry for running into you. My name's, uh, my name's Alice.\"e;Alice: \"e;Sorry, I'm not really good at talking with strangers. I can't even get around.\"e;My response: I can help youMe: \"e;It just seemed like you could use some help.\"e;Alice: \"e;Is it so obvious I'm lost? I could use some help getting myself oriented.\"e;Me: \"e;Where are you trying to get to?Alice: \"e;I'm trying to locate the head office. I thought it would be near here, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.\"e;Me: \"e;Let me see that map.\"e;I point on the map to show her where the office is.Me: \"e;Yeah, see, look. It's at the opposite end.\"e;Alice turns the map around in her hands and her eyes widen.Alice: \"e;Oh, I get it now. I was looking at the map completely backwards.\"e;She looks back up at me.Alice: \"e;Sorry to have bothered you over something so dumb.\"e;My response: Gently tease herMe: \"e;Yeah. I think the first lesson in reading a map is turning it the right way.\"e;Alice: \"e;Um...yeah, I guess that makes me pretty unique.\"e;She looks at the ground uncomfortably for a moment before turning and walking away.Hmm. Maybe she's not the kind of girl who takes teasing well. She did seem kind of skittish and shy when I met her...I hope I haven't ruined any chances with her.I return home after school.I wonder how Anna's little adventure in cooking went?I smell burning meat before I even enter the kitchen.Anna: \"e;Shit.\"e;Me: \"e;Hey, Anna. Making good progress on dinner, I see.\"e;Anna: \"e;Steak for dinner isn't happening.\"e;Anna: \"e;It was dumb for me to even try. I don't know how to cook steak.\"e;Me: \"e;Really? Did you google it?\"e;Annoyed, she waves a printout in my face.Anna: \"e;Of course I did. How old do you think I am? Eighty?\"e;Anna: \"e;I followed the instructions and the meat caught on fire, and it was all I could do to put it out.\"e;Anna: \"e;Looks like you're not having steak tonight.\"e;It's weird. I actually expected Anna to make something. I know she's smart. I know she could do anything if she put her mind to it. And that just makes me it even more aggravating that she couldn't.It may be my stomach speaking, but... I'm irritated. Genuinely irritated. In the way only a hungry, frustrated man could be.Me: \"e;And that's my problem how?\"e;Me: \"e;We had an agreement. You were going to have a steak ready tonight. Now, since you've failed to fulfill that agreement, I'm going to have to come up with something else.\"e;Anna: \"e;What are you thinking?\"e;Me: \"e;That all depends on how good you are at apologizing.\"e;Anna: \"e;What are you talking about?\"e;Me: \"e;You heard me. You've failed, and I think it's fair to say you owe me an apology. Now, make it a good one.\"e;Anna puts her hands on her hips and looks at me with frustration.Anna: \"e;I'm sorry I burned your steak.\"e;There's Anna. Doing things half-assed because she knows I'm reasonable. Maybe it's time I won't be.Me: \"e;Come on. Do better than that.\"e;Anna bows her head.Anna: \"e;I made a terrible mistake and burned your dinner. Please, forgive me for my error.\"e;Anna: \"e;There. Was that good enough for you?\"e;It was an insolent apology. I know it. She knows it. She doesn't take me serious yet.My response: Get on your kneesShe's got something else coming if she thinks I'm going to take that attitude.Me: \"e;That was an improvement, but I know you can do better.\"e;Anna: \"e;Please, oh wise brother, tell me how.\"e;Me: \"e;Get on your knees.\"e;Anna: \"e;What?\"e;Me: \"e;You heard me. If you want to make a better apology, get on your knees.\"e;Anna: \"e;You're crazy.\"e;Me: \"e;If you want to give a half-assed apology, then that's your choice, but you'll make things easier for yourself if you chose to swallow your pride and make a proper apology.\"e;Anna gets down on her knees.Anna: \"e;I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I tried to make a good dinner for you, but I failed. My stupidity and incompetence caused me to burn the steak, and now your dinner has been ruined. Please, please forgive me for this horrible mistake. I'll do my very best to make sure that it never happens again.\"e;Holy shit. Anna's actually doing it. I'm actually surprised, I had imagined she'd sooner do cartwheels across a highway than get on her knees before me.Even when she's so clearly insincere, she's at my mercy, and I could get her to do anything I wanted...Such power can go straight to the head...My response: Pat her headAs Anna sees my hand moving toward her, she flinches. But, as I pat her gently on the head, and she relaxes. There's something almost puppy-like in the way she melts under my touch.This is going... unexpectedly well.Me: \"e;Very good, Anna. You're learning your place. But you can go ahead and stand up now.\"e;Anna stands up, her head still hung in a meek pose.Anna: \"e;Th-thank you.\"e;Me: \"e;Order a pizza and bring it up to my room once it's arrived. Alright?\"e;Anna: \"e;Okay.\"e;Me: \"e;Good.\"e;...Holy shit! I think I may have finally beaten Anna! I've never seen her so submissive!I'm so thrilled by it that I almost forget I'm absolutely starving.Anna failed at making dinner tonight. But who cares? This was more fun than having a steak.I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight, thinking about all the ways I could mess with Anna.It's hard to think about anything other than what happened last night.I haven't really talked to Anna since then. Not really surprising, given that I might have a for her.Surprisingly, Anna and I have grown closer together through all this. Maybe, after this war, there's going to be a lasting peace?Somehow, I doubt that.War. War never changes.The only problem is she still hasn't learned to fear me. She doesn't take me seriously yet.But she'll learn I'm serious. I know that.Everything's so complicated right now. And that's not even bringing Emma into things.Emma... I haven't thought about her in a while. I wonder how her interview went?Before I think to text her, my phone buzzes. It's a message from Anna. That's unusual... let's see what she wants.'Darth - come to the head office - need your help.'So that's it, is it?Anna is still treating me like she's got my account on lockdown, and I have to do her favors.I put the phone away and carry on.But seconds later, my phone buzzes again, and again, each time a new message from Anna.'are you still at school? please come to the office.'Hmm. This could be serious. Anna might actually need me for something. And if she does, not showing up could really hurt her.On the other hand, she could be testing me, trying to see if she still can't get me to do things for her. It would look bad if I fell for it....I guess I'll head to the office and see what's up. It's not really too far and there's no reason to needlessly antagonize Anna.I go to the head office.Behind the desk, I spot someone familiar.It's Alice, that cute new girl!I wonder what she's doing here? It kinda looks like she works here.My response: Hey, Alice!Alice: \"e;Oh, hey, it's you! Uh... sorry, I already forgot your name.\"e;Me: \"e;It's okay. I'm Darth.\"e;Alice: \"e;Sorry, Darth. I'm not really good with names.\"e;Me: \"e;It's alright. You've got tons of names to remember. I'm sure people will cut you some slack.\"e;Alice: \"e;Thanks. It's easy to forget that, with all the stress of transferring.\"e;Alice: \"e;It has kind of been a hassle. There were some forms from my old school that have to be filed again. Apparently I made a mistake when I gave them the address of the new school, so my records got lost in the mail.\"e;Me: \"e;Is that why you're here at the head office?\"e;Alice: \"e;No. Actually, I work here. I needed the money.\"e;Alice: \"e;But it's fun! You get to help people, and it's an easy way to chat if you're shy like me.\"e;Me: \"e;That's good to hear.\"e;Alice: \"e;So... I guess I should do my job. How can I help you, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Actually, I'm here because someone needs me. I'm looking for a girl.\"e;Alice: \"e;Can you tell me what she looks like?\"e;Me: \"e;Her name is Anna. She's got dyed red hair and wears a polka dot dress.\"e;Alice: \"e;Oh... her? She came in pretty recently.\"e;Alice: \"e;She's in the back, going through some files.\"e;Alice: \"e;Here. Follow me.\"e;I open the door to the school's front office and let myself in.Anna: \"e;Ugh. I can't believe this is taking so long!\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, you're here. Took you long enough. Not that getting here any earlier would have helped.\"e;Me: \"e;What's the problem?\"e;Anna: \"e;So, apparently the school lost the file that had the permission forms for everyone on the softball team. This happened several weeks ago. They sent a notification to our school email accounts, but I never check those. I didn't find out about it until now, and I have to get the form signed and in the system by today if I want to play in the upcoming game.\"e;Anna: \"e;The front desk person felt so bad she let me come in and look myself... oh, hello.\"e;Alice: \"e;Hey.\"e;Me: \"e;So where do I come in?\"e;Anna: \"e;Ordinarily you're supposed to get them signed by a parent, but any adult family member can authorize the form. So, that's where you come in.\"e;Me: \"e;Oh, huh. I guess I am technically an adult. The same goes for you, too, though. Why can't you authorize your own form? Or why do you need permission at all?\"e;Anna: \"e;Beats me! The rules are so dumb.\"e;Alice: \"e;It's a liability thing. It's a bit like having a character witness. The other person essentially guarantees you're actually doing the thing you say you're going to do.\"e;Anna: \"e;...\"e;Alice: \"e;...sorry.\"e;Anna: \"e;Can you believe this shit? It's so frustrating.\"e;My response: Well, it'll be over soonMe: \"e;Well, at least this will be over and done with soon.\"e;Anna: \"e;That's what I thought when I first stepped into this office, but they've left me to search for the damn file by myself.\"e;Alice: \"e;I'm sorry, I would've helped, but I need to be at the front desk.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah, you've been as useful as a bottomless bucket, thanks for that.\"e;Me: \"e;But this over now, right? I can sign the form and we can be out of here.\"e;Anna: \"e;Stop making excuses for them, Darth.\"e;Me: \"e;Anyway, since I'm here, we can go sign fresh forms rather than search for the old ones.\"e;Alice: \"e;Yes, that's right. Let me go get those forms...\"e;Hmm... there are a bunch of loose papers on the floor. Maybe there's something in there? Or maybe I can just watch Alice pick something up in her short skirt?My response: Did you check that pile under the desk?Anna: \"e;I was wondering about those. You said they were worthless.\"e;Alice: \"e;Oh? Those? Those are the discards. Mostly they're just junk.\"e;Me: \"e;So? Where else are you going to find misplaced forms?\"e;...Anna: \"e;Solid point.\"e;Alice: \"e;I guess I should have thought of that...\"e;Alice: \"e;Let's see...\"e;Alice peeks over, takes a brief scan of all the trashed files.Alice: \"e;None are sticking out.\"e;Me: \"e;How can you tell? I think you need to bend over, get a closer look.\"e;Alice: \"e;Sorry, you're right. I was a bit scared my glasses would fall off... the bridge is kinda wobbly...\"e;Alice: \"e;Anyway, I'm rambling. Let's take a proper look.\"e;Alice: \"e;Hmm... still nothing...\"e;Alice has a nice butt... just wish her skirt would hike up more.Me: \"e;Keep looking! The one really close to your feet looks really promising!\"e;Anna: \"e;For the record, Darth, I know exactly what you're doing.\"e;Me: \"e;That's the one, Alice! What does it have on it?\"e;Alice: \"e;Not sure. It's got Anna on it, though. Is this yours?\"e;Anna: \"e;Tell me what the last name is.\"e;Alice: \"e;Can't say. It's handwritten.\"e;Me: \"e;Looks like you have to take a closer look, sis.\"e;Anna: \"e;...\"e;Anna: \"e;Keep your phone in your pocket.\"e;Alice: \"e;Is this your last name?\"e;Anna sighs, a response both to Alice and my barely contained snicker.Anna: \"e;...No.\"e;Anna: \"e;It's someone else called Anna.\"e;Me: \"e;I'm sure it's down there somewhere. Keep looking.\"e;Anna: \"e;No. We're done here.\"e;Anna: \"e;Stop looking. It's not down there. My brother is being lame.\"e;Alice: \"e;I'm sorry I couldn't find it. Let me get a fresh one for you.\"e;Anna: \"e;That would be great.\"e;Anna: \"e;Finally. I thought she'd never leave. It's like, stop hanging around here and do your job.\"e;My response: I was thinking the same thingMe: \"e;Let's be real. The people who wind up working in the office of a school like this aren't exactly the brightest of the bunch.\"e;Anna: \"e;Yeah, this is exactly the kind of job that they'd give to someone who's too bumbling and dumb to do anything else. 