LUST AFFECT Version 0.5
Release Information:
- Date: June 6, 2017
- Version: v0.500
- Developer: KosmosGames
- Platform: PC / Windows
- Languages Available: Russian / English
Game Overview: The game is a parody inspired by the "Mass Effect" universe. It features sexually explicit material and allows players to control a clone of a Commander, tasked with seducing various female characters aboard a starship.
Installation Instructions: 1. Extract the game files to the desired location. 2. Launch the game by clicking on "Lust_Affect. exe".
Changelog for Version 0.500:
The cause of EDI's illness is revealed.
Significant developments regarding the character Sixth.
A comprehensive system for the upbringing and corruption of the character Liara.
Introduction of Liara-futanari.
Four animated sex scenes added.
First instance of double penetration in the game.
Exploration of the interactions between characters such as Garrus and Tali, and a subplot involving the Joker.
Addition of a new location (cockpit).
Three new items available in the sex shop.
Introduction of a BDSM furniture item.
New account feature for in-game deposits.
Players can now take Miranda and Grunt on missions.
A new outfit for Liara has been added.
Introduction of a new NPC, Dr. Chakvas.
Redesign of the contraband store.
The current costume of team members is now displayed when selecting them for missions.
Screenshots: Available for viewing.