Trials in Tainted Space 0.7.41 Backer Release for Android by fenoxo.
"Trials in Tainted Space" is a free text-based game that allows players to explore the universe and interact with various characters in customizable ways. The game's text format enables dynamic scene changes, accommodating diverse character portrayals, from masculine women to mercenaries seeking work. It is part of a series of erotic adult adventures created by Fenoxo, who transitioned from writing to programming. The game was funded through a successful Offbeatr fundraiser. Players can enable infinite items by entering the term "furfag" and can also use a hex editor for save game modifications and to access information about game mechanics, characters, items, and plot through an associated wiki. This update pertains to the Android version of the game, as multi-platform uploads are restricted. The 0.7.41 changelog includes the introduction of a new item called Ovilium, which is related to sheep transformation, and another item, Breeder's Bliss, which induces heat or rut in users. Additional tweaks and bug fixes have also been implemented.