'Uh, you have no skills, so how about you sit at a desk all day and move paper around?'\"e;Me: \"e;Well, they have to employ the bumbling idiots somewhere.\"e;Anna: \"e;Stupid people are ruining the world. I guess society decided that putting them in an office like this is the place where they're going to pose the least danger to others.\"e;Me: \"e;Better here than in a job where it actually matters, I guess. I mean, incompetent people in the administrative office, you get a pain-in-the-ass problem like this every now and then. But when you have a moron working a job at the checkout that you have to visit every week...\"e;Anna: \"e;I know! Those checkout jobs are like a magnet for stupid people.\"e;Me: \"e;And just when you thought that nobody could possibly be more incompetent than the checkout clerks, they introduced the self check-out, where you have to deal with soccer moms who are utterly perplexed by the idea of scanning a barcode.\"e;Anna: \"e;Oh, don't get me started on that. This one time-\"e;Alice comes back, but not happily. Her eyes are fixed to the floor, and her lips tightly press together. She thrusts the paper into my hands before briskly walking back out.Anna: \"e;Do you think she heard us?\"e;Me: \"e;There's no chance she didn't.\"e;Anna: \"e;I guess it doesn't matter now. Just sign the form so we can get out of here.\"e;I scribble my signature on the bottom of the form, and Anna tosses it to Alice. We waste no time in getting out.Anna: \"e;Oh man. Did you see the look on her face?\"e;Me: \"e;Yeah.\"e;Anna: \"e;Priceless! But what's she going to do about it? Trying to call someone in to discipline us is just going to make more work for her. I think it's hilarious that she was listening to us the entire time shitting on her. In fact, I bet she's the one who lost the forms in the first place!\"e;My response: I'm glad she heard usMe: \"e;Yeah, I'm glad she heard us. In a way, it was like getting to properly chew someone out. You don't get enough chances to do that on a regular basis.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know, right? Sometimes, things are so frustrating that I just want to shit on whoever is closest. Better when you can do it to the person who actually caused the problem in the first place, though.\"e;Anna: \"e;I mean, seriously! I can't get over how irresponsible some people are. If I hadn't gotten that form signed in time, I might have been unable to play in the next softball game.\"e;Anna: \"e;Thanks for stopping by the office and dealing with the paperwork. At least you didn't let me down today.\"e;Anna: \"e;Anyway, I have to grab some stuff from my locker. Catch you later.\"e;Anna walks off, and I head in the direction of the school gates. I feel like I have a little better understanding of how Anna feels about the world...What a weird week it's been.Somehow, after being under my sister's thumb, I've finally turned the tables, and she's doing my bidding for once.Now, as I sit and think things over, I wonder if her punishment has really fit the crime.She had me doing errands for her for a week, which was bad enough. But now, it's been longer than that for her.Speaking of which, how long has it been? I check my calendar....Holy shit. It's been two weeks!That means I haven't seen Emma for that long either. Surely she's not on her internet blackout any more. I send her quick text asking if she wants to meet up.I'm really curious to hear how her interview went.Still... this whole Anna thing has been too good to be true. Things can't go on forever like this.No - Anna is too clever to let things continue. Undoubtedly she's already got some kind of plan. The real question is: am I going to let things end on my terms, or hers?My response: I'm going to play this out however long it lastsThings have been so good so far that there's no way I can just let her off the hook.I have to admit, if only to myself: it's no longer about punishing her. It's all about getting what I want out of her for as long as I'm able.And if she figures a way out, good for her. But I sure as Hell am not about to do her any favors.I just know... when she finally gets out of this, and I know she will, her vengeance will be swift and absolute. If anyone can top blackmail, it's her. Anna's got a frightening imagination.There's my phone going off.It's Emma. She wants to meet tomorrow during school.That sounds good. I zip off a reply.I wonder how Emma would react to knowing that I've got Anna eating out of my palm? Using naked pictures of her as leverage, no less.Horrified, probably....I should change out of my sweaty school clothes.God, I can't wait to get into something more comfortable. The past few days have been kinda humid and I've been going through shirts on an hourly basis.Well fuck. Empty dresser.I guess this is Anna's fault. I did coerce her into doing all my chores.As they say: while you've got naked pictures of your sister, might as well blackmail her.There's noise coming from the living room. That's a bit unusual. Anna does like to watch TV, but she rarely has the time, and certainly not recently.Hmm... maybe Anna really needs the rest. But I really need clean clothes for tomorrow, and I sure as Hell am not doing it myself.I could lay off a bit, trusting she'll remember to do my laundry this evening.Or... I could just barge in there and show her who's boss.My response: Barge in there and demand she do the laundry... nicelyAlright. So I've got my sister blackmailed. No reason to be meaner than I already am.I enter the TV room. Anna's lying across the couch, half-asleep, half-watching some unfathomably stupid reality show.Me: \"e;Hey Anna.\"e;Anna bolts off the couch, as if she's been caught doing something wrong.She wrings her hands together.Anna: \"e;Yes? What is it?\"e;Wow... Anna's really submissive. I guess I really have been showing her who's boss recently.Me: \"e;Weren't you supposed to do the laundry today?\"e;Anna's eyes dart to the floor as she avoids my gaze.Anna: \"e;I'm sorry. I was going to do it, but- I was so tired. I just didn't have the energy.\"e;Me: \"e;Anna, we are not talking about a time-consuming task here. You carry the clothes from the hamper to the washing machine, then you wait an hour and transfer the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer. That's like ten minutes of actual work.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know. It just kind of slipped my mind.\"e;Me: \"e;It sounds to me like you're making excuses. You need to take responsibility for your actions.\"e;Anna: \"e;I know, Darth. I'm just telling you, I'm desperate for a break. I NEED to shut my brain off, if even for a second.\"e;Anna: \"e;I've been rushing around, doing everything you need me to do, on top of school and my own chores.\"e;Anna: \"e;Please, I'll do your laundry tonight. I promise.\"e;Me: \"e;What's on?\"e;Anna: \"e;It's House of Nards.\"e;Me: \"e;...should I even ask?\"e;Anna: \"e;It's exactly what it sounds like. A bunch of guys live together and act like total nards.\"e;Me: \"e;What's a 'nard'?\"e;Anna: \"e;You know. Dickheads.\"e;Anna steps to the side so I can have a better view.I watch the show for a bit. Two men with fake tans are standing in a parking lot, arguing about how much space one of their cars is occupying. They spend about a minute yelling insults at each other.When my head starts working again, I feel stupider just for the minute I've seen.Wow. I've always known that Anna has had terrible tastes in television, but this really takes the cake.\r\nMy response: Watch with her\r\nAnna: \"e;Really?\"e;\r\nShe sounds dubious, like this is all leading toward some kind of trick.\r\nMe: \"e;I'm serious. Let me sit with you.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;...Alright.\"e;\r\nAnna takes a seat on the couch, and shifts her legs for me.\r\nI watch as two people yelling about something pointless. The shouting match escalates, until the two people are screaming bleeped obscenities at each other. Anna begins laughing.\r\nMe: \"e;This is funny to you?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Okay, I can see how this scene might be lost on you. You need a bit of proper context.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;So, the two guys arguing right now: the guy with the buzz cut is Connor, and the guy with the faux hawk is Caleb. Both of them work at stores in the same strip mall, and get off at about the same time. So they go off on each other like this all the time.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;So last week they had the same argument. See, both of them like to park their car in this one spot in the shade, but obviously the position of shadows changes as the sun moves. Connor got to the spot first, but by now, the shadow is over Caleb's car, and now Connor thinks Caleb stole his spot.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;So... he's mad that the sun moved while he was at work?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yes, exactly!\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;It's funny because he's stupid? That's it?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;No, no. It's funny because he's repeatedly stupid. And it's not just the fact that he's acting like a total dumbass right now and trying to pick a fight because he doesn't understand how shadows work. It's that he's always doing this.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;This is totally in character for Connor. Like I said, it's not as funny if you don't have the proper context.\"e;\r\nI refocus on the screen, I'm trying to get what she's saying.\r\nBut even in context... this all seems pretty stupid to me.\r\nMe: \"e;...I don't think I have the same appreciation for House of Nards that you do.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I can get when you're emotionally wrapped up in the show and you have to see what's next, but to do that you have to get past the first episode, and that's what I can't understand. I can barely watch the first minute.\"e;\r\nAnna pauses thoughtfully for a moment.\r\nAnna: \"e;I guess it's all about how creative the show is.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You're kidding.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;No, I'm not. These idiots - well, Connor and Caleb - don't have an ounce of creativity, but the people who cut the show are geniuses. There's a lot of thought and effort put into these shows.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I mean, I bet these guys in their ordinary, everyday lives are pretty boring people. But the TV show does such a great job of capturing these moments that really showcase their lack of intelligence.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Is that all what it comes down to? Watching dumb people?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I guess so. It's like a human zoo, you know? Like the old days, when they had those freak shows. It's just weirdly fascinating to see people who are so... inferior.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;And I guess, by comparison, that would make you superior.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Well, obviously.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;That's all it comes down to? A sense of superiority?\"e;\r\nAnna pauses to think over that.\r\nAnna: \"e;Pretty much. No matter where you are in life, it's nice to say you're better than someone else. I mean, that's just basic. Right?\"e;\r\nMy response: Yeah, I can see that\r\nMe: \"e;Like, if these guys are so low on the intellect totem pole, I can't be all that bad off.\"e;\r\nAnna nods.\r\nAnna: \"e;I mean, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm some kind of super genius. But it's definitely nice to know you're in the top half of humanity.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You know, there are some people who use the word 'elitist' as an insult. But for me, that's what I aspire to be. Not just to be elite, but to be elitist. To be in a position where I can constantly remind the people below me of that fact.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;People will get on your case if you say things like that out loud, but I think everyone is looking for ways to prop up their own ego. That's what those 'morally superior' people do, the kind of people who will condemn so-called elitists. Because really, those people have just found a different way to feel superior. Morally superior, but it's the same idea.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;At least I'm aware of what I'm doing. I'm not a fucking hypocrite.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;It's not hypocrisy. It's just being self-aware.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;But yeah, I get what you're saying.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I mean, for all the shit I give you, you always seem to weather it fine. You know your place in the world, and you're not ashamed of it.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Uh... is that a compliment?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Well, it certainly wasn't an insult, bro.\"e;\r\nAnna smirks and tries the word again.\r\nAnna: \"e;Bro. I don't ever call you that, do I? Maybe I should start.\r\nI spend the next hour in front of the TV with Anna, watching passively as she makes sarcastic remarks about how dumb the people are. She seems to enjoy it enough, even though the tone of her voice seems to be caught between annoyance and amusement.\r\nAll good things come to an end. So do bad things. Even back-to-back episodes of House of Nards. Advertisements blare about a show featuring the trials and tribulations of overweight dwarves.\r\nAnna stands up, and I think she's about to leave, but there's some indecision on her face. She's considering a question. I feel like I know what it is...\r\nAnna: \"e;Do you wanna keep watching? There's some stuff on VidFlix I want to see.\"e;\r\nMy response: Sure\r\nMe: \"e;What did you have in mind?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I don't know.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I don't think I have the energy to even pick.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;But please, nothing weird.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I'll stick to what you've added. Why don't you get some popcorn and I'll choose what to watch?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's a deal!\"e;\r\nHmm... log onto Anna's VidFlix account and see what she's got saved.\r\nAnd Anna was scared I might pick something weird? Apart from her shitty reality TV, her saved shows are like a what's what of the most violent and sexually explicit dramas possible.\r\nI take a quick look and narrow things down to three options.\r\nMy response: Throne of Swords\r\nThrone of Swords? Isn't that the huge series? With the dragons and sex and everything? Sounds cool.\r\nWhat timing. Looks like Anna's back! Buttery popcorn scent wafts to my nose and rumbles my stomach.\r\nAnna: \"e;You pick something?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah. Throne of Swords. Looked cool.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Are you caught up? I mean, I'm kinda in the middle of the series. It's a lot of story to just pick up.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Come on. Don't insult me. This isn't War and Peace, it's a show about fucking magic and dragons!\"e;\r\nAnna stifles a laugh.\r\nAnna: \"e;Alright. Whatever you say, boss. Turn it on.\"e;\r\nI click play.\r\nJesus. Anna was right. Just in this one episode, I've seen a dozen different characters. There's more talking in this show than a legal drama.\r\nThey've all got interwoven plots and keep bringing up events from past episodes... I'm totally lost.\r\nBut, Anna watches the whole thing with a great deal of interest. She barely gets her eyes off the screen long enough to grab another handful of popcorn.\r\nI wish I'd asked to start from the beginning. But even then, I'm not sure I'd get through it. There's been no violence or sex at all. The costumes and sets are pretty nice, though.\r\nThe episode is long and passes uneventfully.\r\nMe: \"e;Well... that was boring.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's called 'plot development', dumbass.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I know you can't wait for all the gore but it's coming. I'm putting on the next episode.\"e;\r\nShe clicks the play next button before I have the chance to put in my two cents.\r\nAnna: \"e;Sorry. I HAVE to know if Lady Imoen survives the dungeons of Duke Jon Irenicus.\"e;\r\nI shrug with disinterest.\r\n...\r\nHoly shit! Now things are getting interesting!\r\nOut of nowhere, two of the main characters, Khalid and Dynaheir, were just randomly beheaded!\r\nMe: \"e;Anna, this show is hardcore!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;What did I tell you?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Hold on a second... it looks like something is about to happen...\"e;\r\nThe scene cuts back to Lady Imoen. Her brother, Abdel, shows up to rescue her personally, his sword wet with blood. On seeing each other, the handsome warrior drops his sisters and rushes to his sister's chains.\r\nThere is way too much physical contact involved for just a simple rescue mission. The dialogue is way too husky, and Abdel's hand runs up his sister's thigh in an unexpected act.\r\nShit. I'm actually getting a bit hot under the collar. Did Anna know about this scene?\r\nFuck. I picked this show!\r\nThe relationship between Imoen and Abdel... it's not my imagination. Imoen can't control herself, planting a thick, wet kiss on Abdel's lips, then venturing onto his neck, delivering desperate love bites.\r\nAbdel, for his part, can't help but rip into Lady Imoen's bodice. Her pert breasts steeple out from their confines. Abdel's big, warrior hands are more than a match for her little nipples. He's able to press his thumbs into her breasts while gripping behind her ribs.\r\nNo way. I'm getting hard. My dick moves beneath my pants.\r\nI'm... tempted to look in Anna's direction. How is she reacting to this?\r\nI can't. What if she notices me looking at her and gets the wrong idea? And if I do, I'll miss-\r\nImoen has her head buried in Abdel's crotch. The show has practically everything short of actual cock in actual mouth.\r\nAbdel's naked chest is slick with sweat, his head knitted with concentration while his sister sucks him off.\r\n...I really, REALLY want to see how Anna looks right now. But if she sees me looking at her, she might take it the wrong way.\r\nWhat to do?\r\nMy response: Glance at Anna\r\nWell... this could be a disaster. I don't even know what I want to see out of her. But, fuck it.\r\nAlright, time to peek in her direction.\r\nHoly shit!\r\nAnna is... horny?\r\nIt's like if she didn't have that finger between her lips, she'd be tempted to use those lips for something else.\r\nI mean... if I weren't her brother, she might be all over me...\r\nAnd... I'm just as aroused as she is. If she weren't my sister, I might-\r\n-best not complete that thought.\r\nFinally. That show was an ordeal. I've had to find increasingly creative ways to shift my legs so my erection wasn't blitheringly obvious.\r\nAnna: \"e;That was... really something.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I, um... really need to... uh...\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah. I need to do some studying.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;So do I.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;That was quite a scene.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah. And they say that the sex scenes are unsimulated. So that actress who played Imoen really got to suck that dick...\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Or, that guy who played Abdel got to have his dick sucked by that actress.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah. Depends on your perspective I guess.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Anyway, there's something really important I gotta do. See ya, Darth.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yep. See you.\"e;\r\nI run to my room and jump out of my pants.\r\nI'm so pent up from that show I barely need to get myself in the mood. I'm at full mast already and it's just a matter of squeezing one out. It doesn't take long.\r\n...\r\nOh. Heaven. That was a itch that desperately needed scratching. Now that my head's clear, my thoughts go back to Anna.\r\nShe seemed as desperate as me to get back to her room. I don't need to guess what she's doing.\r\nAnd if I'm quiet enough...\r\nLooks like she had to work off a little excitement too...\r\nSomehow, I think our relationship just got a little more complicated.\r\n...\r\nWhat time is it?\r\nI open my eyes blearily.\r\nMy eyes resolve on 4 A.M. Even the somber red light of the clock's digital display is enough to hurt my eyes.\r\nI've slept awful. Tossing, turning, my cock just won't soften. I'm so horny I could hump the pillows.\r\nThank God they don't have a hole. It might've proved too great a temptation.\r\nThis all has to be because of what happened with Anna last night.\r\nStaying up all night, watching television, it was a mistake.\r\nThat was the sort of thing you do with your girlfriend, not your sister.\r\nBut, Hell, there better be a fire going on to make me wake before six.\r\n...\r\nMaybe I'm just thirsty. Quick trip to the kitchen, a bite to eat. That'll set me right.\r\nI fix myself some toast and a glass of water. I feel settled - meaning I'm not painfully erect - and it's time to go to bed.\r\nI should go straight to my room, but I end up stopping in the corridor. Everything's quiet. Anna's bedroom door is slightly ajar.\r\nOf course, there's absolutely no reason I should peek into Anna's room.\r\nNo reason at all. Nope.\r\nMy response: Peek\r\nThis is a dumb idea.\r\nA really dumb idea.\r\nAnna's quiet. She usually has a soft snore when she's asleep. But right now, there's no sound at all.\r\nDid she go to bed naked? It looks like it.\r\nWhat am I doing?\r\nCreeping out on my sister... this is super, super low. Even for me.\r\nI've got to go to bed.\r\nClearly I'm just a little worked up.\r\nI know things will be better tomorrow morning.\r\nThe morning. Thank God.\r\nMy stomach is rumbling. I know Anna's made me something awesome. Hell, it could be boiled horse and I'd eat it like candy right now.\r\nBut first, I smell like ass. I need a shower and a fresh change of clothes.\r\nI go to my hamper and-\r\nIt's empty.\r\nThat's right. Anna was supposed to do the laundry last night. It's probably just where we do the washing.\r\nI go to the laundry room and-\r\nWhat! No!\r\nShit. My laundry is strewn all over the floor.\r\nAnna must've forgotten to do it. Again. I have absolutely no clean clothes for today.\r\nThis is bad.\r\nMe: \"e;Anna!\"e;\r\nAt first, Anna doesn't respond. So I try again.\r\nMe: \"e;Anna!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;What?\"e;\r\nHeavy footsteps follow her up the stairs. The smell of fresh breakfast wafts in after her.\r\nAnna: \"e;Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of me being forced to make breakfast for you. You have to shout more shrilly than you do already.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Did you forget something, Anna?\"e;\r\nAnna narrows her eyes at me. It's clear she doesn't know what I'm talking about. And then it strikes her.\r\nAnna: \"e;Fuck! I didn't do the laundry last night!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Shit. I completely forgot.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Listen, Darth, I would've done them, except I totally forgot. I'm not trying to sabotage you. Please forgive me.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You were up the whole time with me. You know how late we were up last night.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Last night was fun, right? I'd hate for all this to end on a bad note.\"e;\r\nShit. It was at least partly my fault. She was up all night because of me.\r\nOn the other hand, a bit of excessive punishment might be just the thing to keep her line.\r\nAnna: \"e;Tell me what you're thinking...\"e;\r\nMy response: I might've done the same...\r\nAnna heaves a sigh of relief.\r\nAnna: \"e;Th-thanks. For a second there I thought you were going to come up with some outlandish punishment for me. Something... weird.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Not this time. I know things have been hard for you. I don't think you deserve excessive punishment.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Thanks.\"e;\r\nGod, it's in the middle of the afternoon, the sun is up, and I'm stumbling around I'm so tired.\r\nI feel like a zombie.\r\nOh, it's that girl Alice.\r\nQuick as I've seen her, she darts away. She must really not want to talk to me.\r\nI guess I fucked up with Alice too.\r\nEmma and I were supposed to meet near here. But I can't seem to see her. But she is good at catching me by surprise...\r\nEmma: \"e;Trying to catch some flies with that gaping mouth of yours?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Emma! How do you always find the back of me?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;What's keeping you up at night, babe? I hope it's not thoughts of me.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;How could it not be? You can't give a man a taste and expect him to be satisfied!\"e;\r\nEmma giggles and gives me a playful shove.\r\nEmma: \"e;Darth, I can't believe you just said that!\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Said what? I didn't even ask you for another blowjob yet.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Well... I'm not saying I wouldn't want to. But you can't just say that!\"e;\r\nThat's right. Emma's got the idea in her head she wants to be courted, but she's still got a dirty, dirty mind. This false innocence act doesn't fool me.\r\nEmma: \"e;So if it's not me who's keeping you up at night, what is it? You look tied up in something.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Hey stop deflecting! You never told me about that interview.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Oh, that. It didn't go as bad as I thought.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Even so... It's. Been. Killing. Me!\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;So... after your sister threw the towel over my head, I rushed to the bathroom to check the damage. I was mortified: my hair was all fucked up and makeup was running down my cheeks.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I did what I could. But there was only so much I could fix without being late. So on the way, I desperately tried to think of what I was going to tell them. Darth, I just wanted to run away!\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;But... even when I got into the room, and the interviewers were sitting across from me, I had nothing to say to them.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;So, I took a deep breath, and I told them the truth.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I guess they took it well. They seemed to understand, at least. And, afterward, the whole interview went normally.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;That sounds great! So what's the problem?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;That's the thing. I still have to wait a whole damn month to know whether I've been accepted or not. And that's killing me!\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I tell myself, 'It's alright, you can't control it, just don't worry', but even so, it's hard to convince yourself.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;And to be honest... there's been a few times this month that I've just had terrible thoughts about your sister. I know, ultimately, she did no real harm, but it's easy to take all this stress out on her.\"e;\r\nMy response: It's good of you to forgive her\r\nEmma: \"e;But you told me I should fight back, didn't you?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;That I shouldn't make myself an easy victim.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;This doesn't sound like what you said before.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You misunderstand. Once you've shown you're not to be messed with, then you let bygones be bygones. You know, a peace treaty.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Hmm... I suppose that makes sense. But it still feels like completely different advice.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Sorry if I'm bringing up something sensitive, but does this have something to do with why you look so tired?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Ah. Well, home life has been... interesting.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Let me guess. Anna's been giving you a hard time recently.\"e;\r\nOh, Emma. If only you knew the half of it.\r\nMe: \"e;She has been involved with some recent craziness at home, that much is true.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;What has she done to you?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;To me? Nothing recently.\"e;\r\nI have to hold in a snicker.\r\nEmma: \"e;That's good. Actually, I'm a bit surprised, given that-\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Darth, do you remember that one time we took a school trip down to the county fair?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah, I remember that. Anna was pretty annoyed I went on the same trip, I think she avoided me the whole time.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Well, this all didn't begin with her throwing a towel in my face. That day, she walked up to me outside of one of the food trucks there and asked if she could have one of my nachos.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;That seems kind of weird. She just came up to you out of nowhere and asked to try some of your food?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Yeah, I thought it was weird, but I said she could try one. Then she flipped it onto my blouse!\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Pff. Yeah, that's Anna.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Yeah, and then she ran off and laughed about it with her friends.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;And the food was pretty expensive, too. I paid six dollars for a hot dog and got one of those mini-weiners and a cracker\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Yeah. I paid eight dollars for those nachos.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;So, we actually ran into each other a few months after that, and I kind of confronted her about it. And she said that she didn't even know what I was talking about.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;She wasn't pretending.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;What do you mean?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I think she genuinely doesn't even remember it. She didn't with half the stuff she did with me.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Oh. I think I really feel sorry for her, then.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You do? I don't?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I mean, whenever you do something bad, you feel guilty about it, right? It doesn't feel good, but in a way, those moments of guilt are what keep your life on track. It might surprise you to know this, Darth, but at one point I was at risk of becoming a bully myself.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You? A bully?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Well, it happened. One day at school I saw an older girl who was overweight, and I called her fat to her face. She looked really hurt.\"e;\r\nMy response: Are you serious? That's the worst thing you've done?\r\nMe: \"e;Damn, Emma, you make me look pretty evil by comparison.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Don't say that. You are nowhere near evil.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Compared to you? I'm frickin' Satan.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Point is, it's not like the bullies start off with really vicious attacks. They start with small insults, and gradually they get more hurtful and persistent.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah, but you're hardly a bully now.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Exactly! That's my point. When I called Martha 'fat,' I saw the look on her face.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;That look is what kept me from becoming a bully.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;And with Anna, she's never had any kind of moral compass, any concept of right and wrong. It's almost like she can't control herself. Isn't that sad?\"e;\r\nMy response: I do feel sad for Anna\r\nMe: \"e;You're right, Emma. I think it's a direct result of never having suffered a consequence for her actions.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;See, you get it!\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Wait... what do you mean by 'consequence'?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Anna's never suffered for her for bad behavior. My parents... I think they always thought it was better to go easy on her, because of her being a step-child and all.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Maybe we should change that.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I don't like your tone of voice...\"e;\r\nMy response: Someone should punish Anna\r\nEmma: \"e;I see what you're saying. But who has the power to teach her that lesson?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Not anyone I can think of.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Anna's an expert with getting on the good side of authority.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Teachers love her. And my parents, they've already proven they won't do anything.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;That's just too bad. Without discipline, you're never going to learn civility and self-control.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Maybe your best bet is just to avoid her.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Yeah. I guess with no recourse that's the only thing I can do.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Thanks, Darth. You've really made up my mind about this.\"e;\r\nSuddenly, the bell rings.\r\nEmma: \"e;Looks like class is starting. Catch you later, Darth.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Bye, Emma.\"e;\r\nFinally home. What a long day.\r\nI pull some leftovers from the fridge. I barely acknowledge what I'm eating before I force it down.\r\nSoon after, Anna comes in, her schoolbag slouching off her shoulders.\r\nBut she's stopped, looking expectantly at me. This is a bit weird. Anna usually goes straight to her room.\r\nAnna: \"e;Hey, Darth.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Hey, Anna.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I wanted to apologize.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Apologize? For what? Being a bitch?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Don't ruin this by being a smart ass, Darth.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I promised I'd do the laundry, and I didn't. No matter the situation, I try and keep my promises.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I hope you understand all the stress that's been put on my shoulders.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Geez. Thanks Anna. I... uh... didn't expect this out of you.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Of course you don't. I'm pretty much always right!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I do trip up though, sometimes.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Maybe you ought to think about forgiving me sometime, hmm?\"e;\r\nShe smirks and walks out of the room.\r\nThat was unexpected.\r\nBut I know Anna too well. She's looking for a way out.\r\nOn the other hand... that doesn't mean she's insincere.\r\nAt least, though, she's given me something to chew over...\r\nLater that afternoon, I'm doing homework when my phone's ringer goes off. It's a call from Emma.\r\nMe: \"e;Hey, Emma. You know you could just text me, right?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I did. Like three times.\"e;\r\nI check my phone notifications screen. Shit, she did. Serves me for being diligent for once.\r\nMe: \"e;Whoops, sorry. What's up?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I was just curious how things were going between you and Anna.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Pretty much the same. You know how it is.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I was thinking a lot about what we talked about the other day. About this whole mess we've gotten ourselves into.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;It's just too bad there's nothing that could be done to help her, you know?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah, I guess. Some things can't be fixed.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;...Some people, rather.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Not sure I know why I called, Darth.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;That's nice of you to say.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;I guess it really is better to forgive and forget after all. After getting all that frustration off my chest... I feel good about myself.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;It's... you know. Cleansing.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Shit, I'm rambling.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Anyway, I'll catch you at school. Bye, Darth.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Bye Emma.\"e;\r\nI hang up the phone and put it away.\r\nHmm... that was a little odd. I wonder if she was trying to tell me something?\r\nIt's too bad I couldn't convince her to help me correct Anna. But I suppose she's never been that kind of person anyway.\r\nI return to my homework.\r\nThe next day, school passes uneventfully, and I head home.\r\nThe house seems to be empty when I arrive. Funny, I was expecting Anna to be here. Maybe she's avoiding me?\r\nAs I set my bag down and toss off my shoes, my instant messenger buzzes on my computer. It's a message from Anna.\r\nI open the message. 'i forgot that i have a group project to work on, going to be at a friend's house until later in the evening, can you take out trash for me?'\r\nHmm. Is this worth responding to?\r\nMy response: Respond yes\r\nI type back. 'sure, but you owe me one.'\r\nI'm about turn away from my computer when another message blinks on.\r\n'btw enjoy your locked phone'\r\nHuh?\r\nI draw my pattern on the screen.\r\nOh fuck. She really did lock my phone.\r\nDamn that bitch.\r\nI head back to my room. On the way there, I pass Anna's door, which has been left ajar.\r\nWell, she asked for it. Maybe I can find a clue to unlocking my phone?\r\nMaybe even something else?\r\nMy response: Peek inside her room\r\nI scan the room. I guess if my sister had a diary, this would be my chance to look around her closet or under her bed to try and find it, but I don't think Anna's ever been the type to keep a diary. She blasts her whole life across Facebook and Twitter.\r\nOf course, Anna has her phone with her. But... it looks like her computer is on. Hmm...\r\nMy response: Investigate the computer\r\nI sit down at Anna's desk and open up a web browser check out her social media account. Of course she's still logged in. And oh, look. Her entire message history is here. I can even see the message that she sent me.\r\nNow the tables have truly turned.\r\nI scan through the conversation list, trying to find something interesting. Hmm. Which message should I read?\r\nMy response: Sarah, Anna's childhood friend\r\nIf I recall, Sarah was one of Anna's classmates in the first and second grade. She used to come over to our house to play. I think she moved away some time during middle school, though. I didn't expect to see Anna corresponding with someone from her past. Hmm, let's see what's up.\r\nThe conversation ends there. I'm... a bit stunned. Did Anna really have a crush on me when we were younger? Does she still?\r\nCome to think of it, I think this might be the first time I've seen Anna admit to having a crush on anyone, let alone a member of her immediate family. Though, I guess I'm not the type of person she'd go to with secrets like this.\r\nShould I check other conversations?\r\nMy response: Jenny, someone who hates me personally\r\nI know Jenny hates me. I wonder what reason Anna would have to talk to her?\r\nLocked my screen with an 'Z', hmmm?\r\nAnna, you're underestimating me. I can play this game just as well as you.\r\nI suppose I got what I needed. Do I have time for more?\r\nMy response: Leave\r\nI think that's enough snooping around for today. I could spend the entire night like this, but to be perfectly honest most of Anna's conversations with her classmates aren't that interesting, and I don't have the patience to dig around.\r\nShit.\r\nAgain? I can't sleep.\r\nI'm popping wood like it's going out of style. It makes an obvious impression against the sheets.\r\nThis isn't working.\r\nI have to get up.\r\nI have no idea what would set me off.\r\nMaybe it's just Emma's reticence.\r\nI'll just watch some TV and hope it goes down.\r\nI wonder what's on?\r\nI turn on the lights and flick through the channels.\r\nAgh! Friggin' sex scenes. The last thing I need.\r\nEvery channel? Damn.\r\nMy brain... not... getting... oxygen...\r\nOkay.\r\nI need to jerk off.\r\nOf course I've got porn stashed on my computer... but...\r\nThe closest pictures I've got are on my phone, of Anna...\r\nYou know, I'm sweating just thinking about those pictures. Surely it wouldn't be a big deal if I had a quick look. If nobody finds out, no harm done. Right?\r\nMy response: Look at Anna's pictures\r\nOkay.\r\nSo it's super creepy to jerk off to pictures of my sister. Even if she's only my step-sister.\r\nBut it's not like anyone will ever know.\r\nShit. I remember. Anna locked my phone.\r\nScore!\r\nI navigate to the pictures folder.\r\nAs I pull out my stiff cock, I still can't believe I'm doing this.\r\nAs I finish up, I feel this wave of release rush over me, like I've finally surrendered myself to temptation. It's a feeling similar to eating someone else's birthday cake without them knowing.\r\nI pull up my pajama pants and tighten the cords.\r\nMe: \"e;Holy fucking shit!\"e;\r\nAnna's standing by the doorway! This is bad.\r\nMe: \"e;How long have you been there?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I-\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;-just came by.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I saw the lights. I assumed you'd left them turned on.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;...\"e;\r\nShe's being awfully coy. Has she... been watching?\r\nMe: \"e;Just... uh... checking email.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Couldn't sleep.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You know how it is.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yes, I do.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Anyway, if there's nothing wrong, we should be going back to bed.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah... goodnight, Anna.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You too.\"e;\r\nWhat the hell happened?\r\nHow can I got to sleep now, with my heart thudding out from my chest?\r\nHow are Anna and I gonna look at each other in the morning?\r\nIn the evening, I go down to the kitchen to grab a drink. Anna's at the sink, washing some dishes.\r\nMe: \"e;Oh, hey, Anna.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Hey yourself.\"e;\r\nAnna's attention is focused on the blender, and she doesn't bother to look up at me.\r\nMe: \"e;Nice job with the phone. Took me half a second to fix it.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Proud of you. Sorry, I'm out of cookies.\"e;\r\nI open the fridge and look for a can of soda, but they all seem to be gone.\r\nMe: \"e;Uh, hey, Anna?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah, what's up?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Where's the soda?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Oh, I drank the last one earlier. But I think there's like, a bunch of them in the garage.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;But the sodas in the garage aren't chilled.\"e;\r\nAnna shrugs.\r\nAnna: \"e;There's ice in the freezer if you want a cold drink.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Why didn't you restock the fridge after taking the last one?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I was busy at the time.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;So, you had enough time to get yourself a drink, but not enough time to restock the fridge?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah, that's exactly how it went. Why, is that a problem?\"e;\r\nMy response: It's not a problem\r\nMe: \"e;No, it's not a problem.\r\nAnna: \"e;Good.\"e;\r\nI sigh and turn to leave the kitchen.\r\nMe: \"e;I'm going to grab a soda from the garage, I guess. And while I'm there, I'm going to grab a six pack to put in the fridge. You know, so that there's enough for everyone. Hint. Hint.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Thanks, Darth! You're so considerate.\"e;\r\nHmm. Maybe passive aggression isn't the best way to get through to Anna.\r\nI'm sitting on the couch. Anna walks in the front door just as my phone starts to vibrate.\r\nAnna: \"e;What's that sound?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Uh... it's my phone? You know, that thing people use to talk to you?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Ugh. Who would actually call you?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Someone who wants to use their phone as a phone, maybe?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I can't imagine anyone under the age of forty actually calling another person for a conversation.\"e;\r\nAnna can be stupid sometimes. I ignore her and answer the phone.\r\nEmma: \"e;Hey, Darth!\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Hey, Emma.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Could you do me a favor real quick and tell me if we had any math homework tonight? I wasn't paying attention and forgot to check the board.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Nope, no math homework tonight. There is a quiz next week, though.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Thanks! Bye, Darth.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Bye, Em.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Was that Emma?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;That girl talks a storm of shit about that towel incident. Fucking blowing it way out of proportion. If that school rejects her-\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;-then they probably didn't deserve her. Yeah. You said that before.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You agree with me, right? She's pretty much trying to fucking ruin my reputation.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Well, you did a pretty shitty thing out in public.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You can be a dick sometimes.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Anyway, it's only a matter of time before that bitch slanders you too. Get out like there's a fire, I say.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You saying I should shun her?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Or treat her like she doesn't exist. Or something. But definitely don't keep being friends with her.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Why do you care who I'm friends with?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I care about you being friends with my enemies.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Enemy? Hyperbole, much?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;This is war, Darth. You've got to pick sides. She's already using you against me.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;So, what's it going to be, Darth? Me or her?\"e;\r\nMy response: Side with Anna\r\nMe: \"e;You're my sister, Anna. Of course I care about you more.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;So, you're going to cut ties with Emma?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;If it's so important to you, fine. But I don't really see what the point is.\"e;\r\n...And hopefully this bullshit will all blow over.\r\nAnna: \"e;That's good to hear. But talk is cheap, so I want to give you a chance to prove where your loyalties really lie.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Ah, fuck, Anna...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Meet me just inside the entrance of the main classroom building tomorrow morning, before class.\"e;\r\nWhat else do have to do but go along with Anna's little scheme? Even if I decide not to comply, I should probably see what exactly it is that she's up to.\r\nThe next morning, I meet Anna outside the school's main hallway.\r\nMe: \"e;What's this about?\"e;\r\nAnna hands me a paper sack.\r\nAnna: \"e;Be careful not to shake it. It breaks easily. And don't worry, that's intentional. I want it to break easily.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;What is it?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's a stink bomb.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Christ.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;What exactly do you want me to do with it?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You put it in Emma's bag.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Excuse me?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You heard me. Put it in her bag. At some point, she'll jostle it just right and break the stink bomb. That's the plan.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;This is stupid.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Oh, don't worry. I've figured out all the logistics. She's on her way. You just have to lend a helping hand.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Got it? Lend a helping hand.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Look, she's coming.\"e;\r\nAnna spots Emma walking through the front gate, and Anna walks toward Emma. Anna brushes past her, but swings her bag into Emma, knocking her to the floor.\r\nEmma: \"e;Hey!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!\"e;\r\nEmma drops her bag to the floor.\r\nMe: \"e;Here, let me help you with that.\"e;\r\nI pick up Emma's bag and several loose books as she stands up from the floor.\r\n\r\nMy response: Shove the stink bomb into Emma's bag\r\nMe: \"e;Here you go, Emma.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Hey, thanks.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I'm sorry about this, I'm just in a rush to get to class. See you!\"e;\r\nAnna runs down the hallway.\r\nEmma: \"e;Oh, wow. Look at the time. We should get to class, too.\"e;\r\nWhat a long day at school.\r\nHad to choose between my sister and my best friend. And I chose Anna. What do I get in return? A silent fucking house.\r\nGuess it would be too much to ask for some damn gratitude.\r\nOh well. If she's not here I got the TV to myself.\r\nHuh. Anna's here. That look in her eyes - intense.\r\nOh shit. She's been waiting for me.\r\nMe: \"e;Hey, Anna... you look like you're in a good mood?\"e;\r\nWhy do I have to say it like it's a question?\r\nHer eyes drift playfully across my body, like there's a bounce to her pupils.\r\nAnna: \"e;Maybe that's because I am.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Dare I ask why?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Well, I guess I have you to thank for it. That, and that bitch from school.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You mean Emma?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah. Didn't you hear? Some of the stuff from the stink bomb got on her clothing and she had to go home for a fresh change. Bet she misses my towel now.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I'm amazed I didn't hear about it.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;What, were you expecting a text from her? You know, she probably has friends other than you, right? Don't you know any of them?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Not really. It's always just been me and Emma.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I don't get why that girl seems to have such a crush on you. But I'm glad that you helped put her in her place.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Her place? And that would be...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Not with you.\"e;\r\nMy response: What, are you jealous?\r\nAnna: \"e;Well... yes.\"e;\r\nAnna's gaze drifts downward in thought, passing briefly over me.\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah. I am jealous.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Dunno why. I guess that's why I started fucking with her in the first place.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;That's... quite an admission.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Not as much as you might think. I don't want you dating some fake bitch. It's not like-\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Actually... no. I do want to be with you.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;...\"e;\r\nI take a breath.\r\nMe: \"e;I can honestly say I didn't expect to hear that.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Darth, you can't be all that surprised.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Actually, fuck... wasn't it kinda obvious? I was so scared at one point that everyone knew my big secret, and everyone was laughing behind my back.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I've done nothing but try and torture you, try and grab you and keep you in my hands.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I mean, if you weren't blackmailing and dominating me, I'd be blackmailing and dominating you.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I don't know why you've been playing this game, Darth, but these are my stakes.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Alright... so...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Now let's talk about you. I know for a fact you jerk off to pictures of me. It's okay. I've already seen you do it.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Ah... fuck.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;And I've seen the way you look at me. I'm a girl. It's like a sixth sense, when a guy's eyes rove over her body.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Not just recently. But for a long time hasn't it?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You think I left the bathroom door ajar as an accident?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You didn't?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;No. Of course not. You didn't think I knew you were watching? Please. We're like the abyss: if you stare at a girl, she stares right back at you.\"e;\r\nMy response: Did you want me to enter?\r\nAnna: \"e;Complicated question.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Of course, you think about it, you fantasize about it, but you don't know if you really want it until it happens.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I have all kinds of dreams. You, sneaking into my room, fucking me silly, sneaking in as I shower, fucking me silly, sneaking between classes, fucking me silly...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;But I also know what it would mean if it actually happened.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I guess I really don't know.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;This is a lot to take in...\"e;\r\nAnna leans a bit forward on her chair, a quick glance darting at my lap.\r\nAnna: \"e;I can barely believe I'm saying it myself. But I think I've been forthcoming enough.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Now it's your turn, Darth. Don't leave me alone with big revelations.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Truth is I don't particularly hate Emma. I just hate how close you two are.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I think we can reach a cordial relationship. I just would like to know your feelings.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;A penny for your thoughts.\"e;\r\nMy response: I wish I could date a person like you\r\nMe: \"e;When I think about it... you're kinda the only one.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I know that feeling, Darth. I've felt exactly the same way. I wish there was someone outside our family who was worth my time.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;To survive, you have to learn to bullshit and tell people what they want to hear. When I'm with you, I don't have to.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;So... we're being honest now. Right.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Absolutely.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;So we can both acknowledge that you've been checking me out every half-second. Right.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You're an ass.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yes.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I think you should come sit next to me.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;...are you serious?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah.\"e;\r\nHer wet lips twist, almost like she's hungry for something but not sure if she should eat it.\r\nAnna: \"e;Alright...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;This is kind of fucked up.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I know. But you already knew that. Right?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah... that's kind of what makes it exciting though.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Not sure what I'm supposed to do, though. There's been like five years of building up to this.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Do what's natural. Get close to what you want so badly.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Alright...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Do you like this, Darth?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Yeah. I like how your hot breath feels...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Bet you can't wait for a hot mouth.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;But... I dunno. I guess we're gonna treat each other different after this, aren't we?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;This is a big step.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Were you really afraid of what I'd think? I thought you trusted me, Anna.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Trust you? I'd never trust anyone.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Well, I sense there's something else that's holding you back.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I mean, I guess my other big hang-up was, what if other people found out?\"e;\r\nMy response: You wouldn't care\r\nAnna: \"e;What's that supposed to mean?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I mean, think about it, Anna. You're the girl who gives zero fucks what anybody else thinks. Why would you care what other people think?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Ha. I guess you're right. I don't care.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Just focus on what you want. What feels good to you.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Does this feel good? You like this?\"e;\r\nAnna nuzzles my lap, her nose and lips grazing the cloth over my growing erection.\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah. And it looks like you're enjoying it too.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;And what are we going to do about it?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Looks like your problem, not mine.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Come on, Anna. You caused this, and now you're going to do something about it.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I am?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Well, I don't think you would have come this far if you weren't planning to.\"e;\r\nAnna grins and starts pulling down my pants.\r\nMe: \"e;You look like you had fun.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Ha! That's my line. But yeah, I did enjoy that.\"e;\r\nI mockingly pat Anna on the head.\r\nAnna: \"e;So... what now? What's this all mean?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Do you have something against giving me the occasional blowjob?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's a little unorthodox, but I think we'll do just fine.\"e;\r\nAnd that was that.\r\nI get up the next day...\r\n...And the next few days pass like a blur...\r\nI wonder if this is what people mean when they say life goes faster as you get older?\r\nEven on days where nothing really happens, it feels I don't really have time to even think and reflect.\r\nWhy should this day be any different?\r\nI get up, roll out of bed, and take my shower.\r\nBut today things ARE different. The floors are so clean they're practically pearlescent.\r\nThe carpets are spotless, all the clutter is sorted away, the air is perfumed and fresh.\r\nAnna usually makes me breakfast, but today it smells particularly nice.\r\nAnna: \"e;Good morning.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You too, Anna. I, uh... didn't expect you in a maid outfit...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Breakfast is on the table. Eat it before it cools.\"e;\r\nAnna rushes off to attend to other things.\r\nI sit at the table. Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, orange juice and - two cups of coffee.\r\nIt's just what I needed. This is all too good. What's Anna's angle, here?\r\nAnna usually makes good breakfast, but this is exceptional. I'm licking my fingers.\r\nThing is, Anna usually leaves lunch out for me too. I don't see anything today.\r\nMy response: Anna, what are lunch plans?\r\nAnna: \"e;Glad you asked.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's a special occasion, don't you know? I thought to celebrate we might skip school, do something special.\"e;\r\nThis is strange... what's up with Anna? Never knew her to skip school for any reason, even less for me.\r\nMe: \"e;I'm... not necessarily against it. What's this special occasion?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You'll see!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You'll have to drive, though. I'll give directions.\"e;\r\nHmm. Wonder where Anna plans on taking me?\r\nMe: \"e;Sure. What the hell, right?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;That's the spirit! Let's leave around noon. I still have some prep I need to do.\"e;\r\nI putter around and catch up on homework while Anna crashes around in the kitchen, doing whatever prep work needs to be done.\r\nIt's hard to focus. I'm curious about what Anna plans on doing.\r\nEventually she tells me we're ready. She packs something into the trunk and we drive off.\r\nMe: \"e;Wow, look at this place!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You like it?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I'm just surprised I've never been here, honestly. It's so close by, but it's so well hidden...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's kind of a cool secret, isn't it?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Let's just keep this place between you and me.\"e;\r\nAnna swings to the back of the car, pops open the trunk, and takes out a few baskets.\r\nAnna: \"e;Thought we could have lunch out here.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;A picnic? We haven't done one of those in-\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;That's not all though. Come, help me. This basket's heavy.\"e;\r\nI help Anna bring the food. She's right... it's weirdly heavy and clunky. What else did Anna bring?\r\nMe: \"e;This is amazing, Anna. You still haven't told me what this is about, though.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Be patient. All will be clear.\"e;\r\nAnna takes out a portable grill from the heavy basket. Guess that explains the weight.\r\nAnna: \"e;As for now: do you like your burgers rare, medium or well-done?\"e;\r\nBurgers? Holy shit... this IS a special occasion! What's Anna's game here, I wonder?\r\nMy response: I like them cooked by my sister\r\nAnna: \"e;Smart answer!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Alright. You'll get the best burger I can flip.\"e;\r\nAnna uses a portable grill to cook the burgers up. We have a friendly chat... the sort Anna and I haven't had in forever, it feels.\r\nLife, school, love, what we watched on TV. All that stuff that just comes out.\r\nAnd the burgers: perfect, as might be expected. There's no way Anna hasn't been studying up on the culinary arts. It's just super juicy, super meaty, like at a fancy burger place.\r\nMe: \"e;Damn Anna. You are spoiling me today.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Bet you're wondering what this is all about, hmm?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Do you know how long it's been, Darth?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;How long since what?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Since you took those pictures of me in the shower. And used them against me.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I'm... surprised you've been keeping track.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;How could I not? Life totally changed for me. Probably for you, too.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Anna... you're... kinda creeping me out...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Why would you say that?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You say that, but look totally at peace. Frankly, I would've imagined you being a bit more... hateful, I guess.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's not what you think, Darth. I'm beyond that. I'm not the same girl who threw a towel in Emma's face, or hijacked your Facebook account.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Would you like dessert?\"e;\r\nAnna reaches into one of the untouched baskets, and takes out two cupcakes.\r\nAnna: \"e;Red velvet. Your favorite.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;What's this for?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Don't you get it? This day one month ago, you took those pictures!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;This is our one month anniversary.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Go on. Try one.\"e;\r\nI pick up the cupcake, turn it in my fingers a bit. Did Anna make this herself? Or did she buy it from a fancy bakery? It looks really good.\r\nDespite what Anna's said, she's still got this strange expression. Everything about her is just subtly wrong. I feel... lured.\r\nWas it a mistake coming here? What does Anna want?\r\nShe looks on in great anticipation as I bring it closer to my lips...\r\nMy response: (Eat cupcake)\r\nMy fears are absurd. Even with all the shit I've given her, I know for a fact she'd never do anything to hurt me.\r\nI take a bite.\r\nAnna: \"e;How does it taste?\"e;\r\nI let the cupcake linger on my tongue. It's got that luscious moist flavor that kinda coats and soothes the mouth.\r\nMe: \"e;It's pretty tasty...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Let me try.\"e;\r\nI think she's about to bite into her own, but she suddenly leans forward, planting her soft lips on mine.\r\nShe urges my lips open with her own mouth. Once inside, her velvety tongue slithers across, gathering moist crumbs of cupcake.\r\nUnder the warm summer sun, where time just seems to slow, it feels like forever that we share the same taste.\r\nUnfortunately, we can't stay like this. Anna separates, a silken filament of saliva bridging our lips briefly, before she swallows.\r\nAnna: \"e;Mmm. I did a good job.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You did.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I'm surprised you did this out in public.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Yeah, me too. I guess I like the taste of you.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You certainly took my cock well enough.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Mhmm. Didn't really have a flavor, to be honest. Mostly it's just the thrill of doing it.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Please tell me that's why you lured me out here.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;We'll see how things go. I wanted to talk to you about something.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Darth, I suppose I should start with a question.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Over the past month... have I changed?\"e;\r\nShit... sounds like a serious question. I wonder what I should say?\r\nMy response: I think you have changed\r\nAnna: \"e;And... how do you think I've changed?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Geez, Anna. In what sense?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Don't worry about that. I just want a raw answer.\"e;\r\nMy response: You're more thoughtful\r\nAnna: \"e;Thanks. That's what I wanted to hear.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;When all this started, I was so sure we were going to destroy one another. I thought that you were going to use me up and cast me aside.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;But you didn't.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I was... actually confused by how forgiving you were. I was thinking like an animal: you get someone down and you tear their throat out.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Now, I think I understand what you were trying to do.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You were trying to change me, weren't you?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I was so jealous of you and Emma. You knew I hated her because I was jealous, didn't you?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I think you knew even before I did.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;But I'm letting go now. Your life is your own and I have no right to control you or sabotage your relationships.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I know what I said. About you not associating with Emma anymore. But now that I know where we stand, I don't feel threatened by her anymore.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Could... you do the same for me?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Don't worry. Whatever happens, nothing is going to change what's between us.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;That's sticking around for as long as we want it to.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;But if you freed me... I would show that these feelings are real, and not just from blackmail...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;And... if you're worried I'll stop having sex with you, don't. It'll be for fun... nothing else.\"e;\r\nSo, now it all makes sense. Anna is asking me to delete the photos. That certainly explains why she's so nice right now. She's softening me up.\r\nShe certainly ascribed to me far more noble a goal than I have.\r\nI wanted to keep this going on and on and on, Anna learning a lesson be damned. But I always knew it was impossible.\r\nAnna is going to find a way out. She's too clever to be denied long. And if I wanted to look good and generous to her, now really is the time.\r\nOn the other hand... maybe I can keep things going on just a little longer.\r\nWhat to do?\r\nMy response: Delete photos\r\nSighing, I pull out my phone, navigate to the secret folder.\r\nIn Anna's sight, I drag each picture to the trash can.\r\nEach picture... forever gone... strikes a prick of pain. Relief washes over Anna's face.\r\nAnna: \"e;I can't... thank you enough.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It feels... it feels... like I just got out of prison... it feels so GOOD.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You didn't even know whether or not I was lying. I'm actually surprised you did that, knowing what I've done in the past.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Now that there's nothing hanging over me, I can tell you...\"e;\r\n...\r\nGee, Anna, hold me in suspense, won't you?\r\nAnna: \"e;...I meant every word!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Seriously, though. Thank you so much. I'm just...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;SOOOOOO FRIGGIN' HAPPY!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;OH SWEET RELIEF!\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Feeeeeels so sweeeeeet!\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Let's bring it down, Anna... you're at like, an 11 right now...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You have no idea how good this feels, Darth. I'm almost tempted to let you take naughty pictures of me again, blackmail me for a month, just to free me, so I can feel this way.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;...Not that I'd let you, of course.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I get it, I get it, sheesh. Stop being so hyper.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Though... it is good to see you so happy, Anna.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Thanks.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Actually, it would be good to go to school now. I kinda don't want to miss more class than I already have.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;After we make out in the back of your car, that is.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Don't need to ask me twice.\"e;\r\nAnna and I hightail to school, figuring if we got there quick enough, we could just chalk it up to lateness.\r\nSchool is pretty much nearly over anyway. But hey, we got here, right?\r\nWe sign in late at the office and walk our way to class.\r\nAnna: \"e;...I can't believe she still marked us absent.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;I know, right? We're here. Clearly not absent.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;This is a black mark on my school record. Nearly fucking perfect, too.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I kinda wish we had to deal with that nerd you want to bone.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;After the way we talked to her, kinda doubt that she's going to help.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Pretty shortsighted of me. Sure those low-level bureaucrat types are useless idiots, but they're handy friends.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Speak of the devil.\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;It sort of looks like she wants to ignore us.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Not if I can help it.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Hey! Uh... front desk girl!\"e;\r\nAlice pushes up her glasses, and approaches as though summoned for her own funeral.\r\nAlice: \"e;How- how- how can I help you?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Hi...\"e;\r\nAnna glances at me expectantly. I mouth Alice's name.\r\nAnna: \"e;...Alice. You look so pretty today. Did you do up your hair different?\"e;\r\nThis can't possibly work. It's such naked manipulation.\r\nAlice: \"e;You noticed...? I used a different brand of hair dye...\"e;\r\nI was wrong.\r\nAnna: \"e;Listen, Alice, I was a bitch to you. Totally wrong to chew you out in the office. You've got an honorable profession. Every guy says they want a beach bunny but they go crazy for the library girls.\"e;\r\nAlice: \"e;Thanks, I guess...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Now that we're friends, why don't you give us a hand?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;We came to school just a little late, but the heartless bitch behind the counter counted us as 'absent'.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I was hoping you could use your considerable influence to change it into a 'tardy'...\"e;\r\nAlice: \"e;Well... how late were you? School policy is clear that after 1 p.m. all tardies count as absent...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It's not about what the rules, it's about what's fair...\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Hey guys. Can I join the party?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;You too?\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Yeah. Saw you all hanging out, couldn't miss it.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Who invited you?\"e;\r\nMe: \"e;Remember what we talked about, Anna.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;...Fuck.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Hello... Emma...\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;Hey Anna. Wanted to see if I could steal Darth for a second.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Sorry Emma. Darth and I were going out this evening.\"e;\r\nAlice: \"e;Um... think I'm gonna go right now.\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;You are going to help me with that tardy, right?\"e;\r\nAlice: \"e;I'll see what I can do...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;Don't believe her for a second.\"e;\r\nEmma: \"e;In any case it looks like Darth is overbooked. What do you think?\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;It is your choice, I suppose...\"e;\r\nAnna: \"e;I promise I won't judge you...\"e;\r\nWho knows if that girl is telling the truth?\r\n\r\n"e;,"e;dfd.0.DfD2.charMap_ch2_continuity.dat"e;:"e;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"e;,"e;dfd.0.DfD.saveMap0.dat"e;:"e;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"e;,"e;dfd.0.DfD3.logMap_ch3_continuity.dat"e;:"e;[\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;But this isn't what made me angry, Daddy. I would understand if she needed a different job. But...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I told her, Daddy, I told her that if she needed a raise, more flexible hours, anything, she should ask first.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;But she said NOTHING. She just wrapped her arms together and looked out the window.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Can you believe that? She said NOTHING. I can't believe she'd do that!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Kathy was silent... because she was protecting me.\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I'm actually surprised she came in today.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Speak of the devil...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Kathy: \\\"e;Hey Amanda...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;If you were planning on quitting, why didn't you just skip work today?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Kathy: \\\"e;I'm sorry... I didn't mean to give you the silent treatment.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Kathy: \\\"e;I actually didn't know what to say... that's why I was quiet\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Well, we have time now, so feel free to take your time.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;I know now... it's me that has to say something.\"e;,\"e;But what could I say? Wouldn't it be easier to let Kathy take the brunt of Amanda's wrath?\"e;,\"e;My response: Tell her the truth\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Amanda, Kathy didn't need to tell me she was looking for a new job.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;I already knew.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;You KNEW? Why didn't you tell me?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Because Kathy knows something you don't. She's got nothing to do with this.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Don't be angry at her. Be angry with me.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Wha...?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Kathy, I'm taking Amanda to the back. Can you handle the store?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Kathy: \\\"e;Of course.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;What's going on Daddy? How you and Kathy are acting... this is scaring me!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;There's no easy way of saying this.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;It's like this...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Little Breakfast Arcade might be going out of business.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;What...?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;It's not a certain thing still. But it's probably going to happen.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;I'm still thinking of ways to save the diner.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;But those good days we always say that make up for the bad days?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;They don't actually do that.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;So that was... a lie?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;'Lie'... such a strong word...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;It's more like... I couldn't tell you the truth.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Why not?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Because... you would've been devastated. And I desperately did not want to see that.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Well, you were right! But it's not about the diner!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;It's about my dad and my best friend keeping secrets from me!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;How could you do this?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Please, Amanda... calm down.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Calm down? I have to get AWAY from you people!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Amanda!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Come back!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Just the echoes of the alley and distant barking dogs.\"e;,\"e;...Shit.\"e;]"e;,"e;"e;:"e;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"e;,"e;"e;:"e;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rocket off the couch and look at the clock. My heart drops.\"e;,\"e;11:16 AM! That's like half the day!\"e;,\"e;There's nobody to open the diner! FUCK!\"e;,\"e;No time for a shower! I gotta get dressed!\"e;,\"e;Throw on a shirt! Any shirt! Where are my fucking shirts!\"e;,\"e;Fuck it! Just take a used one!\"e;,\"e;Fuck I smell!\"e;,\"e;OK. I can't shower. I just need to spritz myself with some cologne.\"e;,\"e;That should do it.\"e;,\"e;What am I forgetting?\"e;,\"e;FUCK! Pants!\"e;,\"e;GET ON PANTS!\"e;,\"e;Okay, good. Now I just need my keys.\"e;,\"e;Which I threw away last night.\"e;,\"e;WHY WOULD I DO THAT!\"e;,\"e;Holy hell!\"e;,\"e;I run outside, frantically searching where I might have tossed my keys.\"e;,\"e;But I see nothing. Someone must have picked them up.\"e;,\"e;I place my hands over my face. A cold feeling seizes me, like desperate chill.\"e;,\"e;It's the same feeling I had when I lost my wallet a few years ago. But a hundred times worse.\"e;,\"e;Somewhere, some guy knows exactly where I live, and has the means to take everything I have.\"e;,\"e;What have I done!?\"e;,\"e;A guy told me once, when you hit rock bottom, they say you just wander around aimlessly, doing one thing at a time.\"e;,\"e;I don't have the mental capacity to think about the diner and Amanda at the same time.\"e;,\"e;But if I'm honest with myself, they were always connected. Her fate was tied with that diner. It's not a rational thing. It's just something I feel deep within.\"e;,\"e;But now I fucked that up. Royally.\"e;,\"e;One little slip-up. I've probably lost even Mortelli now. And he made a shocking amount of my income.\"e;,\"e;Slowly, I drag my feet across the sidewalk, moving like a zombie toward the diner. I can't will myself to move faster. I don't really even want to see the disaster zone Little Breakfast Arcade has become. It's probably some gaping crater now.\"e;,\"e;I move at a snail's pace. But even a snail gets where it needs to go eventually. The doors stand before me, and I have no keys to unlock it.\"e;,\"e;I might as well pray, and give it a push.\"e;,\"e;It opened...\"e;,\"e;Did I accidentally stumble into someone else's diner?\"e;,\"e;There are CUSTOMERS here. Not a lot, but still. Customers!\"e;,\"e;And people eating! And the scent of food!\"e;,\"e;Who could possibly...\"e;,\"e;Kathy: \\\"e;Large fries for table six!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Roger that! Could you take this order to table nine?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Kathy: \\\"e;Gotcha.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Kathy gives me a smirk as she passes me by. She probably sees my dumbfounded expression.\"e;,\"e;Kathy: \\\"e;Heya Mister DarthSeduction.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;I turn to Amanda, working diligently behind the kitchen counter, expertly, and at a confident pace, flipping burgers.\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Amanda...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Hey Dad.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Amanda... how did you...?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Great news! I had a look through the office, and I found out that Lanie is still under warranty! We can get her fixed!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Huh? You mean the jukebox?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I even called the company. Can you believe they are still in business?\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Wait a second. How did you get in here? You... you're running the diner!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Of course. You looked so peacefully asleep, so I took the keys you so thoughtfully left on the sidewalk for me and opened the diner.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;And you're COOKING!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Of course I can cook. You don't think I can't do this job? I've only been doing it my whole life.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;But... you have classes...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I took day off from school. So did Kathy.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Don't look at me like that! It's okay! Not a big deal!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;I... still don't feel like I understand...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;It's just like what I told you last night: I'm not letting you do this on your own anymore. I'm old enough to be able to help you. To take on responsibility.\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;I want you to see that you can rely on me. That you can take a day off once and a while!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Amanda: \\\"e;Just... give me a little warning when you do! Because you sent me in a little panic, there!\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;Me: \\\"e;Honey, you don't even know what a panic IS...\\\"e;\"e;,\"e;How did things simply fall into place like this? I'm so damn lucky.\"e;,\"e;But that doesn't mean I can take this luck for granted.\"e;,\"e;No. It only means I have fight twice as hard.\"e;]"e;,"e;"e;:"e;eyJuYW1lIjoiRGFydGgiLCJzb3VuZE9uIjoxLCJtdXNpY09uIjoxLCJpbnN0YW50VGV4dCI6MCwiYnJpZ2h0IjowLCJ2b2x1bWUiOjEwMCwibW91c2VTcGVlZCI6MCwiYW5hbHl0aWNzU2VuZE9wdGlvbnNEYXRhIjoxfQ=="e;,"e;playwithus.344810370.ep1.achievements.dat"e;:"e;6496af6d018f7edd220d024fc6ca533a8eaf848beyIxIjowLCIyIjowLCIzIjoxLCI0IjowLCI1IjoxLCI2IjoxLCI3IjoxLCI4IjowLCI5IjowLCIxMCI6MSwiMTEiOjEsIjEyIjoxLCIxMyI6MCwiMTQiOjEsIjE1IjoxLCIxNiI6MSwiMTciOjEsIjE4IjoxLCIxOSI6MCwiMjAiOjAsIjIxIjowLCIyMiI6MCwiMjMiOjAsIjI0IjowLCIyNSI6MCwiMjYiOjB9"e;,"e;playwithus.344810370.ep1.player.dat"e;:"e;6496af6d018f7edd220d024fc6ca533a8eaf848beyJuYW1lIjoiRGFydGgifQ=="e;}

Raw save

Save the above text as a .txt file and import it. Use the cheats above if you wish to change options.

Screens: Show


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